US Madness: MKULTRA in Full Swing?

Veröffentlicht: Oktober 5, 2017 in Politik, Wissenschaft
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Officially the notorious CIA Project_MKUltra was halted in 1973. The program for ruthless actions against groups and individuals included „the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior“. Among other things the program dealt with „Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public“. Should we believe the program really ended? Do we think power gives up so easily?

What are the basic conflicts? A tiny, very_tiny_minority controls the riches of the world, its class struggle, and Warren_Buffet_claims_victory_for_the_super_rich, but the struggle isn´t over. The social and economic question is at the center. And that class is also waging „classical wars“ as well as covert wars, proxy wars. That means, the peace question stands side by side with the social question. But most of Buffet´s class dislike that openess and do everything to cover that story up. Covert ops are the means and thus we can be sure: MKUltra is alive!

That tiny super class needs the „right personnel“ at the right places. And they need to divert attention from the basic questions. The class conflict has to be covered by some sceemes of „race_war_concepts“ and their war policy has to be covered by the „others who want war“ and who have to be contained or liquidated. And the madness of that „super class“ and their deadly greed has to be covered by stories about individual madness. And the concepts laid down in MKUltra are among others „ideal“ means to those ends. We would be very naive to believe it´s over!

The „wrong“ President

There is no doubt, the US Power Elite, the „Deep_State“ of the US wanted Clinton as their reliable puppet at the political top. But the woman´s reputation was already bad and many people could see the „snake“ behind her weird_laughing. No doubt, the one compeeting with her was and is an egocentric and egomanic person also coming up with terrible remarks, sexist, suprematist nonsence, but with four very rational points: Detente with Russia, no more „Regime Change Wars“ and putting Trade agreements into question together with re-industrialization of the US, as well as „draining the swamp“. That did the trick. He won.

But this wasn´t to the taste of the Deep State. Soon they signalled to the man that he´s playing with his life and his „struggle_for_survival“ begun, with the result that he was put „on_track“, throwing all his anouncements over board. But there´s still a problem. He portraits the real US arrogancy, he is showing the true face of the ruling class though not a member of it. He is egomanic and in the end not fully controlable (be sure: he´ll not be allowed to „press the button“, but can do other „damage“). He has to go and the „calm“ Pence is waiting. But how to get Trump out? The foolish „Russiagate“ Story didn´t hold water. What next? Sure, the presidential helicopter is old and could fall down one day. But anything like that, such an incident or an assassination by a „lone wulf“ would probably lead to civil war like erruptions. What to do?

Weird Trump


No doubt, he was always acting and tweeting in a way that made many people shake their heads. But now he seems to be running out of order. He is using words a „President would never use“, he´s in permanent conflict with his close political surrounding, clash after clash. He´s grimassing and jumping into any conflict possible. More and more it appears: the man is ripe for impeachment! Since some time I´ve been asking myself: what does he take? And after a while: what are they giving to him? Uh, did I forget MKUltra? Why not apply those methods (described up) to a President of whom you want to get rid off? Quote again: „Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public“! And for such ops you build on what is there, a tendency to egomanic behaviour, and you push that to the top!

And many people including his followership still harbour the illusion of the US President being the „most powerful man on Earth“. The Power Elite might push him to play the „mad man“. But are there more means to push the topic of the mad man?

Las Vegas Shooting

On the 1st of October a terrible attack on visitors of a Country Music Festival in Las Vegas was launched. It started at 10:05 pm and lasted for about 10 minutes. Most reports give the number of 59 deaths (not including the alleged shooter Stephen Craig Paddock) and the number wounded varying from 489 to 527. The rounds have been fired from the Mandalay Bay Hotel´s 32nd floor (some say also from another floor as well). An enormous number of guns and amount of ammunition was found after the police broke into two appartments rented by Paddock. There are reports of two cameras outside the appartments to warn the shooter. More weaponry was found in the luxurious home of the multi millionaire.

But the alleged „shooter“ doesn´t fit into what is usually „expected“ from a weird „lone wulf“ like for example Breivik. He was living with a woman, had continous contact with his brother and showed no signs of fanatism except being a fanatic gambler (though the IS ridiculously claimed the deed). In fact the whole slaughter_in_Las_Vegas appears to have many elements of a false flag operation and the man either being a patsy or even the whole tragedy being an MKUltra operation based on extended psychological manipulation. And quite some hints direct to „helpers“. Surely nothing is sure and Paul_Craig_Roberts treats the case with caution stressing the uncertainty. On „Covert Geopolitics“ Jon Rappoport sees the „official_scenario_crumbling“. After all the tragic events bear many of the symptoms of a false flag like many „terror_attacks“, like classically a „dead perpetrator“. But if so, to which end? Simply the „Strategy_of_tension“ might not be enough of an explanation if it has really been staged.

Trying to connect possible dots

Two stereotypes have been applied for long in the Western media: African Americans portrayed as criminals and, according to Hillary Clinton´s infamous remark, „Super_Predators“, Muslims portrayed as Terrosrists, white Americans mostly being the victims of those dangerous people. Well, at times dump cops letting some old racism out completed the picture. Now the problem for the Power Elite is to get rid of a super rich white guy (Trump). Ok, many people would be glad to see that guy impeached, including those lunatics who think Clinton would be a „good President“, despite her being backed by Neocon_Fascists. But there´s also a large number of angry poor Whites, white suprematists and Militia men (many of them gun addicts). On the later two groups the US Power Elite is counting from time to time, when support for wars is necessary. And those two groups are rather vigilant and could become uncontrolable if it comes to Trumps´s impeachment. How to pacify those ones when it comes to „necessary steps“?

A new character picture has to come into the game: the madgone rich White. It is necessary for that step of impeachment by the Power Elite that Trump´s followership has to get scared by such a picture. They have to understand that such personalities could also become a deadly danger for them. So the wanted lesson for Trumpists could be: look, such rich white madgone men (mmh, like Trump as well) could also become a deadly danger for you white Country music lovers, many of you being Trump followers!

Far fetched? Maybe, but many people who haven´t read the declassified MKUltra papers would take all thoughts about covert ops to be „far fetched“and „outrageous_conspiracy_theories“! And in this presented theory all those „weird“ details make sense. We – the ordinary people – don´t have the means to verify such theories, but, damn, why shouldn´t we be allowed to speculate, if the „serious“ media are spreading idiotic theories about hated foreign countries and governments?!

Andreas Schlüter


  1. […] that Mkultra – or as the follow ups might ever be called – is still going on, maybe even against_a_US_President? But what might be more terrifying, we should remember that most of the „islamic Terrorists“ of […]

  2. Lara/Trace sagt:

    Hat dies auf soul factory rebloggt und kommentierte:
    MKUltra is alive

  3. […] US Madness: MKULTRA in Full Swing? […]

  4. Rob Prince sagt:

    Interesting piece – admittedly speculative but not without substance. There is another possibility. I am not suggesting that it is anything more than a hypothesis either but….it goes like this. Trumpty-Dumpty provides a great deal of „entertainment“ – admittedly of a deranged variety – but still and as such he provides a diversion for what is shaping up to be the radical (radical to the right) restructuring of the American body politic, perhaps the most sweeping changes since the Civil War of 1861-5, a thorough-going reshaping of American capitalism and its „values.“ Americans love diversions – in fact that is what life is all about here. Trumpty-Dumpty provides a diversion from much of what is being „accomplished“ in Congress and in the different branches of the Administration. More and more I have a sense (that is all it is) that the powers that be – that you rightly refer to as the Deep State – that they will use him like a lemon, squeeze out all of his usefulness whatever that might be and then when THEY (and not „WE“) have decided that there is no more juice left to squeeze out of him, when he has become more of a liability than an asset, there will be some kind of campaign, illicit, public or both to dump him not much different from the way that Ben Ali, Mubarek were dumped in Tunisia and Egypt, the way they got rid of Marcos in the Philippines, or when the French dumped Blaisse Compaore in Burkina Faso. masters that they are of encouraging all the change necessary to maintain the status quo. With that in mind, I think there is more mileage to get out of Trumpty-Dumpty before he is put out to pasture…cheers..

    • Schlüter sagt:

      Dear Rob Prince,
      in the end we´re not far from each other, surely they´ll use him to a point, maybe doing something for them, the US Power Elite, which they´ll then blame on him – and take him „out of the game“!
      But their games are deadly dangerous. Let´s hope for the best.

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