Mit ‘Rwanda’ getaggte Beiträge


Quite often BBC is involved in Western propaganda, but three years ago they produced a very honest documentaion: „Rwanda´s Untold Story“, putting things concerning Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo right. No wonder that the Kagame_regime_went_nuts over the documentation since the film delivers a compelling_case_of_Kagame_as_war_criminal.

In fact the docu works itself the hard way through all the myths Western media have spread about their darling Kagame and his RPF. It´s a „Must See“:

Rwanda´s Untold Story, Pt 1:

Rwanda´s Untold Story, Pt 2:

Take the pain to have illusions chattered!

Andreas Schlüter


Half the Truth is a whole Lie! 20 Years of brazen Desinformation!

BBC, Rwanda: Did Kagame´s Murder Inc hit again? Death of Komla Afeke Dumor”:

G20 Africa-Partnership-Conference – Some Questions also Concerning Paul Kagame”:

Africa: Crisis in Burundi? What´s Behind the Whole Turmoil?”:

Tweeting in Kagame-Style: a Rwandan Going Rampant on Twitter and Speaking out a Death Treat!”:

My articles on Africa:

Having spread my new article “Africa: Crisis in Burundi? What´s Behind the Whole Turmoil?” ( via Twitter I found a diffuse answer by a Rwandan Tweep:


I checked the Twitterer and found an alarming Tweet from the 14th of October:


In deed he seems to speak out a death threat against Human Rights Watch critics of Rwanda´s Kagame-Regime, saying „With these obsessive attacks on #Rwanda @hrw and @KenRoth confirm their death; they need holy transformation to resurrect, #HRWLies“! This could just be seen as „blabla“ if there wouldn´t be good reasons to believe that the Kagame regime murders_opponents like Col Patrick_Karegeya, former intelligence chief, in South Africa, or attemped to do so like with General_Nyamwasa also in South Africa. But the regime obviously doesn´t stop with Rwandan countrymen (dubbed as traitors) but takes at foreigners as well everywhere. Kagame seems to have had a hand also in the death_of_Komla_Afeke_Dumor, BBC Presenter of Ghanain origin (I_have_written_about_this_in_2015).

The strategy behind this appears to be: always deny, but let opponents be aware that we can reach them anywhere! Quote of Rwanda´s Minister of Defense, James Kabarebe:

Do not waste your time on reports that so and so was strangled with a rope on flat 7 in whatever country…When you choose to be a dog, you die like a dog, and the cleaners will wipe away the trash so that it does not stink for them. Actually, such consequences are faced by those who have chosen such a path. There is nothing we can do about it, and we should not be interrogated over it.


It follows patterns practiced by Kagames US masters, as spoken out by former_acting_CIA_director_Morell, and by Israel. This is called TERROR!

It´s up to critical journalists and analysts to be brave and stay upright against the Terror regime of Kagame and his attempts to intimidate critics!

Andreas Schlüter


An Inside Story:

My articles on Africa:


Every now and then “News” are propping up in the Western Media about Burundi indicating “Repression” and “misconduct” by the government. Even the UN is accusing the Burundian government of human rights violations and else. In September the New_York_Times writes about the UN condemning the Government with President Nkurunziza of “crimes against humanity”. It “reports” the crisis would have heated “when Mr. Nkurunziza announced his intention to run for a third term – a violation of Burundi´s Constitution”. Well, even BBC_had_to_admit that Burundi´s Supreme court decided the running for a third term would be legal since the first term started under extraordinary circumstances, being appointed by parliament in course of the Arusha agreements and not being elected in a popular vote.

Long Live the Double Standard!

The Western smear campaign against Burundi and Nkurunziza is the more astonishing since Western darling Presidents in Burundi´s surrounding are not respecting any limitation for their number of terms. Uganda´s President Yoweri_Museveni is on top since more than 30 years. Rwanda´s President Paul_Kagame, who invaded Rwanda with his RPF from Uganda and with heavy US support, is President since 2000 and has no limitation in terms (he must be suspected for ruthlessly murdering_critics abroad). DR Congo´s Joseph_Kabila is President since 2001. In Western media usually not many words are dropped about this when hitting on Burundi´s government. But it´s the same when it comes to other “good friends” of the West like for example the “lighthouse of Democracy” in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia. So what is the reason for Western hostility towards Burundi?

Much of Western rhetoric relates to the (fake) mainstream narrative on the tragedy in Rwanda shouting “genocide under way”, a dangerous alarmism of which the Guardian warned in 2015. All that though Burundis_real_social_divide_is_urban_and_rural. But Burundi´s problems might in fact have a lot to do with Rwanda, but in a different way than insinuated by the media. And Burundi´s government stands_in_the_way_of_the_US as Ann Garrison points out correctly.

The US Empire, “Their Man” Kagame and the Plunder of Congo

23 years ago the US Empire has installed the henchman Paul Kagame in Rwanda with a bloody war of aggression waged by the Uganda based RPF and decorated this with a monumental disinformation campaign making the world believe that the former Rwandan government would have planned a “Genocide against the Tutsi”. It was rather a Genocide against the Hutu majority. For the history of that tragedy read:

Half the Truth is a whole Lie! 20 Years of brazen Desinformation!

There is no doubt that the “Scramble for Africa” is going on and that Rwanda´s RPF regime is playing an essential part in it, as Robin Philpot correctly portrays in his book “Rwanda_and_the_New_Scramble_for_Africa”, likewise described by Finian_Cunningham. Coltan, Uranium, Cobalt, Gold diamonds and copper are “waiting for plunder”. Especially the US military is busy “winning_Africa”. Even the “Economist” though upholding the fake Western narrative about Rwanda´s tragedy admits the unholy role of Rwanda and ethnic Tutsis in DR Congo in an article of 2012.

An important role plays the rebel_group_M23 mostly made up of ethnic Tutsis, who were integrated into the Congolese army. Fights between_the_Congolese_army_and_M23 went also on this year. Despite the defection of Tutsi fighters to those rebel groups there is still Tutsi dominance said to prevail in DR Congo´s army. An example was also Laurent_Nkunda, and an example for the close relationship to the US via US Christian sectarianism as well.

The crisis sharpens obviously again in DR Congo, especially in the Kasai region (see links below). Trough the “complicated” conflicts “Big Brothers” hand (“well trained” in steering ethnic conflicts) is shining. The US Power Elite has long lasting experience in such operations also in the Middle East and the Balkans.

Possibly the Geo-Strategic Clou to the Story

In February 2016 it became obvious that Rwanda_is_recruiting_as_well_as_training_and_arming_Burundian_rebels in order to destabilize_Burundi and oust_the_Burundian_President. This most probably has the aim to plunge Burundi into chaos and sharpen ethnic conflicts, and then for Kagame and his RPF to appear as the “savior” of the Burundian Tutsi! Surely with the aim of installing a Tutsi dominated regime and possibly uniting the two countries, restituting a “glorious Tutsi Reign”.

What could be the further aims of Kagame and his US masters? Well, it might silence the slowly developing skepticism about Kagame´s role in Congo and fix again the “Genocide against the Tutsi” narrative. But much more important: it would broaden Kagame´s power basis for his plunder of the DR Congo in favor of Western resource policy. And a Coltan_processing_plant is built in cooperation with a Canadian Company in Rwanda, where_no_Coltan_is_to_be_found. Coltan is in Congo. But Rwanda is the World´s biggest Coltan exporter, guess how?!

Is it very absurd to speculate that Kagame´s plan (and that of his US masters) might be to unite Rwanda and Burundi for a broader power basis and thereafter split the Eastern part of DR Congo off, using militant Tutsi groups in Congo? If that costs thousands of lives in Burundi and more millions of lives in Congo, do you think the US Power Elite dominated by the US_Neocons_and_their_think_tanks would bother?

Andreas Schlüter


Interview with HE PhD Edouard Bizimana, Burundi´s ambassador in Russia, in French:

unmasking faces of plotters:

further Links:

Rwanda´s Untold Story, Pt 1:

Rwanda´s Untold Story, Pt 2:

Media on the present humanitarian situation in DR Congo (many times with disinformation concerning the political background):

More Links:


African Struggles in Perspective“:

On the 12th of May in connection with the G20 meeting in Hamburg there was the G20 Africa Partnership Conference taking place in Berlin. A whole number of African Presidents attending, a lot was talked about partnership and development.

What Kind of Partnership?

Western soldiers roaming all over Africa, a whole number of them under the umbrella of US_AFRICOM (violating the spirit of African liberation and African_Unity) European soldiers as well, a lot of them French. The West is pretending to make Africa “safe”. Safe for what? There are many indications that they´re just trying to make Africa safe for Western plunder or, where their plunder isn´t yet actual, to destabilize and de-state as a preparation for more future plunder. Is that a “wicked” suspicion?

the-heart-of-africa 001 (2)

What about the financial colonialism of the French in Africa? That alone is a sound proof that “Colonialism_is_alive”. What happened when Gaddafi tried to bring an African gold currency on the way? Clinton_emails_reveal_the_true_motive for the “intervention” in Libya, where the French cooperated closely with the US. From the repercussions of the Libyan drama came turmoil in Mali, giving the French more chances. Make Africa “safe” from IS? One has to know West_created_the_Islamic_State for its own ends! Make Africa “safe for Democracy”? Maybe with uranium_coated_amunition? And to have a Democracy as rotten as in the US? Be sure, as long as the US Power Elite has the leading hand in the “West´s partnership with Africa” there will be no such thing as true Democracy created by them!

Paul Kagame, the “symbolic figure” of Western Partnership with Africa

The real symbol of that deadly partnership, which is in deed the new_scramble_for_Africa is the Rwandan President Kagame, who delivered a speech at the conference, more or less praising Neoliberalism. This man has been celebrated throughout the West and throughout the years since 1994 as the “savior of Rwanda and of the Tutsis”, which was rather less than “half_of_the_truth_but_a_whole_lie”. In reality Kagame and his RPF waged a murderous war of aggression (according to Nuremberg principles the utmost crime) against Rwanda, which he did from Uganda, with heavy support from the US and many Western countries. Following almost a million died in Rwanda, but many more, possibly over eight million people lost their lives in DR_Congo., in fact as many as have died during the time Congo was the “private” Colony of Belgian King Leopold II. This was tolerated based on the pretext that the Rwandan tragedy would have been an organized Genocide attempt by the Hutu majority against the Tutsi. With this deformed story the RPF legitimized the invasion of Congo (together with Uganda), pretending to get hold of the “genocidaires”. What was the real aim?


Proxy Colonialism, but Kagame might be Exchanged one Day

The aim of this (ongoing) invasion is the riches of DR Congo. Congo is full of Minerals. With the computer age the mineral Coltan has reached overall importance for mobile phones, computers and that like (of which the public should have more_knowledge). Already in 2002 the amount of stolen_goods_was_monumental, no matter that 2011 in a lousy little theater show Rwanda_repatriated_90_tons_of_Congolese-minerals having been “smuggled” into Rwanda. But in the end US_companies_are_exploiting_the_Congo. Actually DR Congo is on top of all deadly hells of this Earth, its fate somehow mirrored by West_Papua being plundered by Indonesia in favor of the West.

To broaden the power basis for his grip on Congo, Kagame even seems_meddling_in_neighbouring_Burundi. Obviously the aim was to create a situation, which could be presented to the world as reason for a Rwandan intervention in order to “save the Burundian Tutsi”, possibly even to unite the two countries under RPF leadership.  But the US Empire seems now not too much in favour of such developments, especially in the present situation of conflicts within the US Power Elite.

Anyway, it is more and more difficult for Kagame and his regime to hide the crimes and atrocities in Congo, partly reflected in the UN_Project_Mapping_on_DR_Congo, though a leaked_first_draft was later on softened (due to US pressure). Very delicate is that Kagame fights growing Western critics by the confession that he joined the West in corruption to plunder Congo in an interesting speech (at 6:26), really remarkable:

But, in the end even it will not be his crimes, not even because of a murder_possibly_commited_on_a_BBC_journalist in London by his murder_inc, for which the US Power Elite will drop him one day. It might be for his “arrogant” belief that the henchman can do without his master! The fact that a Canadian company helps to build a first_coltan_Processing_plant in Rwanda (paid_for_by_the_genocide_inCongo) doesn´t really mean it will please his US master. Also the Chinese involvement into the East-African_standard_gauge_network including Rwanda might also possibly make his master´s eyebrow raise. Mobutu wasn´t really rewarded for little flirts with China and North-Korea. But, if it comes to that point, the US Power Elite will have Kagame toppled with “love for Democracy” on their lips!

One thing is clear, Africa has long struggles_for_freedom_and_social_justice ahead! In these strugglesalso for genuine development and industrialization the natural allies will surely be other African countries and in general the BRICS states. The Western countries as dominated by the US and Neoliberalism with its “freetrade religion” would only be partners for eternal dependency and resource slavery!

Andreas Schlüter


African Struggles for Social Justice, Freedom and Democracy in Perspective, reflected in a series of articles:

Deutsche Version unten


3 faces exchanged in meantime! – 3 Gesichter sind inzwischen ausgetauscht!

Colonialism Alive!

Naive people talk about “Post-Colonialism”, everyone really going into the topic will laugh bitterly. NATO soldiers all over Africa, “fighting Terrorism” for example against IS (which is sponsored by US & Al). US_AFRICOM expanding like cancer and being portrayed with US allies (better called vassals) as the “fire_brigade”. An outstanding role among the European US vassals is played by France. France´s colonialism was for a long time relatively independent, so to speak “in its own right”, but the country is today mostly “in line” with the US strategy. As a reward for its compliance it profits from US protection and is allowed to suck from its former Subsaharan colonies.

Listen to the open words by Sarkozy:

France can not allow its former colonies to create their own currency to have total control over their central banks . If this happens, it would be a catastrophe for the public treasury that will lead France to the rank of 20th world economic power. There is no question, therefore, of letting the French colonies of Africa have their own currencies.“


One important reason for France to be very “helpful” in the US-lead destruction of Libya was the Libyan effort to create a gold currency for Africa. By the way, it was Clinton who made Obama order Libya´s destruction. “We came, we saw, he died! Hahahah!”, were her laughing_words afterwards.

And actually it should be mentioned that she had full support in her campaign by people (like Robert Kagan and Paul Wolfowitz) who were contemplating in the paper “Rebuilding America´s Defenses” about “biological_race_war. Who is aware of those concepts might shiver when getting across the Ebola-outbreak!

And not to forget, Clinton´s husband had a leading hand in the destruction of Rwanda_and_Congo!

Colonialism dead? No, going stronger than ever! And at the core of it is Globalized Capitalism. Long_struggles ahead of Africa!

Andreas Schlüter


Deutsche Version

Der Kolonialismus lebt und feiert fröhliche Urständ! Teil 1

Naive Menschen reden vom “nachkolonialen Zeitalter”, aber jeder, der sich intensiv mit der Sache befasst, kann darüber nur bitter lachen! US_AFRICOM breitet sich krakenartig in Afrika aus, unter US-Führung kämpft die NATO gegen “den Terror”, der insbesondere vom “Islamischen Staat” kommt, den die US und Verbündete geschaffen haben und weiter sponsorn. Überall präsentieren die USA und ihre Verbündeten (besser Vasallen) sich als “Feuerwehr_in_Afrika”.

Eine besondere Rolle dabei spielt Frankreich, das lange Zeit einen eigenständigen (Neo)-Kolonialismus betrieb, sich aber nun weitgehend in die US-Strategie eingefügt hat. Zum “Dank” dafür darf es seine ehemaligen Kolonien weiter aussaugen. Dies geschieht durch das CFA_Franc System, das das Finanzsystem dieser Länder völlig in Frankreichs Hände legt.

Man lese die Worte des ehemaligen französischen Staatspräsidenten Sarkozy:

Frankreich kann seinen früheren Kolonien nicht erlauben, ihre eigene Währung zu schaffen, um die totale Kontrolle über ihre Zentralbanken zu haben. Sollte das geschehen, wäre es eine Katastrophe für das (französische) Finanzsystem, die Frankreich auf Platz 20 in der Weltwirtschaft verweisen würde. Daher kommt es nicht infrage, dass Frankreich seine (ehemaligen) Kolonien in Afrika ihre eigene Währung haben lässt.“

Übersetzung durch WiPoKuLi von:


Daher hat Frankreich tatkräftig den USA geholfen, die Libyen_kaputtgemacht haben, denn von Libyen ging der Versuch aus, Afrika eine Goldwährung zu geben. Eine Aktion, zu der Clinton Obama gebracht hat. Ihre Worte nach der Untat waren: “Wir kamen, wir sahen, er starb! Hahaha!”

Nicht unerwähnt sollte bleiben, dass Clinton tatsächlich die Speerspitze der Neocons (US Neokonservatismus) in der Demokratischen Partei ist. Clinton hat die Neocon Victoria Nuland („fuck the EU“) in die Obama-Administration gebracht. Nuland ist die Frau von Robert Kagan (der inzwischen öffentlich für Clinton wirbt). Kagan ist Mitbegründer des „Project for the New American Century“. Um die „Visionen“ dieser Neocons vom „Project“ zu begreifen, sollte man deren Papier „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ vom September 2000 sehr genau studieren (Autor u. a. Paul Wolfowitz). Dort findet sich auf S. 60 eine besonders bedrohliche Passage zu möglichen Konzepten der US-Politik in Afrika (und Asien):

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.“

Übersetzt heißt das: „Und fortgeschrittene Formen der biologischen Kriegsführung, die auf bestimmte Gentypen „zielen“ können, könnten die biologische Kriegsführung aus dem Reich des Terrors zu einem nützlichen politischen Instrument wandeln.

Hier geht es sicher nicht um den Genotypus des weißen Angelsachsen, sondern Afrika und Asien sind im Visier! Dabei kann die spezifische „Angriffsfähigkeit“ natürlich auch durch eine „Anwendungs-Region“ ersetzt werden. Es handelt sich jedenfalls um die direkte Fortsetzung der Träume von der „schwarzen Bombe“ im „Project_Coast“ (geleitet von „Dr_Death“) des damaligen Apartheid-Regimes, um „biologischen Rassenkrieg“!

Ebenso muss erwähnt werden, dass Clintons Mann Bill Clinton eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Zerstörung von Ruanda_und_der_DR_Kongo spielte.

Viele europäische Regierungen spielen bei der Zerstörung Afrikas und der übrigen Umgebebung Europas immer wieder mit, ganz so, als könnte dieses Zerstörungswerk nicht auch zur „Sprengung_Europas“ führen! Solange die Destabilisierungs-Strategie gegen und Ausplünderung von Afrika weitergeht, werden auch die Flüchtlingströme nicht abreißen. Afrika hat jedenfalls noch einen langen Kampf um seine wirkliche Befeiung vor sich! Europa und Deutschland spielen dabei bisher eine sehr unrühmliche, um nicht zu sagen verbrecherische Rolle.

Der Kolonialismus beendet? Nein, er ist stärker denn je. Und der Kern der Katastrophe? Der globalisierte Kapitalismus!

Andreas Schlüter


There´s a real hype about „Fake News“ on the side of the mainstream media and on the side of politicians like for example Clinton (laughing out loud!). And not only German_politicians would like to make the spreading of „fake news“ a criminal offense. Let me make one thing clear, a whole bunch of mainstream journalists and politicians – if such laws will be passed and rightfully executed – could already pack their toothbrushes to go to prison. Why so?

Those people calling for harsh laws aim mostly at the independent and alternative media (even like my blog for example) which they´d like to crush. In fact there are some alternative media (more so to the right) which play with fake news and assumptions. In some alternative media I saw Clinton already dead and doubled. But this appears marginal. What is much more dramatic and dangerous is the mainstream propaganda and even more so are the „old“ fake news, repeated again and again, becoming terribly misleading „narratives“. And the mainstream media are the main formation spreading those dangerous lies together with Western politicians!

A Couple of Examples


Kennedy´s Assassination

Mainstream: Kennedy was assassinated by a „lone nut“, a „political vagabond“, Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy from behind!

On close inspection: all facts (including the famous „Zapruder Film“) and deep researches show not only that Kennedy was shot from the front, but show that it could only have been an „Inside Job“, perpetrated by the „Deep State“ of the US:

Zapruder Film:

Assassination of JFK: Half a Century of Lies“,

Deep State USA: Dulles, Dallas and Devilish Games“:

Mary´s Mosaic”, Looking into an Abyss, Part II:

Involvement of George H. Bush:


The Rwandan and the Congolese Tragedy

Mainstream: The Rwandan tragedy 1994 was the „African Holocaust“ perpetrated by Hutu „Genocidaires“ on the Tutsi minority and Paul Kagame and his RPF were the saviors of the Tutsi. He then had to invade Congo to get hold of the perpetrators!

On close inspection: With support of the US and a number of their European vassals US trained Kagame and his terror gang RPF invaded Rwanda triggering a tragedy in which the overwhelming majority of about 900,000 dead were Hutu. Rwanda´s and Uganda´s attacks on Congo lead to the death of about eight million Congolese:

Half the Truth is a whole Lie! 20 Years of brazen Desinformation!

Robin Philpot on Rwanda:

Rwanda, the untold story:

Interview Ann Garrison:

Burundi 1973:

Ruanda & Burundi, Dr. Helmut Strizek:


Nine Eleven

Mainstream: Nine Eleven was an attack by some 19 Islamists armed with box cutters directing – tricking the sophisticated system of „Air Policing“ – four planes to hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the ground in Shanksville. Those guys who couldn´t fly a single engine Cessna hit the targets straight and made even a third tower collapsing on its footprint!

On close inspection: all details show that this story contains more than a dozen contradictions, of which the only conclusion can be: Inside Job!

Most brilliant short version of the story:

Nine Eleven a Dozen Years ago – Stirred it the Third World War?”

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

Nine Eleven One And A Half Decade Ago: Whose Conspiracy?“


Syria, Russia and Aleppo

(not shown on this photo, but depicting a liberated French town in WW II)

Mainstream: the Syrian government and the Russian government are committing war crimes against the Syrian people, particularly in Aleppo, whereas the West always liberates people with great care!

On close inspection: The Syrian government and the Russian government (being the only foreign power to legitimately intervene in Syria since asked by the Syrian government to do so) are fighting a formation trying to destroy a multi ethnic and multi religious state. ISIS and its allies can in a way be equated to Fascism. The West should remember the way Nazi occupation of France was fought by the Western allies in WW II. And what is even worse: the US, GB, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting ISIS!

In deed, some „alternative media“ might play with fake news (possibly at times inspired by „informants“ who are rather provocateurs), but that is all nothing compared to the Western Propaganda apparatus made up by politicians and mainstream journalists!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:


The US henchman and agent Paul Kagame and his RPF have not only brought horror over Rwanda and are responsible for millions of dead Congolese ( but are also „famous“ for murdering political opponents not only within Rwanda and DR Congo but also in many other countries. Are they also responsible for the death of the Ghanaian journalist Komla Afeke Dumor, presenter on Africa of the BBC? It looks like that:


President Kagame meets the Genocidaire No 1 every morning!

But his backers shouldn´t be forgotten:


Andreas Schlüter


on Komla Afeke Dumor´s death:

My articles on Africa:

My articles on the USA:

No doubt, ISIS poses a great threat to Syria, Iraq and the Middle East in general. No doubt, fanatic and militant Islamism is disgusting, perverting a religion with many social elements into a nightmare (which plays into the hands of US greed for world control). But when it comes to the competition between ISIS and the US Power Elite who poses the greater threat for the world as a whole, it´s easy to detect the „winner“! It´s the US Power Elite!


Half a million children dead? „Yes, it was worth it!“ said Albright

click to see:

CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II“

Ok, that US Power Elite doesn´t boast with videos showing beheadings, many times they kill silently or bomb loudly as the „World Police“, but many, many more! Being asked those day, whether the half million dead children as a consequence of sanctions on Iraq were worth it, she bluntly answered: „yes, it was worth it!“. But they are responsible for many more millions, for example in Rwanda and DR Congo, Rwanda one million, Congo eight to ten millions (! And, to be honest, I can not avoid the conclusion that a part of that US Power Elite is responsible for also many dead US Citizens (not to talk of the young men they send into death as soldiers) in something which shows all indications of an „inside job“: Nine Eleven (!

And not to forget: Islamism was pushed by the US, GB (and Israel, pushing HAMAS to neutralize the secular PLO) from the Muslim Brothers in Egypt many decades ago to the fanatics who should fight for “regime change” in Syria! And very disgusting, the people in the European vassal states (like my country, Germany) of the US are again and again jumping on the train and believe that the US Power will repair this world. It must be said loud: the US power pretends to be the cure for the sickness it is itself!

Andreas Schlüter



Here are the links to the English written contributions and those including an English version existing yet:

About me:

Hottest Topics:

Oscar and the US – The Mask Is Slipping Off Again!

Nine Eleven and the Neocons: Finally Doing the Trick?”:

Only ISIS is Barbaric? Burning People Alive!

After Charlie Hebdo: Journalists And Cartoonists, If You Want To Be Brave, Here Are Some Cartoons You Could Spread!”

Mary´s Mosaic”, Looking into an Abyss, Part II:

Looking into an abyss: „Ebola: Pandora´s Box Opened Since Long?“

The Big Competition: ISIS versus US Power Elite!“:

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there mor dirty secrets?

 „African Struggles for Social Justice, Freedom and Democracy in Perspective, Reflected in a Series of Articles“:

Rwanda twenty years ago:

List of my Articles on the USA:

Malaysian Flight MH 370:


Africa Under Attack:

The Fire Brigade is coming to Africa”:

Fuck the EU”: The Russian Bear Hits Back!

Mandela: Another of South Africa´s Heroes Dead!“

Assassination of JFK:

Nine Eleven a Dozen Years ago – Stirred it the Third World War?”

Big Brother: Caught Red Handed?:

Arafat & Litvinenko:

Obama and the Neocons:

Egyptian Addition to: “US PowerElite: At War
Among Themselves?”:

Snowden, Putin and the US Russian „Partnership“: some legitimate Speculations”:

Trayvon Martin: US Justice – RIP:

US Americans: 4th of July – for You and for the World – I Cry!”

US Government: Hubris

Africa 50 Years ago: Foundation of OAU:

The Hidden Seed of Racism:

D-Day shouldn´t be forgotten:

Staging a New Bogeyman for Colonial Wars?


President Obama playing the “Super-Zionist”:

Habemus Papam”: A Cover Up?!:

On the death of Hugo Chavez:

Congo and Western crimes:

Happy New Year?:

US Power Elite: At War Among Themselves?”:

Psychological Operations against the Truth:

Israel & Palestine:

Strange things around the Green Card:

US and Obama:

Nine Eleven:


More articles:

on the death of Chinua Achebe:

Islamism and Anti-Imperialism:

My own little Art work:

Just what it is called:

Brilliant young artist from Nigeria:

Book recommendation (must read!):

Norway, Breivik & Terrorism:

Also what it´s called:

Israel, the US & Imperialism:

First “advanced Civilization” in the Americas:

A serious joke:

Israel and the Two State Solution:

Obama, US power elite, Israel lobby & Israel:

Vigilant poem on Africa:

Reality of Israel´s occupation policy:

Obama, “Change” & Kennedy:

The forgotten struggle of West Papua and neocolonialism:

Kennedy´s assassination in a clearer light:

Swiss historian Daniele Ganser & Nine Eleven:

Troy Davis:

on Evolution:

Andreas Schlüter


The Global South does not Sleep and has a Historical Memory!“:

These two articles are also concerning Africa!

  1. An Existential Question and two very Different Answers“:

2. “2020: The State of Affairs”:

To the broad European Section of the Western public Africa´s sad situation comes mostly into view with the refugees trying to escape from the inflicted misery over the Mediteranian:

After US, GB and France destroyed Libya, hell broke out in Libya: Libyan Slavery: a Day of Fury in Berlin!”:

Myths must be fought and truth spread:

Rwanda: Untold Stories Against Imperial Myths”:

More Terror in Central Africa?

Africa: Crisis in Burundi? What´s Behind the Whole Turmoil?”:

And Kagame followers use Terror:

Tweeting in Kagame-Style: a Rwandan Going Rampant on Twitter and Speaking out a Death Treat!”:

Is Partnership with the West for Africa really possible?

G20 Africa-Partnership-Conference – Some Questions also Concerning Paul Kagame”:

In deed as much as the „war against Africa“ is directed by the US, France is still benefitting a lot!

Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 1”:

In deed Africa and other Non-Western parts of the World are under attack: “US Power Elite Declared War on the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia and all Non-Western Countries in September 2000”:

Concerning Africa to a great extend, A Reminder: Neocon Think Tanks and Fascism”:

Independence was from the beginning combined with the dream of African Unity by the great visionaries:

There are people speaking out about Imperialism:

And Independence was sabotaged from the beginning by the West, especially by the US Power Elite:

This US Power Elite treats Africa in a way that claims millions of African lifes:

Looking into an abyss: „Ebola: Pandora´s Box Opened Since Long?“

& Zika Virus and a Strange Case”:

The perverse and distorted presentation of the tragedies is then used for playing the „Fire Brigade“:

African visionaries whom they can not corrupt will be eliminated:

Or they´ll be mispresented to world public and converted into their own caricature:

Likewise African critics will be silenced by the „Empire´s“ henchmen:

Also civil movements and their successes will be perverted or become the playing ground for conflicts within the US Power Elite:

After all the war waged on the Southern Hemisphere and particularly Africa is many times based on the fear for „Terrorism“:

At the core of this war of terror, falsely called „War on Terror“ stands „Nine Eleven“, that incident which appeares to those deeply studying the details rather as an „Inside Job“:

And after the end of Bush´s presidency the hoax of „Change“ and the „Black President“ Obama was a trick to befuddle Africa with the dream of a „friendly Empire“:

Great visionaries and political leaders either killed, or demonized, or at least mispresented, what´s conceded to Africa are just people of the arts like great musicians or literature, who indeed have deserved it to be honoured:

And Africa´s Sisters and Brothers in the Pacific and Sout East Asia are struggling as well :

& Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 3: Proxy Colonialism in West Papua”:

In this cruel game on Africa European countries are willing vassals of „Big Brother“ but the biggest hindrance to social justice, freedom, democracy and souvereignity, to real development and progress is presented by the US Power Elite:

And the US Power Elite is in fact regarding the whole world as their colony!

One Thing Must be Clear to the World: The US Power Elite Regards the Whole Globe as Their Colony!“:

Andreas Schlüter