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New Articles about the US! What´s wrong with WordPress?

Unfortunately WordPress gives me some problems when I try to add more links of my new articles about the US to this link collection:

My articles on the USA:

Whatever the reason may be, I have to open a new collection here!

US „Schizophrenia“ is the Symptom of War Within the US Power Elite”:

US Politics, Russia, China and Europe, Madness and Strategies”:

Andreas Schlüter

More link collections to various topics are to be found here:

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Neue Artikel zu den USA! Was ist mit WordPress los?

Leider bereitet WordPress mir immer wieder Probleme, wenn ich versuche, weitere Links zu neuen Artikeln von mir über die USA zu dieser Sammlung zuzufügen:

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:

Was immer die Ursache dafür sein mag, ich muss hier nun eine weiter Sammlung eröffnen:

Die „US-Schizophrenie“ ist Symptom des Krieges innerhalb der US-Machtelite”:

US-Politik, Russland, China und Europa: Wahnsinn und Strategien”:

Auch mit US-Banken und -Spionage im Zusammenhang zu sehen:

Achtung: Mit dem Verschwinden des Bargeldes würden unsere restlichen Freiheiten verschwinden und wir würden den Zusammenbruch der Gesellschaft riskieren!”:

Andreas Schlüter

Weitere Sammlungen zu verschiedenen Themen finden sich hier:

Willkommen, alle Follower!

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US “Schizophrenia” is the Symptom of War Within the US Power Elite

A few weeks ago Trump_and_Putin_met, indicating a more constructive approach by the US Administration towards bilateral issues with Russia. Now the sanction-regime against Russia is again_to_be_expanded, based on the bogus “Skripal_Case”, it might inflict economic_sufferings_on_Russia for some time. Is this a case of schizophrenia? We have to be careful with medical, psychological or psychiatric comparisons if countries, even if Governments or Power Elites are concerned.

No doubt, the US Power Elite is united in its desire for world domination as well as in its nightmares. But there are deep splits within the US Power Elite, as analyzed in this previous article. The splits concern strategies and tactics to gain the desired world domination and the way to deal with the US Power Elite´s nightmare_of_the_Eurasian_Cooperation. In a simple formulation: whom to put on top of the „Eating List“, who comes second, who third. The different revenues of different parts of the Power Elite play an important role as well. The deep split surfaced also some years ago under the Obama Administration concerning the option_of_an_Iran_war (which Israel is very eager to wage).

The fact that Trump is still in office and even alive despite the permanent fire on him by US politicians and the mainstream media shows that he might also have a faction of the Power Elite behind him, indicated for example by his close contact with Kissinger (who stands for the school of „Realism“ within the Power Elite). But he had to compromise a lot with the Neocons, shown by inclusion of the_notorious_Neocon_Bolton (representing the Deep State´s long_enmity_toward_the_people_of_Iran) and the like into US Government. And an important part of the British Power Elite as well as Israel are „on_his_neck“.

When it comes to Iran, Trump´s announcement „away from regime change wars“ is also forgotten, likewise in the case of Venezuela and Nicaragua.

The fact is: as for the most important field of US politics, the US-Russian relation, including the danger of a military confrontation that could lead to mankind´s extinction, US policy seems paralyzed. The Neocon faction might know on one side (and they are bypassing the US President many times via their „Deep_State“ apparatus) that they cannot win an open military confrontation with Russia, so what is on their agenda is forcing Russia – and China – on their knees by an arms race (which they might have lost already) in combination with parts of the „Soft Power“ faction and their economic war by infiltration and sanctions. And the Neocons´ henchmen like Bolton are right within the Government.

The weakest „opponent“ with respect to the feared „Eurasian Cooperation“ is Europe, and they will attack Europe on various levels in which Trump and his administration seems willing to help a lot. Trump has already declared_economic_war_against_Europe.

Europe must know it could quite be on top of the „Eating List“ in the sense that the US Power will try to blow the ill constructed EU with the ill constructed Euro (which is nevertheless a „dangerous“ competing currency) up! The battle_is_on! Possibly Europe_may_be_the_main_front_of_the_hybrid_war.

It is up to the real Left in Europe to expose what is going on and to take the chance to push for a real socialist movement against Trans-Atlantic domination, against the imperial destruction of Europe´s surrounding, against the final expropriation of the European masses and against the ecologic destruction of this world!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:

deutsche Version

Die US-Schizophrenie ist Symptom des Krieges innerhalb der US-Machtelite

Vor ein paar Wochen trafen_sich_Trump_und_Putin und dies deutete auf eine konstruktivere Haltung der US-Regierung gegenüber bilateralen Fragen mit Russland hin. Jetzt soll das Sanktionsregime_gegen_Russland_erneut_ausgeweitet werden, unter dem lächerlichen Vorwand_des_Skripal_Falles. Ist das ein Fall von Schizophrenie? Wir müssen mit medizinischen, psychologischen oder psychiatrischen Einschätzungen aber sehr vorsichtig sein, wenn es sich um Länder, um Regierungen oder um Machteliten handelt.

Zweifellos ist die US-Machtelite in ihrem Streben nach Weltherrschaft wie auch in_ihrem_Albtraum, nämlich der angestrebten „Eurasischen Kooperation, vereint. Aber es gibt tiefe Spaltungen innerhalb der US-Machtelite, wie sie in diesem früheren Artikel_analysiert_wurden. Die Spaltungen betreffen Strategien und Taktiken, um die gewünschte Weltherrschaft und den Umgang mit dem Alptraum zu erreichen. In einer einfachen Formulierung: wen soll man an erster Stelle auf den „Speiseplan“ setzen, wer kommt als zweiter, wer als dritter. Die unterschiedlichen Revenuen der verschiedenen Teile der Machtelite spielen ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle. Die tiefe Spaltung tauchte auch vor einigen Jahren unter der Obama-Regierung bezüglich der Option eines Iran-Krieges auf (den Israel unbedingt will).

Die Tatsache, dass Trump trotz des permanenten Feuers von US-Politikern und den Mainstream-Medien immer noch im Amt ist (und lebt), zeigt, dass er wohl auch eine Fraktion der Machtelite hinter sich hat, wie durch seinen engen_Kontakt_zu_Kissinger, der für die Schule des „Realismus“ innerhalb der Machtelite steht, zu vermuten ist. Kissinger mag Trump zu_dieser_Strategie_geraten_haben.

Aber er musste aber viele Kompromisse mit den Neocons eingehen, was durch die Aufnahme von Bolton (der_unbedingt_Krieg_gegen_den_Iran_will) und seinesgleichen in die US-Regierung deutlich wird. Und ein wichtiger Teil der britischen Machtelite sowie Israel „sitzen ihm im Nacken“, besonders Netanyahu_will_Krieg_gegen_den_Iran.

Auch in Bezug auf den Iran ist Trumps Ankündigung „weg von Regime-Change-Kriegen“ ebenso vergessen wie_zu_Venezuela und Nicaragua.

Fakt ist: Was das wichtigste Feld der US-Politik betrifft, die amerikanisch-russischen Beziehungen, einschließlich der Gefahr einer militärischen Konfrontation, die zum Aussterben der Menschheit führen könnte, scheint die US-Politik faktisch gelähmt zu sein. Die neokonservative Fraktion wird auf der einen Seite (und sie umgehen den US-Präsidenten viele Male über ihren „Deep State“-Apparat) wissen, dass man eine offene militärische Konfrontation mit Russland nicht_gewinnen_kann. Was auf ihrer Agenda steht, ist der Versuch, Russland – und China – durch ein weiteres Wettrüsten (das sie aber schon verloren haben könnten) auf die Knie zu zwingen, in Verbindung mit Teilen der „Soft Power“ -Fraktion und ihrem Wirtschaftskrieg durch Infiltration und Sanktionen. Und die Schergen der Neocons wie Bolton sind mitten in der Regierung.

Der schwächste „Gegner“ in Bezug auf die gefürchtete „eurasische Kooperation“ ist Europa, und sie werden Europa auf verschiedenen Ebenen angreifen, wobei Trump und seine Administration sicher gar nicht alles wissen, was_der_Tiefe_Staat_anstellt, aber bereit sind, sich intensiv zu beteiligen.

Europa muss wissen, dass es ganz oben auf dem „Speisplan“ stehen könnte, in dem Sinne, dass die US-Regierung versuchen wird, die schlecht konstruierte EU mit dem schlecht konstruierten Euro (der dennoch eine „gefährliche“ Konkurrenzwährung ist) zu_sprengen! Die letzten 17 Jahre mit dem „Krieg gegen den Terror“ sind in_hohem_Grade_zu_Lasten_Europas gelaufen.

Es liegt an der wirklichen Linken in Europa, zu enthüllen, was vor sich geht, und die Chance zu ergreifen, eine echte sozialistische Bewegung gegen die transatlantische Vorherrschaft, gegen die imperiale Zerstörung der europäischen Umgebung, gegen die endgültige Enteignung der Masse der Europäer und gegen die ökologische Zerstörung dieser Welt anzuführen!

Andreas Schlüter

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:

The Presidents of the two militarily most powerful – and antagonistic- countries, together holding about ninety percent of world´s nuclear armament, meet and US politicians as well as European politicians are going wild instead of jubilating that the dangers of a “nuclear Armageddon” are getting reduced. In the US the President is blamed for not being loyal to its secret services, which try to smear him with absurd “Russia-Gate” accusations including accusations_of_treason (it should not be forgotten into how many elections_abroad_the_US_have_interfered) One might presume that loyalty has to go the other way round. A German “political analyst”, Elmar Thevesen, is even calling_for_coup against Trump. Permanent fire against a US President from domestic political circles as well as from close allies of this intensity the world has hardly ever seen. Is this only “Bowling for Madness”, or is there more behind?

Digging a bit deeper

The demand that the President should be loyal to his secret services which provided US Presidents many a times with false information expose the fact that a US President is far from being “the most powerful man on Earth”, but is supposed to be a puppet of the “Deep_State”. Strange enough (or not really) is that Trump is not accused of “Israel Gate”, though real “Israel_Firsters” like Sheldon_Adelson led Trump to collusions that allowed Netanyahu to boast that he_made_Trump_dump_the_Iran_Deal (leaving aside that Trump´s son in law is close to Netanyahu)!

Actually Trump (leaving also aside his pimp like character and hypertrophic ego) started his campaign with three important points, which even attracted left leaning people (who were aware of Clinton´s snake like character). Point one was his declared desire for détente with Russia, point two was his announced desire to get away from Regime-Change wars. Point three was the aim of reconstructing the industrial basis of the US.

All this wasn´t really based on any altruistic trait, but he was with all his ignorance clever enough to see that it is not desirable to survive a nuclear war (risked by the Neocons´ war games) in a bunker to find a destroyed world afterwards. He saw also how expensive the permanent wars are getting for the US society and those ones who might vote for him. Well, as for point three, it included putting the “Free Trade Religion” into question. The last aspect would have been more important for the Southern Hemisphere, since the ruling class of the US profits a lot from Free Trade (and wanted to force TTIP on the EU).

But he realized soon that he´d face a deadly danger from the side of the Neocons and the Deep State. So he became fully determined to slip under Israel´s and MOSSAD´s protection by making Israel´s regional agenda his own. That might also have strengthened his plan for détente with Russia since Israel´s power elite harbors some dreams of getting Russia on its side concerning the limitation of Iran´s influence in Syria (which_might_be_really_unrealistic).

Strange that many European_politicians_got_wild first over his plan to include Russia again into the G7 to become again G8. But, maybe they are very well aware that the real power is still held by the Neocons! But, maybe the whole affair is more complicated, maybe Trump could in the end become the US Power Elite´s “Plan_B”? Or are there more fractions within the US Power Elite and he might have some higher ranking support additional to the “Israel connection”? We might have to even dig deeper.

Digging to the Ground

The late German Professor Krysmanski_drew_a_fitting_picture of the Power Elite having gone from the general “Capitalist Class” to a super concentrated tiny number of the “Super Rich” (in money and power) forming almost feudalist circles. Since the days of Eisenhower already warning of the “Military_Industrial_Complex” this process has even gone further. That “Super Class” (not in number but in power) is united in the desire for world control. But they still have different revenues and prefer different strategies and tactics to that end.

Also the Super Rich need “intellectual servants” which might even be more important than the “functional Elite”. There are the “Think Tanks” being of great importance. They formed two different schools, the openly brutal “Neoconservatives” (members of them ironically originally coming from more left leaning circles), for example the “Project_For_The_New_American_Century”, and the more manipulative school of “Soft Power”. They liked to have “things done by others”, counting more on economic force and political infiltration.

Under Obama´s Presidency there was almost a hidden war_about_the_option_of_an_Iran_war. During the last years the Neocons gained more and more power, partly taking over the Democratic Party (formerly more associated with the “Soft Power”) especially through their “spear_head” Hillary Clinton.

Now, there might still be a third though smaller faction within the US Power Elite coming more from the classical industrial sector and from “Real Estate”. In part of that section more “realistic” conceptions about the need for an industrial basis for the US and some old tendencies from US “Isolationism” might have survived. No doubt that that section is also connected to older (dangerous) concepts of the US society and might have links to “near fascist” and racist anti-left mobsters. But there might well be some support from that side for Trump (despite strong tendencies among them for “Anti-Judaism”). Anyway, that section might find it easier to have an own view of a presently more multi-polar world (which doesn´t mean they would reject the chance for total world domination – in the end!).

Different Factions of the US Power Elite Concerning Strategy and Tactics – One Night Mare

The “real_nightmare” of almost all of the US Power Elite – which is following the concepts of the British geographer Halford_Mackinder and his “Heartland_Theory” – is the chance of the “Eurasian Cooperation” pushed by China and Russia, manifested in the “Iron Silk Road”, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the efforts especially on the side of the BRICS states to break away from the oil-dollar connection. This project of the Eurasian Cooperation is of no little attraction also to parts of European Capital. That is why the US is also somehow “waging war against the EU”. The “Ring of Fire” around Europe from Libya through Africa and Middle East into the Ukraine is also meant as a barrier against European participation in the Eurasian Cooperation.

The biggest part of the US Power Elite is dreaming of a repetition. That is the repetition of the way the US forced the Soviet Union to its knees by arms race. They want to do this with Russia and China – including all risks of WW III and a nuclear Armageddon.

Maybe Trump´s Backers Want to Revive Another old Concept

Maybe Trump really first and foremost sees the deadly dangers from a military confrontation with Russia (endangering his and his family´s life as well). But maybe his backers might include people having a real geo-strategic thinking who really have a strategy directed towards that nightmare of a Eurasian Cooperation. No doubt, generally unprincipled Trump could be directed by advisers without himself even seeing the full picture. That section of his backers could try to really make him “Plan_B” and then “sell” it also to more of the US Power Elite.

For the first part of the Cold War the US were confronted with an alliance between the Soviet Union and China. This alliance was surely burdened by the contradictions over who should lead the “Socialist Bloc” to victory. Should it be Russia (which had colonized great parts of East Asia) or China with its thousands of years old culture, having again come to its feet by massive support from the Soviet Union (also damaging Chinese pride). Ideological splits came with Khrushchew´s policy of “De-Stalinization” and SU´s policy of “peaceful coexistence”, thus by different treatment on the side of the US other than the US-treatment of China those days. All lead to the dramatic “Sino-Soviet_split”. There were a number of crisis and even military confrontations in 1969. But the US might have had a covert hand also in firing contradictions.

Anyway, Nixon then saw the chance to make the split final by approaching China and leaving the SU aside. And Milton_Friedman did a lot to “infect” China with Capitalism in a way making it more “revisionist” than China had accused the SU of being previously. Possibly part of Trump´s backers dream of that repetition, but instead of turning now to China (now the economically stronger part of the Russia-China alliance and world´s second biggest economy) turning to Russia in a more “constructive way” (as the split between China and Russia started those days) trying to alienate Russia from China. They could likewise be dreaming to put Europe (where the governments were too much of vassals to take the chance of more closeness with Russia in time) under more “psychological” pressure and busy Europe even more with itself than “Brexit” did already.

Now Trump´s backers might see the chance to make him the real “Plan B” of greater parts of the US Power Elite. But Trump will have to compromise especially with the Neocons in many other ways, possibly including a war against Iran which might as well lead to a much more “extended war theatre” that could lead to an even greater conflict.


Strategy: “Fragmentation” of the “Old World”

European Politics in Disarray

It appears that the dominant factions of the US Power Elite have such a strong grip on the European Elites that those ones are not even able to follow national (Capitalist) interest, much less the interest of the “normal people” in peace and a more just society. The “Deep State” of the US extends into the deep state of European countries, particular Germany. The history of the “Gladio Network” should be well known by now. And there might be efforts to create more conflicts not only between European states, but also government crisis and social conflicts within the various European countries. It should be noticed that former Trump advisor Steve Bannon (surely belonging to the more strategically oriented Trump backer circles) will try to create more far_right_wing_movements in Europe. We might see more clashes between Soros inspired pseudo-Green circles (calling for “open borders for all”) and rightist (or fascist) movements, together being a cover up for the fundamental problems.

What “common” People have to know

We´re living in the age of “psychological_fragmentation”. Wild gone globalized US lead neoliberal “Super-Capitalism” is about to drive humanity at least to part extinction. Anyone who wants a better world for the majority of mankind has to know: we have to wage a three front struggle against this.

One front is the peace-question, the second front is the front for socio-economic justice and the third front is the ecological question (including climate). All these problems are closely interconnected. As long as the various forces in this struggle are fragmented (and been played one against the other) there is zero chance. The highly industrialized countries have a key role in the global development. Uprising against the capitalist forces in this world region is most important.

As long as people struggling for humanity just count on “Western Democracy”, their struggle is designed to fail. We´re no more living in a Democracy, but rather in a “Demoncracy”. Extended social upheaval is necessary and organizing independently from the existing political parties. At present the peace struggle is central but has to include the two other fronts.

For Europe it is important to have as a first step a “Revolution_against_US-dominace” and come to sound terms with Russia and China. The US has to be prevented from creating more fire in Europe´s surrounding. Likewise France and Britain have to be confronted for their strong participation in that “Ring of Fire” (especially_France_being_deeply_involved_into_the_plunder_of_Africa). If this “game” goes on the masses suffering from that onslaught in Europe´s surrounding will not be prevented from coming to the “eye of the hurricane” (Europe), dreaming of being more safe there, but possibly unwillingly creating open Fascism there.

Irrespective whether Trump survives the plans of his backers or whether he´ll be substituted by Vice President Pence or any other puppet of this or that faction of the US Power Elite, Capitalism has reached a stage, where humanity´s survival is massively at stake.

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:


deutsche Version unten

The US Power Elite and Plan B

Even critical analysts are at times naive about the plans of the US Power Elite. That might be the result of taking the announcements of the power´s political puppets serious. If one takes the words of „bringing Democracy to Iraq“ or to Libya serious, one can draw the wrong conclusion that the US (Power Elite) many times miscalculates. Wrong! The long term aim of the economically declining US Empire is to lay a „Ring of Fire“, a ring of chaos and destruction around Europe up to Ukraine in order to build a barrier against the Eurasian Cooperation, which is the „nightmare_of_the_US_Power_Elite“. And if announcements don´t come true we shouldn´t believe that their hidden designs failed.

Also are there divisions on tactical questions within the Power Elite (like in the case of Iran in previous times), which can even lead to smaller or greater „wars_among_themselves“ within that elite.

Changing Priorities

If a design really fails they are at times able „to make the best out of it“ and quickly develop a plan B. That was the case with their concepts for Near East (see: Originally Israel wasn´t the US project of primary importance, but the aim was to control the region through Saudi Arabia (today Saudi Arabia and Israel are in a very close alliance). Israel was Britain´s and France´s main project for the region to serve as a bridgehead for their neo-colonial aspirations. This was clearly to be seen during the „Suez_Crisis“, when at the height of the Cold War the US and the Soviet Union together stopped GB´s, France´s and Israel´s war against Egypt. Also Kennedy´s opposition against Israel´s nuclear armament was in total accordance with the US Power Elite. The split between Kennedy and the „Deep_State“ of the US occurred over the question of how far to go with the risk of an East/West military confrontation surrounding the „Cuba Crisis“. That led to the assassination of the President.

And that assassination was the turning point! It was most probably MOSSAD´s deep insight into that „Inside Job“ that gave Israel´s Power Elite blackmail power concerning Near and Middle East (which was „refreshed“ by MOSSAD´s insight into the Inside Job „Nine Eleven). For details see:

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

Anyway, quickly the US Power Elite adapted to the new situation, made Israel their „Mad Dog“ (modifying the „MadmanTheory“) and also used the questions around the Near East conflict to split anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist movements. At the same time they were forced to integrate strong pro-Zionist forces (being nearer to Israel than to the US) into the „Deep State“.

Trump: A Real Accident for the Neocons

Actually in 2016 the old scheme Neocons = Republicans, „Soft Power Faction“ = Democrats was obsolete. Hillary Clinton was indeed the Neocons spearhead in the Democratic Party and had the full Neocon support (which she „earned“ for example by her blood thirsty help to destroy Libya). Indeed Clinton brought Victoria_Nuland into the Obama Administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. He was co-founder of the „Project for the New American Century“, which issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ in September 2000. She had the full support of all those Neocon Think Tank guys (indeed representing_Racism_and_Fascism).

It was absolutely clear: the by then widely dominating Neocon faction of the US Power Elite wanted Hillary_Clinton to be their executor in their fight against their extended nightmares concerning the aim for total World dominance. But then something „terrible“ happened. Large sections of the US public had seen Clinton´s „snake like“ qualities. Moreover Trump – leaving his enormous moral and social deficits aside – made three important points: Detente with Russia, getting away from Regime Change Wars and announcing to fight against the de-industrialization of the US (and there are indications that those days he meant it!). That did the trick!

The US Neocon Power Elite and their Options in Dealing With Trump

Now they had several options. One was to get him „on the hook“ and get him impeached very soon. That appeared for quite a time pretty risky because of his partly violent followership. Then there´s the option of the old presidential helicopter which might „fall from heaven“ one day. Also the option exists to find a „Lone Nut“ to „do the job“. Also those options could still bear risks concerning his followers. But the Power Elite (the „Swamp“ which he had announced to fight) was able to channel to the man that those options exist (probably already before inauguration). His „struggle_for_survival“ had begun.

He became clear pretty soon not to become the „most powerful man on Earth“, but to be in danger of sharing Kennedy´s fate. That might have been the reason why he crawled fully under the Umbrella of Israel´s Power Elite. By this step soon he found himself totally encircled by the Neocon-Israel alliance.

With „Trump on Track“ a new Option Opened up

There was the chance now for the Power Elite to revive the „Madman Theory“ developed by Kissinger and Nixon, so to speak, using Trump as a personified „Weapon of Mass Destruction“. Let him play the „Bully of the Planet“ under the Neocon guidance! They might think: let´s see how far we get in terrorizing Russia, China and not to forget Europe! If the collateral damages outweigh the successes, and US-Americans feel too much of the pinch (including Trump´s followership), we´ll impeach him!

So to speak: Trump has become a „weapon test“, somehow the personalized „Plan B“. And now he is joined by two more bullies, Bolton and Pompeo! The Deep State allowed him to make a step towards North Korea – and celebrate it as his achievement – and then sabotaged it by the present military maneuvers with South Korea. The Trump-Kim meeting has already been dropped (let´s be clear: North_Korea_is_no_danger_at_all). Opposite to Trump´s announcements the regime_change_war_against_Syria is going on more fierce than ever. The smashing of the Iran deal (also affecting the chance for a Korea deal) from the side of the US is one of the decisive tests how far they can go not only with Russia and China but especially with the EU.

Two Options in Plan B

If the concerned EU members will in the end fall on their knees, all good and fine! If not and out of the resistance an „Old-World“ front may be forming with possible economic consequences also for the US, possibly also strengthening the efforts to break_the_Dollar-hegemony, then the moment might have come to finally get rid of Trump in favor of Pence waiting to become the next Neocon puppet!

Preparations are parallelly running to the “bully operations”. Never in history was a President of the US – not even Clinton with his sex affair – under such ongoing fire. So, in case the „Bully Option“, the „Madman Theory“ doesn´t work, he´ll be impeached, and the show would be „sold“ to the World as „a Triumph of US Democracy“ (similar to the „breaking“ of Nixon)!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:

deutsche Version

Die US-Machtelite und Plan B

Selbst kritische Analysten sind manchmal naiv bezüglich der Pläne der US Power Elite. Solche Fehleinschätzungen können zustande kommen, wenn man die Ankündigungen ihrer politischen Marionetten ernst nimmt. Wenn man die Worte „die Demokratie in den Irak bringen“, oder nach Libyen, ernst nimmt, kann man die falsche Schlussfolgerung ziehen, dass die US-Machtelite sich verspekuliert hätte. Wohl falsch! Das langfristige Ziel des wirtschaftlich im Niedergang befindlichen US-Imperiums ist es wohl, einen „Ring of Fire“, einen Ring aus Chaos und Zerstörung, um Europa herum (von Libyen quer durch Afrika und den Nahen und Mittleren Osten bis zur Ukraine) zu errichten, um eine Barriere gegen die eurasische Kooperation, den „Albtraum_der_US-Machtelite„, zu schaffen. Und wenn Ankündigungen nicht wahr werden, sollten wir nicht wirklich glauben, dass ihre verdeckten Pläne versagt hätten.

Auch gibt es in taktischen Fragen innerhalb der Machtelite Spaltungen (wie im Fall des Iran vor einigen Jahren), die sogar zu kleineren oder größeren „internen_Kriegen“ unter den Mitgliedern dieser Elite führen können.

Wechselnde Prioritäten

Wenn ein Entwurf wirklich versagt, können sie manchmal „das Beste daraus machen“ und schnell einen Plan B entwickeln. Das war bei ihren Konzepten für den Nahen Osten der Fall. Ursprünglich war Israel nicht das US-Projekt von primärer Bedeutung, aber das Ziel war die Kontrolle der Region durch Saudi-Arabien (heute befinden sich Saudi-Arabien und Israel in einer sehr engen Allianz). Israel war Großbritanniens und Frankreichs wichtigstes Projekt für die Region, um als Brückenkopf für ihre neokolonialen Bestrebungen zu dienen. Dies war deutlich zu sehen während der „Suez-Krise“, als auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges die USA und die Sowjetunion zusammen den Krieg von Großbritannien, Frankreich und Israel gegen Ägypten stoppten. Auch Kennedys Widerstand gegen die israelische Atombewaffnung stimmte vollkommen mit der Machtelite überein. Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Kennedy und dem „Tiefen Staat“ der USA, dem „militaerisch-industriellen_Komplex“, erfolgte über die Frage, wie weit man mit dem Risiko einer militärischen Ost-West-Konfrontation um die „Kuba-Krise“ gehen könnte. Das führte zur Ermordung des Präsidenten.

Und dieses Attentat war der Wendepunkt! Es war höchstwahrscheinlich der tiefe Einblick des MOSSAD in diesen „Inside Job“, der Israels Machtelite eine erhebliche Erpressungsmacht gegenüber der US-Machtelite Fragen des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens betreffend gab (die durch den Einblick des MOSSAD in den Inside Job „Nine_Eleven“ aufgefrischt wurde). Für Details siehe:

USA und Israel: schmutzige Geheimnisse und Erpressungsmacht“:

Wie auch immer, schnell passte sich die US-Machtelite an die neue Situation an, machte Israel zu ihrem „Mad Dog“ (die „Madman Theory“ – die „Theorie des Verrückten“ – modifizierend) und nutzte auch die Fragen rund um den Nahostkonflikt, um antiimperialistische und antikolonialistische Bewegungen zu spalten. Gleichzeitig waren sie gezwungen, starke pro-zionistische Kräfte (näher an Israel als an den USA) in den „Tiefen Staat“ zu integrieren.

Trump: Ein echter Unfall für die Neocons

2016 war das alte Schema Neocons = Republikaner, „Soft Power Faction“ = Demokraten überholt. Hillary Clinton war in der Tat die Speerspitze der Neocons in der Demokratischen Partei und hatte die volle Neocon-Unterstützung (die sie beispielsweise durch ihre Beteiligung dabei „verdiente“, Libyen zu zerstören). In der Tat brachte Clinton Victoria_Nuland in die Obama-Administration. Nuland ist die Frau von Robert Kagan. Er war Mitbegründer des „Project for the New American Century“, das im September 2000 die Denkschrift „Rebuilding America’s Defenses“ fertigte. Sie hatte die volle Unterstützung aller wesentlichen Neocon Think-Tank-Mitglieder (in der Tat repräsentieren diese ungebremsten_Rassismus_und_Faschismus).

Es wurde deutlich sichtbar: Die nun weitgehend dominierende neokonservative Fraktion der US-Machtelite wollte, dass Clinton ihr Vollstrecker im Kampf gegen die ausgedehnten Albträume in Bezug auf die drohende eurasische Kooperation werden sollte. Es ist vielleicht nicht absurd anzunehmen, dass man den medial als absolut unseriös erscheinenden Trump „hinter dem Vorhang“ noch ein wenig förderte, um als „Schreckgespenst“ Clintons Sieg zu sichern (ähnlich, wie die faschistoide Le Pen dazu diente, den_Neoliberalen_Macron_in_Frankreich zu installieren) Aber dann passierte etwas „Schreckliches“. Große Teile der US-Öffentlichkeit hatten Clintons „schlangengleiche“ Qualitäten zu deutlich gesehen. Darüber hinaus machte Trump – seine enormen moralischen und sozialen Defizite lassen wir einmal außer Acht – drei wichtige Punkte: Entspannung mit Russland, Abrücken von Regime-Change-Kriegen und die Ankündigung, gegen die Deindustrialisierung der USA zu vorzugehen (und es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass er es damals meinte!). Das brachte den Erfolg!

Die US-Machtelite und ihre Optionen im Umgang mit Trump

Jetzt hatten sie mehrere Möglichkeiten. Eine war, ihn „auf den Haken“ zu nehmen und ihn bald mit einem Impeachment abzusetzen. Das erschien lange Zeit ziemlich riskant wegen seiner teilweise gewalttätigen Gefolgschaft. Dann gibt es ja auch die Möglichkeit, dass der betagte Präsidentenhubschrauber eines Tages „vom Himmel fallen könnte“. Auch bestand die Möglichkeit, einen „einsamen Irren“ zu finden, um „den Job zu machen“, also Trump zu ermorden. Auch diese Optionen könnten noch Risiken bezüglich seiner Anhänger beinhalten. Aber die Machtelite (der „Sumpf“, dem den Kampf angesagt hatte) war in der Lage, dem Mann vermitteln zu lassen, dass diese Möglichkeiten wirklich existieren (wahrscheinlich schon vor der Amtseinführung). Sein „Kampf_ums_Ueberleben“ hatte begonnen.

Bald wurde ihm klar, dass er nicht der „mächtigste Mann der Welt“ werden würde, sondern in die Gefahr geriet, Kennedys_Schicksal zu teilen. Das könnte der Grund gewesen sein, warum er vollständig unter den Schirm der israelischen Machtelite kroch. Durch diesen Schritt fand er sich nun allerdings bald vollständig von der neokonservativen Allianz umzingelt.

Mit „Trump on Track“ wurde eine neue Option eröffnet

Es gibt nun die Chance für die US-Machtelite, die von Kissinger und Nixon entwickelte „Madman-Theory“ sozusagen neu zu beleben, indem sie Trump als personifizierte „Waffe der Massenzerstörung“ benutzt. Lass ihn den „Rüpel des Planeten“ unter der neokonservativen Anleitung spielen! Sie könnten vielleicht denken: Mal sehen, wie weit wir es schaffen, Russland, China und nicht zuletzt Europa zu terrorisieren! Wenn die Kollateralschäden die Erfolge überwiegen, und die US-Amerikaner fühlen sich zu sehr von den Folgen gequält (einschließlich Trumps Gefolgschaft), werden wir ihn aus dem Amt nehmen!

Trump ist sozusagen möglicherweise zu einem „Waffentest“ geworden, irgendwie zum personifizierten „Plan B“. Und jetzt kommen noch zwei weitere Rüpel, Bolton und Pompeo an seine Seite! Der Tiefe Staat erlaubte es ihm, einen Schritt auf Nordkorea zuzugehen – und dies als seine Errungenschaft zu feiern – und sabotierte es dann durch weitere Aktionen in erheblichem Maße. Das angesagte Treffen zwischen Trump und Kim ist schon Geschichte. Im Gegensatz zu Trumps Ankündigungen tobt der Regimewechsel-Krieg_gegen_Syrien heftiger denn je, wobei Israels Beteiligung immer offener stattfindet. Die Zerschlagung des Iran-Abkommens (was auch die Chance für ein Korea-Abkommen beschädigte) seitens der USA ist einer der entscheidenden Tests, wie weit sie nicht nur mit Russland und China, sondern vor allem eben auch mit der EU gehen können.

Zwei Optionen im Plan B

Wenn die betroffenen EU-Mitglieder am Ende auf die Knie fallen, alles gut und prima! Wenn dies nicht eintreten sollte und aus dem derzeitigen Widerstand eine „Alte-Welt-Front“ mit möglichen wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen auch für die USA entstehen sollte, möglicherweise auch die Bemühungen verstärkt würden, die Dollar_Bindung_des_Oels zu sprengen, dann könnte der Moment gekommen sein, Trump endlich zugunsten von Mike_Pence loszuwerden, der darauf lauert, die nächste Neocon-Marionette zu werden!

Vorbereitungen laufen parallel zu den „Rüpel-Operationen“. Nie zuvor in der Geschichte war ein Präsident der USA – nicht einmal Clinton mit seiner Sex-Affäre – unter solch anhaltendem Feuer. Für den Fall, dass die „Rüpel-Option“, die „Madman Theorie“, nicht funktioniert, wird er dem Impeachment-Verfahren unterzogen, und die Show wird dem „Welt-Publikum“ als „Triumph der US-Demokratie“ (ähnlich wie der Abgang von Nixon) verkauft!

Andreas Schlüter

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:


Colonialism Alive! Proxy Colonialism

On this blog I wrote quite a lot about the Proxy Colonialism the US henchmen Kagame of Rwanda and Museveni of Uganda are exercising_on_the_DR_Congo leading to the death of eight to ten million people in that country during the last two decades. All this done for Western industrial greed for resources like Coltan.

Many reports are also to be found about the US Empire and Saudi backed proxy mercenaries terrorizing Syria. Saudi Arabia´s colonial proxy war on Yemen, waged on behalf not only their own interest but on behalf of Israel and the US is also getting into the focus. But there´s another dramatic case of Proxy Colonialism on the other side of the Globe.

West Papua and Indonesian Proxy Colonialism

When Indonesia (to that day “Dutch East India”) gained independence (declared August 1945, formally recognized December 1949 by the Dutch, with exception of Netherlands_New_Guinea (the Western part of New_Guinea) under Ahmed Sukarno it tried to follow a path of independence in the Non-Aligned_Movement. But the military was very strong and deeply linked to the US. Sukarno who had tried to balance the military and on the other side the strong communist party failed in the end. In a terrible conflict (500,000 people, many landless sympathizers of the KP, butchered) the balance crumbled in a military take over.

The Indonesian Regime, a Brutal Henchman of globalized Capitalism

General Suharto was the man of the US and seized power (officially in 1968) over the archipelago with so many different ethnicities. He and his military clique turned the many islands into a plunder ground for the Westerners and Japanese interests using Javanese dominance for their purposes, especially to eastern regions, i. e. the western part of New_Guinea.


New Africa“: New Guinea

When the Spaniards and other Westerners came across the island, its dark skinned inhabitants with frizzy hair reminded them of Africa´s Guinea Coast (which was already made the hunting ground for slavers) which inspired them to name the island New Guinea. Going further east they met similar people up to the Fiji islands and in course of time named them Melanesians because of their dark pigmentation.

In New Guinea the natural surrounding with high mountains and deep valleys led to an enormous linguistic splitting and the number of languages outnumbers that of continents. Certain forms of conflict practices (though culturally limited in a refined way) as well as other cultural practices strengthened western prejudices. When the Dutch reigned over “Dutch East India” including the western part of New Guinea, they infected many of the other colonized with these prejudices.

For a broader perspective on the situation of the black inhabitants of South East Asia and the Western Pacific see an article from 2011:

Intrusion: „Divide and Rule“

Throughout Colonialism the Colonizers liked to play one group against the other. If force „was needed“ to keep people in one place down people were recruited as colonial soldiers from other ethnicities. This is also to be found with the „use“ of the Nepalese_Gurkha by the British in South East Asia. And these methods „linked“ even Continents (as for work force this was common for example with Indian contract laborers to the Caribbean and to Fiji). Between 1831 and 1872 the Dutch enlisted about 3000 people from West Africa, mainly from Ashanti and other Akan peoples, into their colonial army in Dutch East India. They were called Belanda_Hitam, black_Dutchmen. The offspring_of_those_Indo-Africans are still to be found in the Netherlands, Surinam as well as in Indonesia. By and large this history might not have contributed to Indonesians liking for black people.

The Creepy Beginning of a Tragedy

When Indonesia gained independence soon after WW II formally in 1949 Western New Guinea as said before remained under Dutch control to the distaste of the Indonesian ruling Elite. The issue of borders in connection with independence raised some complicated questions in general, which were even more felt in Africa. A basic contradiction was lying in colonial borders which separated ethnicities and lumped others – having historical conflicts or having very different types of society – together. General line among the anti colonial movements was to avoid endless border issues. But on the other side in Africa the large entity of former French West Africa was also split into a number of countries.

The aspirations of the Javanese dominated Indonesian political class (under pressure of growing overpopulation in the archipelago´s West) were confronted with a special situation. Firstly West New Guinea had been longer under Dutch control and was de facto already no more “part of Indonesia”, secondly, but more important, it was a very different world. It was not only inhabited by very different people but by people on whom especially the majority and decisive group, the Javanese, looked upon in despise with that racist arrogance based on the perceived „backwardness“ of the Papua and which was strengthened by North European anti black racism. And the social structure would have left the Papua almost defenseless to economic and social exploitation.

Despite different plans by the Netherlands

On basis of this situation – and possibly based on own interest to establish neo-colonial relations – the Dutch government made plans to prepare West Papuans for Independence to be gained in 1970. Such considerations didn´t bother neither the Indonesian government nor the UN dominated by the US government. Indonesia tried to solve their “problem” by military force. Under the strong influence of the US the UN made the Netherlands in the New_York_Agreement complying to hand over administration to Indonesia (which they did in March 1963). Especially the US aim to keep Indonesia close to the West played its part. For this the US had special plans, fittingly analyzed by Noam Chomsky in an interview ( But the treaty also included a procedure after a while in which the Papua should decide whether they wanted to stay with Indonesia. The Agreement included this:

a) Musyawarah (consultative councils) would be instructed on procedures to assess the will of the population

b) The actual date of the act would be completed before 1969

c) The question in the act would allow the inhabitants to decide whether to stay or to separate from Indonesia

d) ALL adults would be allowed to participate in the act of free choice

But what became out of it?

The Fake “Decision”, the “Act of Free Choice”

The “Act_of_Free_Choice” was then in 1969 nothing but a typical colonial theatre. The Indonesia military had selected 1025 men to vote in an event in July to August 1969 about the future of their people, which was being performed by “hand rising” (surrounded by barbed wire and armed forces nearby), blocking any public discussion on the matter. It doesn´t need much fantasy to imagine which mixture of bribing_and_terrorizing a military organization has to apply to reach_the_desired_aim. Nevertheless the UN manifested this fake procedure in the resolution 2504 (XXIV) without any qualification whether it fulfilled the demands described in United Nations General Assembly resolutions 1514 and 1541 (XV) respectively. To call this theatre play an act of „self determination“ requires a high grade of cynicism.


Another Intrusion: The Eastern Part of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea

The eastern part of New Guinea was up to World War I divided between the Germans in the North East and the British in the South East. The German part was handed to the Australians as a “protectorate” afterwards. Both parts got independence as Papua New Guinea in 1975 including the “Bismarck Archipelago and the Northern Solomon Islands ( Rich resources (oil, copper, gold) as well as well as agricultural products (coffee, cocoa, oil palm and tea) inspire Western greed and expose the country to all well known evils of neocolonialism as the western part of the island does. All 7.5 to 8 million inhabitants of today will have to defend their place against this growing greed.


Pending Genocide: Ongoing Resistance and ongoing Massacres in West Papua

By and large the resistance and armed struggle began as campaigns by tribal warriors, who just wanted to get rid of the strange occupants. The United_Liberation_Movement_for_West_Papua and the Free_Papua_Movement were formed. By the time it got more organized, gained more support from exile Papua and sympathizers in Papua New Guinea (the eastern half of the island) and other Melanesians.


Infuriating is the plunder of the mineral_resources by international companies, by which Indonesia tries to pay their own debts to world finance (a general problem of “Third World countries). The Grasberg_mine run by Freeport McRohan is the world´s largest Gold mine and second largest Copper mine. Now Freeport_has_given_51%_control_to_Indonesia, for which it will be allowed to keep the mine till 2041. The destruction and pollution of the natural surrounding and the expelling of people, so that Westerners can get “their” oil, gold and other precious resources “which by incident got under the rain wood of those savages”, fuels the resistance of the people. And the devastation is also going on for plunder of precious woods and else.


On one hand there is a real ecocide_going_on_in_the_heartlands of West Papua. Even worse are the direct sufferings of the population. The brutality of the Indonesian army is well known. It´s reported that four_out_of_ten_West_Papuan_women have been subjected to Indonesian state violence.

The land as such is wanted by Indonesians. The Indonesian immigrants are about to outnumber the Papuans. A Transmigration_program is existing. In fact there is evidence for genocidal_intention on the side of Indonesia. In an article in „The_Tyee“ from November 2006 one can read: „It has been estimated that 100,000 Papuans (about 10 percent of the population) were killed by the Indonesian military after they took control of West Papua. In a recent Associated Press article, human rights monitors put the death toll at approximately 200,000.“ The Papuan leader Benny_Wenda is even claiming that half a million Papuans might have fallen victim_to_the_Indonesian_state_sanctioned_murder.


An important role might play AIDS. In the same article on can also read: „A 2005 report, published by the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, alleged that the military has been involved in supplying HIV/AIDS-infected prostitutes to the region. Currently, the province of Papua has the second highest number of AIDS sufferers in Indonesia, after Jakarta. With the number AIDS cases doubling in just four years, and the systematic discrimination against Papuans in government-sponsored AIDS education programs, many villages have virtually been wiped out.

In a word: The indigenous people of West Papua are in a desperate situation!

And a Third Intrusion: Brothers in suffering

How little the Indonesian political attitude towards West Papua has to do with the fact that West Papua was once “united” with Indonesia in “Dutch East India” showed the treatment of the former Portuguese colony East_Timor which got near independence in the downfall of Portugal´s Salazar regime (to which the struggle of the people in its African colonies contributed enormously). With the support of the US Indonesia annexed East Timor and massacred many thousands of the inhabitants. In all this resulted in more than 100,000 deaths as the consequence of massacres but also of hunger and illness. In the end the enormous brutality raised international protest which contributed together with the fierce resistance (by Falintil, the armed force of the Fretelin) to East Timor´s independence in September 2002. This development is in a way a torch and hope for the suffering Papua.

Hopes, Dangers and Perspectives

As said before the example of East Timor might be encouraging, but notwithstanding the fact that East Timor has besides its Sandal wood off shore oil resources about which a partial sea boundary solution with Australia is reached, West Papua is a much more tempting prey for imperialism. If West Papua would hopefully gain independence international corporations are more on the uncertain side because the resistance as such is a lot motivated by the extraction of the resources. In such a case the empire (US) might even prefer unification with Papua New Guinea since neocolonial ties there are already established. The present turmoil in the eastern half of the island is largely the result of that. As long as the US capitalists are relatively sure of Indonesia they´ll do a lot to enable Indonesia to uphold its grip. A changing geostrategic situation in East and South East Asia could change things, especially if the upcoming currency treaty between China and Japan might do its part, since Japan is joining in the exploitation of Indonesia at the US´s will. On the other side do the covered plans to expand NATO to Australia and New Zealand not provide much good for the region since it´s the clear symbol for the will to perpetuate “white man´s world rule” forever.

The people of Papua must know that even Europe being still in the status of a vassal to the US Empire would be a very shaky ally in their aspirations. Public pressure and a strong support by leftist parties as well as solidarity from “Third World Countries”, especially from African countries, would be a desired help, but are still lacking. Understanding in Melanesia is growing, Vanuatu gave a good signal. It will be a hard and protracted long struggle only to be won with the patience the freedom hero Filep_Karma has shown, who was thrown into prison by Indonesians after having raised West Papua´s flag in 2004.

And one should be skeptical of certain allies. Especially infiltrated NGOs and Christian groups could be eager to keep the resistance groups close to the Western plunder by globalist neoliberal capitalism. Thus the resistance groups should be on the watch.

Fake Friends and Allies

Oppression means also to keep the oppressed away from information. Ignorance as the result of oppression has for example driven Jamaicans to a mystification of the Haile Selassi regime of those days and led to the Rastafari movement (luckily with little real Western influence). Western Christian infiltration of the South Sudanese struggle made South_Sudan a toy in the hands of the West.

There´s also a dangerous confusion among sections of West Papua’s resistance about Israel, systematically nourished also by (US) Evangelicals, with close connection to Zionism. This phenomenon is also linked to the fact that Islam is Indonesia´s most prominent religion. Superficial approach and the likewise dangerous and superficial idea “my enemy´s enemy is my friend” contributed to this. It is understandable that Papuans might be annoyed about Indonesian_hospital_for_Palestine whereas the health situation in their own country is grossly neglected to formulate it mildly, but things should be seen in context. The Papuan sympathizers for Israel do not know that there are informal_relations_between_Indonesia_and_Israel even on the “security level”. Likewise the sympathizers are for example unaware that not the whole Arabic world at all turns a blind eye to West Papua´s sufferings. Arabic Aljazeera for example is quite aware of West Papua. It did not only report about Indonesian_massacres_inside_the_country but pays lot of attention to the ongoing plunder_of_West_Papua as well as to the background_and_resistance with sympathy. Also the Indonesian_misuse_of_interpol in the case of Benny Wenda is well documented by Al Jazeera. In deed there are great similarities in the situation of West_Papua_and_Palestine and Papuans would be well advised not to run into illusions about Israel.

Israel as Protector for Black People?

Henry Myrttinen has researched_the_strange_sympathies for Israel in an extended way. He reports that a student activist in Manokwari stated:

I really don’t understand this whole Israel thing. I mean, look at it: it’s the Israelis that are taking away Palestinian land and the Israeli army is acting just like the TNI [Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Indonesian Armed Forces] is acting here, breaking human rights, shooting people … If we’re to identify with someone’s struggle, then it’s the Palestinians.

Even leaving aside Israel´s attitude to the Palestinians one should look at Israel´s political attitude towards Black people. The Falasha, Ethiopian_Jews, the “Black brothers in faith” were seduced to emigrate to Israel (and welcome as “gun fodder”), they given birth-control_without_their_consent. Anti-African_racism is widespread in Israel and is “white_supremacy” in practice. There are many records proving the open racism of open_racism_of_Netanyahu_and_many_officials in Israel! Disgusting incidents are reported about racist_excesses_in_Israel. And it seems there are infections of more racism in the US by Israel-trained_police. Any West Papuan thinking of refuge in Israel should think twice!

An Outlook

Unfortunately the Indonesian_left is not really to be seen and the political spectrum rather_unbalanced. In face of widespread growing_ethnic_and_religious_tensions in Indonesia this is highly regrettable. But on the long run the hidden Indonesian left and the formations of resistance against Javanese dominance in Indonesia should not generally be discarded as potential allies. Based on the insight that Indonesia is at least partly acting as a proxy colonial power in favor of Western resource greed there could hardly be trust in Western countries as allies. But important are anti-imperialist and anti-racist movements in the West. More attention by African and Carribbean societies would be desirable. In fact many Africans and African Americans are not even aware that they have sisters and brothers in suffering on the other side of the globe.

A clear and well based anti-imperialist ideological orientation is essential to make allies. Fake allies (like Israel) should be avoided, the more since that makes broader alliances more difficult. As dramatic as the situation is, it appears there is a long struggle ahead. And to be very clear about it: In the US Neocon_Think_Tanks there are plans even for Bio_Warfare against the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all non-Western countries!

As long as we don´t understand the overall concept of neoliberal globalized Capitalism with its extermination concepts – which are also at work in West Papua – we´ll not be able to build a broad front to end it!

Papua Merdeka!

Andreas Schlüter


Deutsche Version unten

JFK´s Assassination 54 Years ago: Landmark of the US Deep State´s Extent

54 years ago John F. Kennedy was assassinated. All we can know is already enough to proof without doubt that this was an „Inside Job“. But the official cover up is going on „undisturbed“, what a scandal! It isn´t „just History“, it shows the extend the „Deep_State“ had already reached those days. And it has been growing since then as Nine_Eleven is prooving!

On the subject:

Assassination of JFK: Half a Century of Lies“,

Kennedy and `No Change´“:

Deep State USA: Dulles, Dallas and Devilish Games“:

Mary´s Mosaic”, Looking into an Abyss, Part II:

By the way, the CIA pushed the term „Conspiracy_Theory“ in order to disredit people digging into that case!

Andreas Schlüter

See also:

My articles on the USA:

Deutsche Version

JFKs Ermordung vor 54 Jahren:

Wahrzeichen der Ausdehnung des Tiefen Staats der USA

Vor 54 Jahren wurde John F. Kennedy ermordet. Schon das, was man bisher wissen kann, zeigt ohne Zweifel, dass diese Tat ein „Inside Job“ der US-Machtelite war. Aber die offizielle Vertuschung geht „ungestört“ weiter, ein Skandal! Und das Ganze ist nicht „einfach nur Geschichte“, es ist das untrügliche Indiz, welche Ausdehnung der „Tiefe Staat“ der USA schon damals anbgenommen hatte. Und er ist seitdem noch kräftig gewachsen, wie Nine_Eleven eindetig gezeigt hat!

Zum Thema:

Kennedys Ermordung: ein halbes Jahrhundert der Lügen“

USA, Bush-Clan, “Family of Secrets” & Kennedy:

Kennedy und warum es nichts mit „Change“ ist!“:

Nebenbei bemerkt: der CIA hat den Begriff „Verschwoerungstheoretiker“ propagiert, um diejenigen, die „tiefer zu graben“ bereit sind, zu diffamiern!

Andreas Schlüter

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:


deutsche Version unten

USA: How to Really Understand the Term „an lllegal Order for a Nuclear Strike“

Some people might feel very relieved: „weird Trump“ will not be able to „press the red button“! Reuters_reported about a statement by Air Force General John Hyten, Commander of the U.S. STRATCOM (Strategic Command), given in Montreal, Canada. „The top U.S. nuclear commander said on Saturday that he would resist President Donald Trump if he ordered an “illegal” launch of nuclear weapons.“ So one might feel happy that „sound people“ are surrounding Trump.

One could see it also in different way. Finian Cunningham asks on Informationclearinghouse: „Is a Military Coup Against Trump in the Cards?“. And there is a lot of talk about the „sanity_of_Trump“.

What is Really Revealed by the Term „lllegal Order for a Nuclear Strike“

After all in the end the term „Illegal Order for a Nuclear Strike“ means this: the decision is with the „Deep State“, the US Power Elite or, to use Eisenhower´s term, with the „Military_Industrial_Complex“! Only a nuclear strike ordered by that Power Elite would be „legal“!

And that´s really no reason to be relieved, that Deep State is far from being „sane“ in its wild desire for World domination, as Nine_Eleven has shown. We shouldn´t forget that it was that complex that went nuts about Trump´s anouncement of „Détente with Russia“, „getting away from regime change wars“ and revision of trade agreements. It was that Power Elite that brought „Trump_on_track“ and made him „Trumpillary“! Hardly any reason to be relieved because of the Generals sourrounding Trump! The irony with Trump´s case is that he shows (and exposes) the arrogancy of that Power Elite without really belonging to that Elite. That elite wants a „descent“ executor of the warmongers_desires!

Let´s take the General´s announcement for what it is: an advertisement for the „Deep State“!

No reason to be relieved but a reason for broad resistence against this Power Elite and their imperial warmongers!

Andreas Schlüter


My articles on the USA:

deutsche Version

USA: Was der Begriff ein „illegaler Befehl zum Atomschlag“ wirklich bedeutet

Am 18. November verkündete der US General John Hyten, Oberkommandierender des Strategic Command, in Kanada, dass Präsident Trump keine wirkliche Verfügungsgewalt über die US-Atomwaffen habe. Wie der_Spiegel_konstatiert, würden die zuständigen Generäle einen den Befehl zu „einem illegalen Atomschlag“ verweigern.

Oh, nun können wir aber beruhigt sein, oder? Vielleicht doch nicht wirklich. Einesteils räumt die Aussage öffentlich mit der albernen Illusion vom US-Präsidenten als „mächtigstem Mann der Welt“ auf (an die jeder, der die Umstände um Kennedys_Ermordung studiert hat, schon lange nicht mehr glauben kann). Andererseits liefert sie das harte Indiz für die Existenz des „Tiefen Staates“ der USA. Und dieser Tiefe Staat sollte uns vielleicht noch mehr beunruhigen als Trumps vermeintlicher Geisteszustand. Dieser Tiefe Staat wurde in Eisenhowers_warnender_Abschiedsrede als „militärisch-industrieller Komplex“ bezeichnet.

Was nun bedeuted ein „illegaler Befehl zum Atomschlag“?

Was also bedeutet „ein illegaler Befehl zum Atomschlag“? Es bedeutet, dass nur ein Atomschlag, den der tiefe Staat, sprich, die US_Neocon-Machtelite anordnet, „legal“ ist! Wer sich nun mit den Zielen und Vorgehensweise dieser Machtelite beschäftigt hat – wie sie sich beispielhaft bei den Vorgängen um Nine_Eleven gezeigt haben – der kann wahrlich nicht beruhigt sein.

Trump ist nun allerdings weitgehend „auf_Linie“ gebracht. Er ist aber nicht die Person, die die Machtelite als „seriöses Gesicht“ und Exekutor ihrer imperialen_Allmachtsphantasien wünscht. Er zeigt tatsächlich die Arroganz der US-Macht, ohne wirklich zu ihrer Machtelite dazu zu gehören. Da wäre der „seriöse“ Pence die Maske, die man sich dort wünscht.

So zeigt sich also bei genauer Betrachtung, dass diese Äußerungen eines Generals einesteils die Ersetzung des Präsidenten vorbereiten könnten, andererseits tatsächlich eines sind: die Reklame für eben diesen „Tiefen Staat“, für die eigentliche, permantente, durch keinerlei demokratische Prozeduren legitimierte Machtformation in den USA!

Grund zur Beruhigung? Eher ein Grund zu tiefer Beunruhigung. Und ein Grund in Europa, speziell in Deutschland, der gefährlichen transatlantischen „Nibelungentreue“ dieser Machtformation gegenüber erbitterten Widerstand zu leisten!

Andreas Schlüter

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:

Having spread my new article “Africa: Crisis in Burundi? What´s Behind the Whole Turmoil?” ( via Twitter I found a diffuse answer by a Rwandan Tweep:


I checked the Twitterer and found an alarming Tweet from the 14th of October:


In deed he seems to speak out a death threat against Human Rights Watch critics of Rwanda´s Kagame-Regime, saying „With these obsessive attacks on #Rwanda @hrw and @KenRoth confirm their death; they need holy transformation to resurrect, #HRWLies“! This could just be seen as „blabla“ if there wouldn´t be good reasons to believe that the Kagame regime murders_opponents like Col Patrick_Karegeya, former intelligence chief, in South Africa, or attemped to do so like with General_Nyamwasa also in South Africa. But the regime obviously doesn´t stop with Rwandan countrymen (dubbed as traitors) but takes at foreigners as well everywhere. Kagame seems to have had a hand also in the death_of_Komla_Afeke_Dumor, BBC Presenter of Ghanain origin (I_have_written_about_this_in_2015).

The strategy behind this appears to be: always deny, but let opponents be aware that we can reach them anywhere! Quote of Rwanda´s Minister of Defense, James Kabarebe:

Do not waste your time on reports that so and so was strangled with a rope on flat 7 in whatever country…When you choose to be a dog, you die like a dog, and the cleaners will wipe away the trash so that it does not stink for them. Actually, such consequences are faced by those who have chosen such a path. There is nothing we can do about it, and we should not be interrogated over it.


It follows patterns practiced by Kagames US masters, as spoken out by former_acting_CIA_director_Morell, and by Israel. This is called TERROR!

It´s up to critical journalists and analysts to be brave and stay upright against the Terror regime of Kagame and his attempts to intimidate critics!

Andreas Schlüter


An Inside Story:

My articles on Africa:

Officially the notorious CIA Project_MKUltra was halted in 1973. The program for ruthless actions against groups and individuals included „the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior“. Among other things the program dealt with „Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public“. Should we believe the program really ended? Do we think power gives up so easily?

What are the basic conflicts? A tiny, very_tiny_minority controls the riches of the world, its class struggle, and Warren_Buffet_claims_victory_for_the_super_rich, but the struggle isn´t over. The social and economic question is at the center. And that class is also waging „classical wars“ as well as covert wars, proxy wars. That means, the peace question stands side by side with the social question. But most of Buffet´s class dislike that openess and do everything to cover that story up. Covert ops are the means and thus we can be sure: MKUltra is alive!

That tiny super class needs the „right personnel“ at the right places. And they need to divert attention from the basic questions. The class conflict has to be covered by some sceemes of „race_war_concepts“ and their war policy has to be covered by the „others who want war“ and who have to be contained or liquidated. And the madness of that „super class“ and their deadly greed has to be covered by stories about individual madness. And the concepts laid down in MKUltra are among others „ideal“ means to those ends. We would be very naive to believe it´s over!

The „wrong“ President

There is no doubt, the US Power Elite, the „Deep_State“ of the US wanted Clinton as their reliable puppet at the political top. But the woman´s reputation was already bad and many people could see the „snake“ behind her weird_laughing. No doubt, the one compeeting with her was and is an egocentric and egomanic person also coming up with terrible remarks, sexist, suprematist nonsence, but with four very rational points: Detente with Russia, no more „Regime Change Wars“ and putting Trade agreements into question together with re-industrialization of the US, as well as „draining the swamp“. That did the trick. He won.

But this wasn´t to the taste of the Deep State. Soon they signalled to the man that he´s playing with his life and his „struggle_for_survival“ begun, with the result that he was put „on_track“, throwing all his anouncements over board. But there´s still a problem. He portraits the real US arrogancy, he is showing the true face of the ruling class though not a member of it. He is egomanic and in the end not fully controlable (be sure: he´ll not be allowed to „press the button“, but can do other „damage“). He has to go and the „calm“ Pence is waiting. But how to get Trump out? The foolish „Russiagate“ Story didn´t hold water. What next? Sure, the presidential helicopter is old and could fall down one day. But anything like that, such an incident or an assassination by a „lone wulf“ would probably lead to civil war like erruptions. What to do?

Weird Trump


No doubt, he was always acting and tweeting in a way that made many people shake their heads. But now he seems to be running out of order. He is using words a „President would never use“, he´s in permanent conflict with his close political surrounding, clash after clash. He´s grimassing and jumping into any conflict possible. More and more it appears: the man is ripe for impeachment! Since some time I´ve been asking myself: what does he take? And after a while: what are they giving to him? Uh, did I forget MKUltra? Why not apply those methods (described up) to a President of whom you want to get rid off? Quote again: „Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public“! And for such ops you build on what is there, a tendency to egomanic behaviour, and you push that to the top!

And many people including his followership still harbour the illusion of the US President being the „most powerful man on Earth“. The Power Elite might push him to play the „mad man“. But are there more means to push the topic of the mad man?

Las Vegas Shooting

On the 1st of October a terrible attack on visitors of a Country Music Festival in Las Vegas was launched. It started at 10:05 pm and lasted for about 10 minutes. Most reports give the number of 59 deaths (not including the alleged shooter Stephen Craig Paddock) and the number wounded varying from 489 to 527. The rounds have been fired from the Mandalay Bay Hotel´s 32nd floor (some say also from another floor as well). An enormous number of guns and amount of ammunition was found after the police broke into two appartments rented by Paddock. There are reports of two cameras outside the appartments to warn the shooter. More weaponry was found in the luxurious home of the multi millionaire.

But the alleged „shooter“ doesn´t fit into what is usually „expected“ from a weird „lone wulf“ like for example Breivik. He was living with a woman, had continous contact with his brother and showed no signs of fanatism except being a fanatic gambler (though the IS ridiculously claimed the deed). In fact the whole slaughter_in_Las_Vegas appears to have many elements of a false flag operation and the man either being a patsy or even the whole tragedy being an MKUltra operation based on extended psychological manipulation. And quite some hints direct to „helpers“. Surely nothing is sure and Paul_Craig_Roberts treats the case with caution stressing the uncertainty. On „Covert Geopolitics“ Jon Rappoport sees the „official_scenario_crumbling“. After all the tragic events bear many of the symptoms of a false flag like many „terror_attacks“, like classically a „dead perpetrator“. But if so, to which end? Simply the „Strategy_of_tension“ might not be enough of an explanation if it has really been staged.

Trying to connect possible dots

Two stereotypes have been applied for long in the Western media: African Americans portrayed as criminals and, according to Hillary Clinton´s infamous remark, „Super_Predators“, Muslims portrayed as Terrosrists, white Americans mostly being the victims of those dangerous people. Well, at times dump cops letting some old racism out completed the picture. Now the problem for the Power Elite is to get rid of a super rich white guy (Trump). Ok, many people would be glad to see that guy impeached, including those lunatics who think Clinton would be a „good President“, despite her being backed by Neocon_Fascists. But there´s also a large number of angry poor Whites, white suprematists and Militia men (many of them gun addicts). On the later two groups the US Power Elite is counting from time to time, when support for wars is necessary. And those two groups are rather vigilant and could become uncontrolable if it comes to Trumps´s impeachment. How to pacify those ones when it comes to „necessary steps“?

A new character picture has to come into the game: the madgone rich White. It is necessary for that step of impeachment by the Power Elite that Trump´s followership has to get scared by such a picture. They have to understand that such personalities could also become a deadly danger for them. So the wanted lesson for Trumpists could be: look, such rich white madgone men (mmh, like Trump as well) could also become a deadly danger for you white Country music lovers, many of you being Trump followers!

Far fetched? Maybe, but many people who haven´t read the declassified MKUltra papers would take all thoughts about covert ops to be „far fetched“and „outrageous_conspiracy_theories“! And in this presented theory all those „weird“ details make sense. We – the ordinary people – don´t have the means to verify such theories, but, damn, why shouldn´t we be allowed to speculate, if the „serious“ media are spreading idiotic theories about hated foreign countries and governments?!

Andreas Schlüter



Deutsche Version unten

Nine Eleven 16 Years ago

The lies around that dramatic and deadly day are living on for 16 years now. Well, the lies about Kennedy´s assassination by the „Deep_State“ and the CIA are now living on for almost 54 years. It depends on the question of how strong the resistance against Imperialism will grow, whether that fundamental disinformation about Nine Eleven will survive that long.

Here´s what has been written about Nine Eleven on this blog:

Nine Eleven: A marvelous Compilation”:

US Neocon Power Elite: Lines of Defense around the Inside Job Nine Eleven“:

Media, Independent and Mainstream: Fake News and Fake Narratives“:

Nine Eleven One And A Half Decade Ago: Whose Conspiracy?“

Recommendation: The Corbett Report! & Nine Eleven in Five Minutes!“

Nine Eleven a Dozen Years ago – Stirred it the Third World War?”

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

Nine Eleven and the Neocons: Finally Doing the Trick?”

Swiss historian Daniele Ganser on Nine Eleven:

Possibly the real Reason why Trump must go?!”:

If we don´t understand what basically happened on that day and what was perpetrated by the US Neocon Power Elite (as well as what happened to Kennedy) we´ll not understand the deadly danger in which this world finds itself!

Andreas Schlüter


Architects and Engineers

Daniele Ganser on Nine Eleven:

My articles on the USA:

Deutsche Version

Nine Eleven vor 16 Jahren

Vor 16 Jahren wurden die tödlichen Anschläge von Nine Eleven verübt. Seit 16 Jahren feiert die offizielle Lügenversion zu den Ereignissen fröhliche Urständ. Seit fast 54 Jahren überlebt auch die offizielle Desinformation zu Kennedys Ermordung durch den „Tiefen Staat“ und die CIA. Es wird davon abhängen wie stark sich der antiimperialistische Widerstand entwickelt, ob das Lügenmärchen zu Nine Eleven ebenso lange überlebt, oder ob die Welt sich von dem Lügengespinst befreien kann.

Hier ist aufgelistet, was auf diesem Blog zu Nine Eleven geschrieben wurde:

Von Nine Eleven zur Sprengung Europas?”

Das „Post-Faktische Zeitalter“: wer bedient es?“:

Die Neocon US-Machtelite: Verteidigungslinien um den Inside-Job Nine Eleven“:

Eineinhalb Jahrzehnte seit Nine Eleven und Unhaltbares wird aufrecht erhalten!“:

Nine Eleven vor dreizehn Jahren: „Dreizehn Jahre lang Wiederholung der Märchenstunde von George W. Bush!“

Schweizer Historiker Daniele Ganser über Nine Eleven:

Nine Eleven vor zehn Jahren: Gedenken, Gedanken und Geheimnisse“:

Wenn wir nicht begreifen, was grundsätzlich am 11. September 2001 geschah (ebenso wie was tatsächlich bei der Ermordung_Kennedys geschah), werden wir nicht begreifen, in welch tödlicher Gefahr wir uns durch die US-Machtelite befinden.

Andreas Schlüter


Architects and Engineers, deutsche Untertietel:


Dr. Daniele Ganser:

WDR zu Nine Eleven:

ORF & Geheimdienste:

Meine Beiträge zu den USA: