
Further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Quotation from “Rebuilding America´s Defenses” from September 2000, by the Think Tank “Project_for_the_New_American_Century”, page 51,

Seventeen years ago the US were struck by terror, taking the lives of about 3000 people. The following and still ongoing “War on Terror”, which indeed is a terror war, took millions of lives and was and is also a war on civil rights. But by whom was that evil deed perpetrated?

The case presented by the establishment to the public is lousy to the utmost. The presented “perpetrator”, the “bearded in the cave”, was not even “honored” with a warrant by the FBI because of lack of proof. The inconsistencies in the allegation, “Al Qaeda did it”, are countless, possibly the most ridiculous one is the unburned passport of one of the alleged hijackers “falling_from_the_skies”.

No doubt, there are quarrels within the vast group of serious people rejecting the official version. A group of experts on one field might not even understand the points of other experts dealing with another aspect. Wellknown is the tendency of scientists to engage in little wars over secondary details, since each one likes to take the aspect he´s dealing with as the “cornerstone” of a much wider phenomenon.

Obvious are distractions from the inside job by “interested circles” dwelling on the “28 pages” pointing to the Saudis. There are also psychological operations intruding clear disinformation and absurd speculations (“mini nukes”, “direct energy” “hologram planes” etc.) into the scene meant to discredit the enormously large group of “skeptics” dubbing them “conspiracy theorists” (a term pushed by the CIA after the absurdity of the “lone shooter Oswald tale” became too obvious). At times truth (unwanted by the powerful) is mixed either with absurdities or presented in an absurd frame or in a disgusting manner, following the line: “say_the_truth_in_a_way_that_it_will_be_rejected”.

It should be said, it is not too proper to say we know “what really happened”, since all aspects concerning all “chains of command” for the various fields of that monumental False Flag might never be cleared. There´s the principle “need_to_know” reigning in covert operations. So we might never know all details, but enough things can be said with certainty.

Beyond any Doubt: a False Flag!

The number of “coincidences” rose to an amount saying all:

The paper “Rebuilding America´s Defenses” speculating exactly one year before Nine Eleven of a “helpful” event like a “new Pearl Harbor” (see above)

Strange stock market and other financial_operations in connection with the involved Airlines before Nine Eleven

Most significant: many drills and wargames with the exact scenario of Nine Eleven, EVEN ON THAT VERY MORNING!

A plane flying in a “great” flight maneuver within the most protected airspace of the world into exactly that wing of the Pentagon which was just under reconstruction_and_renovation (with already strengthened structure and walls) but containing offices dealing with the “missing_2.3_trillion_dollar”.

This all was accompanied by a mysterious_white_plane

A passport of one of the alleged hijackers falling unburned from the skies (see above).

Incidentally” FEMA´s Disaster Center was already transferred to Pier 92 in New York Harbor to have a drill the next day (see down on Giuliani).

Is it proper after a monumental crime to destroy the “crime scene” so fast, like New York´s Major Rudy_Giuliani_did?

Top of the Absurdities

But the top of the absurdities is made up by the fact that we should believe 19 Arabs with (certified) little_flight_abilities even on single engine planes should have been able to fly those precise maneuvers hitting exactly two Twin Towers and the Pentagon. In this context the contemplations in an article by the NYT_of_2001 are interesting. Thorough researches came to the conclusion that the alleged hijackers_were_not_even_onboard_the_planes. One has to know that since_the_60ies there were experiments with the remote_takeover_of_planes. Radio control of a big plane was even part of the notorious “Operation_Northwoods”.

All this is already enough to be convinced beyond any healthy doubt that this could only have been an Inside Job.


A lot of hard work has been invested to prove that the collapse of three buildings hit by two planes could not have been spontaneous without explosives being planted before. But there are some also serious skeptics denying that theory of a controlled demolition. I´m not enough of an expert to come to a final conclusion on that.

But with the clear conclusion that mighty parts of the US Power Elite have orchestrated Nine Eleven as the alibi for extended war policy and further militarization of the US society as well as spying and bullying the whole world, I ask myself this: wouldn´t they have desired the most extreme mental response of the society? Would two holes in two high rise buildings have been enough to achieve that goal? Wasn´t the term “Ground Zero” too quickly at hand (the very same day)? Could it also be that there were some structural elements inbuilt the WTC to guarantee that the buildings one day in late future could easily be brought down into their footprints – when need to be exchanged – and the perpetrators knew about that, being sure the impact would do?

There is an additional aspect to the event: obviously a deep insight of the MOSSAD gave Israel´s power elite a lot of blackmail power over the US Power Elite concerning questions of Near and Middle East. For this see:

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“:

Living in the Times of Covert Operations

Nine Eleven is now seventeen years ago, the “War on Terror” is still going on. But there are now additional targets of US aggression. 2001 the aim was to have a pretext for wars gaining more control of the Southern Hemisphere and its recourses, those days Russia was still down, China was slowly rising. Nowadays Russia has regained strength and China is quite powerful. So the US_Power_Elite_has_a_nightmare: The “Eurasian Cooperation” wanted by China as well as Russia, and being also attractive for European industries. It manifests itself in the “New Silk Road”, part of it the “Iron Silk Road”, the rail-connection from China even up to Spain. And the project is even larger and looking for naval manifestation as well. The US Power Elite knows, if this concept would unfold to the full extend, the US are out!

So it is obvious: the geo-strategic aim of the US will be to disrupt this project by building a barrier against this. Thus the plan “seven_countries_in_five_years” from short time after (or better before) Nine Eleven, originally designed to get hold of Middle East resources fits into that “necessity”. The same aim is followed by the US concerning_the_Ukraine, as “nicely” explained_by_George_Friedman.

As for Syria (likewise for the Ukraine taken over by fascist forces) the Russian government has decided enough is enough. In accordance with international law Russia (and Iran) are protecting Syria from being plunged into total chaos by the US, GB, France, Israel and the terrorist Islamist proxy forces troubling the Region.

And again False Flag Operations “bloom”. To get Western public support the Western secret services and their allies stage one False Flag after the other. Years ago they started with the Litvinenko_operation. Now we had the Skripal_operation, even “doubled”, smeared against all logic on Russia. Then there are the “Chemical Attacks” in Syria smeared on Syria´s government and thus also on Russia, also opposing all logic which would have to ask “cui bono?”.

The Sign of Fire on the Wall

With a desolate and unwanted Trump, being “Plan_B” of the US Power Elite, it was easy to push him away from his rejection of Regime Change Wars. They made him send cruise missiles into Syria, thus becoming “Trumpillary”. It seems with warmongers at his side like Bolton and Pompejo and the outspoken threats against Syria, a new staged chemical attack is in the air, an attack is even possible without that happening. There are splits_within_the_US_Power_Elite, but one shouldn´t count on the “resistance_in_the_White_House” within the White House.

It is possible that that would be a test: if Russia ducks away, then all is good and fine for Trump for the time, and he´ll be allowed to bully the world for some more time. If not, then he might be removed from office the last moment, selling this to the world as a “triumph of American Democracy”. But this is a “game” full of risks, to be equated to the Cuba Crisis. And the Cuba Crisis those days led us to the edge of extinction!


It is hard time for all of us to leave the details of the monstrous event and concentrate on the monstrous core of the story: we have a US Power Elite that has formed a “permanent_government” and and is presiding over a “Deep_State” apparatus totally separated from any “democratic” foundation. It has abandoned all respect for the constitution as well as for International Law and any morality. It doesn´t mind either the lives of US citizens nor the lives of people elsewhere. It is an outcome oft the highest stage of Capitalist concentration of wealth and power. It is especially with its predominant “Neoconservative” wing far from conserving anything (exept its own power) but rather following a policy_of_exstinction.

If the left doesn´t get clear about the extent of these structures and their deisgns it´s going to loose it. If strong social and political movements would not be formed and thus societies further allow European governments to maintain there vassal behavior and join in those “games” we might all be doomed!

Andreas Schlüter


Nine Eleven: A marvelous Compilation”:

Nine Eleven a Dozen Years ago – Stirred it the Third World War?”

US Neocon Power Elite: Lines of Defense around the Inside Job Nine Eleven“:

Hijackers” alive:

Trump on Nine Eleven short time after it happened:

  1. curi56 sagt:

    Hat dies auf rebloggt.

  2. moorbey sagt:

    Hat dies auf Moorbey'z Blog rebloggt und kommentierte:
    Nice piece of work fam

  3. Bernd Kalweit sagt:

    Thanks Andreas for the good evaluation on the terrible things that have happened at 9/11 in NY and WDC and their impact on the current condition of the world. You are right, some serious investigators are quarrelling. As always, this is good for the real assassinators, who will cover up the truth. We will never know everything in detail, but sometime we will know it was the biggest deception at the beginning of 21 century. Hopefully, we or our children can still experience it.

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