President Elect Trump: Has His Struggle For Survival Already Begun?

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 30, 2016 in Politik
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I concede Obama the wish to implement some of his announced „Change“ when taking office. But soon he found out that a US President is far from being the „most powerful man on earth“, but rather at best the most glamorous man! He saw – as every President does since Kennedy´s assassination either before or after inauguration – that there are much more powerful people behind „the veil“, the „Deep_State“, the Military Industrial Complex, the true US Power Elite. Thus he decided not to become „a second Kennedy“ but rather obeyed that faction of the US Power Elite (which is at times at logger heads among itself about strategic and tactic questions) which is most influential at the respective moment. Obviously he has decided on “the last meters of his Presidency” to make himself the complete fool of the Neocons.

Will the Tiger the President Elect Pretends to be End up as a Carpet as Well?


Trump started with a number of ugly comments and positions but had the correct understanding that the aggressive confrontation of US policy (more and more under control of the Neocons again) personalized by Hillary Clinton could pulverize us all (including himself) in a WW III scenario (which the Neocons believe they could restrict to Russia and China). He moreover saw the industrial past of the US being the basis of its power and wants to revise the almost total dependence of the US on finance industry in favor of a re-industrialization. He has a clear understanding that the „Regime Change“ wars create a lot of problems for the US as such. With those positions he got elected according to rules and regulations in the US.

He´s thus in a deadly confrontation with the Neocons over war policy against Russia and interventionism (which are beloved Neocon projects). Taking in some of the hardcore militarists will not end that confrontation.

The Change Within the “Change”


Sound people knew from the beginning that Trump´s “care” for the “small people” wasn´t that serious and there´s personal in his team and positions indicating that again, including a whole number of people near to the Neocons. Much of his choice might already have been influenced by growing sorrow for a more massive confrontation. What appears to contrast most to his slogan “make America great again” is his stand towards Israel and the country´s illegal occupation policy. The Obama administration has now set up a mild symbol of criticism of that policy by making the declaration of UN´s Security Council possible. At once Trump signaled his support for Israel which again and again has demonstrated total disregard for US positions on the Palestinian question. He is not shy to go against this step of US policy which was long overdue. What does he expect to gain?

Is Trump´s Struggle for Survival Already in Full Swing?


The answer might be very simple: he´s now fully aware of the confrontation´s deadly nature. Already somehow being dubbed “Putin´s agent” he sees his announced Détente towards Russia been sabotaged by new sanctions and diplomatic confrontations on the side of the Obama administration including the announcement of harsher measures even. And the Russian_plane_crash will be interpreted by him (like by clear analysts including myself) as orchestrated by the “Deep State” of the US – a “measure” as demanded by the Clinton supporter and former high ranking CIA man Morell. This has surely alarmed him more.

Since he´s an unprincipled person he´s got no problem with selling out the Palestinians rights in order to please AIPAC and more important Israel´s government. He expects that this might gain him MOSSAD´s protection. Seen from his position he needs “allied troops”. It could turn out that in the end the Neocons and Israel´s Power Elite are so close that he´ll find himself under full control of both ending up as a carpet!

But we shouldn´t believe the US and the World would be better of with Clinton and her Neocon gang – which has already declared_Biowar on the Southern Hemisphere! At least the Détente with Russia – provided he can manage that – might save us from the worst. All in all we have to conclude: the US Power Elite is the most dangerous force in this World. People outside the US as well as inside the US have to learn this and build up against it!

Andreas Schlüter



Kissinger and Trump:

Project for the New American Century (Neocons):

My articles on the USA:

  1. […] The fact that Trump is still in office and even alive despite the permanent fire on him by US politicians and the mainstream media shows that he might also have a faction of the Power Elite behind him, indicated for example by his close contact with Kissinger (who stands for the school of „Realism“ within the Power Elite). But he had to compromise a lot with the Neocons, shown by inclusion of the_notorious_Neocon_Bolton (representing the Deep State´s long_enmity_toward_the_people_of_Iran) and the like into US Government. And an important part of the British Power Elite as well as Israel are „on_his_neck“. […]

  2. […] able to channel to the man that those options exist (probably already before inauguration). His „struggle_for_survival“ had […]

  3. […] taste of the Deep State. Soon they signalled to the man that he´s playing with his life and his „struggle_for_survival“ begun, with the result that he was put „on_track“, throwing all his anouncements over board. […]

  4. […] the most glamorous man on Earth. And his learning started a while ago, even before taking office, his_struggle_for_survival_had_already_begun. He´s also been „on_track“ since a while. But the faint protest says also: people, understand, […]

  5. […] European economic interests. And those sanctions are also directed against Trump´s still existing wish_to_reduce_deadly_tensions between the US and Russia. Obviously the US (Neocon) Power Elite has strengthened its grip on the […]

  6. […] started to understand that he was heading towards a deadly confrontation and his struggle_for_survival began. So he thought that by taking militarists being near to the Neocons he would ease the […]

  7. […] it his struggle_for_personal_survival? Could he really be so stupid not to see that this was a False Flag? Then he´s more naive than […]

  8. […] President Elect Trump: Has His Struggle For Survival Already Begun? […]

  9. Eric Zuesse sagt:

    „we have to conclude: the US Power Elite is the most dangerous force in this World. People outside the US as well as inside the US have to learn this and build up against it!“

    Amen to that!!

  10. […] President Elect Trump: Has His Struggle For Survival Already Begun? […]

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