A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus

Veröffentlicht: Juni 29, 2017 in Politik, Wissenschaft
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Deutsche Version unten

A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism

The world, especially the Southern Hemisphere should be alarmed! Trump is concerning certain aspects almost an open Fascist (by all means a white Suprematist), but he pretended to end the Influence of the US (Neocon) Power Elite. Well, the Power Elite almost ended him. He´d been put „on_track“ pretty soon.

The US Neocon Power Elite is by now as well in control of Trump as it also is in control of the Democratic Party. For that end they used Clinton as their spearhead in the Democratic Party. She brought Victoria Nuland (quote: “fuck the EU”) into the Obama administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. Kagan is co-founder of the neoconservativeProject for the New American Century“.


If one wants to know what is in the „pipe“ of the Neocons, one should read their think tank papers. In September 2000 the „Project for the New American Century“ issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“. On page 60 you find the announcement of Fascist atrocities! It reads:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.“


Surely it should not target white Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs) but rather the people of the Southern Hemisphere and East Asia!

This is the direct continuation of those days Apartheid South Africa´s Project Coast headed by Wouter Basson, including bio warfare against the black majority. The dream of the devilish “doctor”, dubbed “Dr Death”, was the “Black Bombtargetting_Africans_on_basis_of_tiny_genetic_differences. Basson was also said to have had contacts to Israel on behalf of “ethnic_weapons”. The whole project has never been uncovered to the full extend. It could be suspected that the dying regime has planted HIV via its Apartheid “health system” at large scale.

The ideas from the “Project for the New American Century” can also be seen as a continuation of the „Kissinger Report“ from December 1974 (NSSM 200, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf). You will read there about population growth in „developing countries“: „Whether through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed Materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth(page 40) . „Overpopulation“ is „thus creating political or even national security problems for the U.S.(page 8).

Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.“

But, let´s be pretty clear, the ideas brought fourth in “Rebuilding America´s Defenses” are Nazi like ideas of “Race War”, Racism and Fascism in the true sense! And they write such things with impunity and without most people taking notice!


The Think Tank „Project for the New American Century“ (it should be mentioned that Richard_Perle, the „Prince_of_Darkness“, was among its founders) was ended in 2006. 2007 the Center_for_a_New_American_Security was founded. The name signalling a true reference to the mentioned paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses. A stronger personal continuity is shown in the „Foreign_Policy_Initiative“, founded in 2009. Among the founders were again William_Kristol and Robert_Kagan. It appears that the PNAC became so controversial that it seemed favourable to change to „follow up“ organizations.

As for the Center for a New American Security it should be mentioned that one of its Directors was Madeleine_Albright. She was not only deeply involved into monumental_crimes_against_the_people_of_Central_Africa, but also into the death of maybe half a million children in Iraq as a consequence of those days sanctions. Famous is her reply to the question: „was_the_price_worth_it?“, „we think it was worth it!“. So speaks a Fascist!

Andreas Schlüter


US war preparations: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47682.htm

US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all Non-Western Countries in September 2000”: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2016/03/13/us-power-elite-declared-war-on-the-southern-hemisphere-east-asia-and-all-non-western-countries-in-september-2000/

Ebola: Pandora´s Box Opened Since Long?“ https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/ebola-pandoras-box-opened-since-long/

See also: https://face2faceafrica.com/article/new-documentary-reveals-how-a-secret-group-tried-to-spread-aid-in-southern-africa1

Project for the New American Century: http://www.newsfocus.org/pnac.htm

My articles on the USA: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/list-of-my-articles-on-the-usa/

Deutsche Version

Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus

US Präsident Trump tritt oft als hetzender, polternder weißer Suprematist auf und ist sicher eine unangenehme Kreatur! Aber er hatte angekündigt, gegen die US (Neocon) Machtelite vorzugehen. Es kam umgekehrt, er ist nun unter ihrer Kontrolle und „auf_Linie“ gebracht worden. Die Demokratische Partei aber ist schon vorher weitgehend unter die Kontrolle der Neocon Machtelite gebracht worden, wobei Hillary Clinton eine bedeutende Rolle spielte. Sie brachte Victoria Nuland (“fuck the EU”) in die Obama-Regierung. Sie bewegte die Obama-Administration dazu, Libyen zu zerstören und war maßgeblich an der Bewaffnung der Terroristen in Syrien beteiligt.


Was nun in in den Köpfen der Neocons ausgebrütet wird, dafür ist das Papier „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ aus dem September 2000 sehr bezeichnend (Autor u. a. Paul Wolfowitz). Es wurde in dem von Nulands Ehemann Robert Kagan mitbegründetem Neocon Think Tank „Project for the New American Century“ gefertigt. Dort findet sich auf S. 60 eine besonders bedrohliche Passage zu möglichen Konzepten der US-Politik für Afrika (und Asien):

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.“


Übersetzt heißt das: „Und fortgeschrittene Formen der biologischen Kriegsführung, die auf bestimmte Gentypen „zielen“ könnten die biologische Kriegsführung aus dem Reich des Terrors zu einem nützlichen politischen Instrument wandeln.

Hier geht es sicher nicht um den Genotypus des weißen Angelsachsen, sondern Afrika und Asien sind im Visier! Dabei kann die spezifische „genetische Angriffsfähigkeit“ natürlich auch durch eine „Anwendungs-Region“ für einen Keim ersetzt werden. Es handelt sich jedenfalls um die direkte Fortsetzung der Träume von der „schwarzen Bombe“ im „Project Coast“ des damaligen Apartheid-Regimes unter Leitung von Wouter_Basson_alias_Dr_Death, um „biologischen Rassenkrieg“ ( http://tinyurl.com/bq34prg)! Die Neocon-Konzepte des Rassenkrieges knüpfen auch an das berüchtigte „Kissinger-Papier“ NSSM-200 an.

Wenn einflussreiche Kreise der US-Politik sich solchen Träumen hingeben, sollten wir in Deutschland tatsächlich alarmiert sein, zumindest, wenn das oft zitierte Nachkriegsmotto „nie wieder“ noch irgendeinen Wert haben sollte!


Der Think Tank „Project for the New American Century“ (zu dessen Mitbegründern übrigens Richard_Perle, „der Fürst der Finsternis“ gehörte), wurde 2006 aufgelöst. Als Nachfolgeorganisation wurde 2009 die „Foreign_Policy_Initiative“ gegründet. Eine große Zahl der am PNAC beteiligten Personen findet sich auch in der Foreign Policy Initiative wieder, so z. B. William_Kristol Und Robert Kagan. Schon 2007 entstand das „Center_for_a_New_American_Security“, dessen Name einen deutlichen Anklang an das Papier „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ darstellt und auch eine „defensive Maskerade“ beinhaltet. Auch die berüchtigte Madeleine_Albright war Direktorin des Centers. Sie war als Außenministerin unter Clinton nicht nur tief in die Verbrechen_gegen_die_Menschen_Zentralafrikas verwickelt, sondern auch mitschuldig an dem Tod von geschätzten 500.000 Kindern im Irak infolge der damaligen Sanktionen. Berüchtigt ist ihre Antwort auf die Frage „war_es_das_wert?“, nämlich, „wir_glauben_es_ist_den_Preis_wert“. So spricht eine Faschistin!

Andreas Schlüter

Ebola: Pandora´s Box Opened Since Long?“ https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/ebola-pandoras-box-opened-since-long/

Meine Beiträge zu den USA: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/link-liste-meiner-artikel-zu-den-usa/

  1. […] sinister plans for total control of the world for the US power elite since the year 2000 (“Project_for_the_New_American_Century“), which also became clearly visible in military_planing. In contrast, the plan for the peace […]

  2. […] millions of lives not only in Africa and Middle East, and doesn´t probably even hesitate to apply Bio-Terrorism. We need to form alliances and really organize instead of fighting […]

  3. […] via A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – As a reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism | W… […]

  4. […] issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“. On page 60 you find the announcement of Fascist_atrocities! It […]

  5. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus […]

  6. […] irresponsibility, claim to be the „Exceptional Country“ and even Think Tank dreams of “biological_Race_War“ are Uncle Sam´s trade marks. The US Power tramples under foot all aspects of International Law […]

  7. […] werden verschärft und „merkwürdige_Phantasien“ gedeihen. Die US-Machtelite beantwortet ihren Albtraum von der möglichen eurasischen […]

  8. […] It is hard time for all of us to leave the details of the monstrous event and concentrate on the monstrous core of the story: we have a US Power Elite that has formed a “permanent_government” and and is presiding over a “Deep_State” apparatus totally separated from any “democratic” foundation and control. It has abandoned all respect for the constitution as well as for International Law and any morality. It doesn´t mind either the lives of US citizens nor the lives of people elsewhere. It is an outcome oft the highest stage of Capitalist concentration of wealth and power. It is especially with its predominant “Neoconservative” wing far from conserving anything (exept its own power) but rather following a policy_of_exstinction. […]

  9. […] To be clear, indeed many people nowadays see Trump as the most dangerous politician in the world, which is a bit naive, since to a high extend a US president is controlled by the real Power Elite, also called the „Deep_State“. It is that Power Elite deciding in the end. And the people at the core of that formation have their „intellectual servants“, organized in the Think Tanks. What the principles of those people are can be seen in their papers, like „Rebuilding-Americas-Defenses“ from September 2000. What you find there is utter Fascism_and_Racism! […]

  10. […] in Burundi and more millions of lives in Congo, do you think the US Power Elite dominated by the US_Neocons_and_their_think_tanks would […]

  11. […] It is hard time for all of us to leave the details of the monstrous event and concentrate on the monstrous core of the story: we have a US Power Elite that has formed a “permanent_government” and and is presiding over a “Deep_State” apparatus totally separated from any “democratic” foundation. It has abandoned all respect for the constitution as well as for International Law and any morality. It doesn´t mind either the lives of US citizens nor the lives of people elsewhere. It is an outcome oft the highest stage of Capitalist concentration of wealth and power. It is especially with its predominant “Neoconservative” wing far from conserving anything (exept its own power) but rather following a policy_of_exstinction. […]

  12. […] Trump lieber war als die kriegslüsterne Hillary Clinton mit ihren Unterstützern aus dem Neocon-Lager, ist wohl wahrlich als durchaus legitime Präferenz anzusehen, auch, wenn die Kandidatin Hillary […]

  13. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus […]

  14. […] (members of them ironically originally coming from more left leaning circles), for example the “Project_For_The_New_American_Century”, and the more manipulative school of “Soft Power”. They liked to have “things done by […]

  15. […] Actually in 2016 the old scheme Neocons = Republicans, „Soft Power Faction“ = Democrats was obsolete. Hillary Clinton was indeed the Neocons spearhead in the Democratic Party and had the full Neocon support (which she „earned“ for example by her blood thirsty help to destroy Libya). In deed Clinton brought Victoria_Nuland into the Obama Administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. He was co-founder of the „Project for the New American Century“, which issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ in September 2000. She had the full support of all those Neocon Think Tank guys (indeed representing_Racism_and_Fascism). […]

  16. […] des Anti-Faschismus´ ernst ist, der muss erkennen, dass sich die heutigen Faschisten in der US-Machtelite_und_ihren_Think-Tanks finden. Dem Ruf nach einem Ende der deutschen Waffenexporte muss sich die wütende Forderung […]

  17. […] mag). „legendär“ ist auch der Tonkin-Golf Vorfall. In Neocon Think Tanks träumt man sogar vom Bio_Krieg_gegen_bestimmte_Teile_der_Welt. Wer sich intensiv mit Nine_Eleven_und_seinen_Paradoxien beschäftigt hat, kommt nicht umhin […]

  18. […] Incident”. Notorious are the (Neocon) Think Tanks with their ideas and concepts even ready to to_wage_bio_warfare against parts of the world. People without dubious affiliations to the existing powers who have […]

  19. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus […]

  20. Angela Grant sagt:

    Andreas, this is scary stuff and it’s here. What can we do?

  21. […] Kapitalismus. Die „Denkknechte“ dieser Machtelite träumen in den „Denkfabriken“ gar vom „biologischen_Rassenkrieg“ gegen den globalen […]

  22. […] Kapitalismus. Die „Denkknechte“ dieser Machtelite träumen in den „Denkfabriken“ gar vom „biologischen_Rassenkrieg“ gegen den globalen […]

  23. […] should never forget that the think tanks of the US Empire work on extermination_programs and are getting ahead with them. Central_Africa_has_lost more than ten million people by US backed […]

  24. […] situation is, it appears there is a long struggle ahead. And to be very clear about it: In the US Neocon_Think_Tanks there are plans for Bio_Warfare against the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all non-Western […]

  25. […] Phrase. Aber es geht noch darüber hinaus, in den faschistischen Neocon Think Tanks wird vom “biologischen_Rassenkrieg” geträumt. Afrika soll offenbar in ewiger Rohstoff-Sklaverei gehalten […]

  26. […] And that´s really no reason to be relieved, that Deep State is far from being „sane“ in its wild desire for World domination, as Nine_Eleven has shown. We shouldn´t forget that it was that complex that went nuts about Trump´s anouncement of „Détente with Russia“, „getting away from regime change wars“ and revision of trade agreements. It was that Power Elite that brought „Trump_on_track“ and made him „Trumpillary“! Hardly any reason to be relieved because of the Generals sourrounding Trump! The irony with Trump´s case is that he shows (and exposes) the arrogancy of that Power Elite without really belonging to that Elite. That elite wants a „descent“ executor of the warmongers_desires! […]

  27. […] Teil der unglaublichen Verbrechen der US-Machtelite zu nennen. Aber, die „Denkknechte“ in den Think-Tanks_der_US_Neocon-Machtelite gehen noch weiter, sie träumen vom Bio-Krieg gegen die südliche Hemisphäre und gegen alle […]

  28. […] reserved for slave labor and mostly designed for extinction. You don´t believe? Then go into their think-tank_papers and learn that they dream of Bio_Warfare against the Southern Hemisphere and all non-Western […]

  29. […] in Burundi and more millions of lives in Congo, do you think the US Power Elite dominated by the US_Neocons_and_their_think_tanks would […]

  30. […] those lunatics who think Clinton would be a „good President“, despite her being backed by Neocon_Fascists. But there´s also a large number of angry poor Whites, white suprematists and Militia men (many of […]

  31. […] by “Race Struggle”. And more dangerous: they´re presenting the Clinton gang (behind whom the Neocons_organize_their_Fascism) as the “lesser evil”. Surely many Whites can still easily be infected by “the fear for race […]

  32. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus […]

  33. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismus […]

  34. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismu… […]

  35. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismu… […]

  36. […] A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism – Zur Erinnerung: Neocon Think Tanks und Faschismu… […]

  37. sascha313 sagt:

    Man könnte natürlich vereinfachend sagen: Was für kranke Gehirne, denen das entspringt! Doch das greift zu kurz – https://sascha313.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/war-hitler-ein-psychopath/ – Nein, diese Leute sind keine Psychopathen! Sie sind die geistigen Brandstifter im Interesse des Großkapitals, für die nach Dunning (zit. im Kapital von Karl Marx) bei 300% Profit kein Verbrechen existiert, das sie nicht riskieren, selbst auf die Gefahr des Galgens! Die Hinrichtung der Banderowzy nach der Befreiung von Lwow durch die Rote Armee und der Nürnberger Prozeß haben gezeigt, was zu tun ist…

  38. Norman Pilon sagt:

    Hi Andreas,

    With respect to HIV, the manner in which it is being exploited to fascistic ends is roughly as follows:

    a) HIV is a retro-virus, meaning that in-itself it is not disease „causing“ (in this respect, see, for example THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS);


    b) poverty and a lack of access to clean water is primarily responsible in Africa for the diseases that fall under the umbrella syndrome designated in the West as AIDS, and thus these disease clusters become the convenient targets of the recommended course of AZT-type therapies, which are in themselves death-sentences, since they are „DNA replication terminators.“

    Thus the fascist West deploys what is effectively a genocidal program under the guise of „humanitarian medical intervention,“ with the pharmaceutical giants making a profit into the bargain for providing the „pharmaceutical cocktails of death.“

    Whether the scheme is intentional or not, the end result is the same: an unsuspecting population is being exterminated while it subsidizes its own extermination.

  39. It’s chilling to think about what death and destruction has occurred through history in order to eliminate the source of Kissinger and his billionaire elite, globally-present group’s „frustrations“.

    • Schlüter sagt:

      For those People, who have lost any Connection with mankind, all People apart from their own circle are nothing then vegetables or weed. They put the existence of mankind at risk!
      Cordial regards

  40. moorbey sagt:

    Hat dies auf Moorbey'z Blog rebloggt.

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