Mit ‘Iraq’ getaggte Beiträge


deutsche Version unten

Nine Eleven, Climate, Ecology and the Left: Necessary Consequences to be Drawn

All_what_we_know_about_Nine_Eleven, irrespective of which particular details might possibly be hidden for ever, one conclusion is crystal-clear and can never be denied anymore: it was an Inside Job perpetrated by the US Neocon Power Elite! This social formation has its continuity through the decades, it is rightfully called the “Deep_State”. The total absence of any morality and general accountability of that class (a class even different from how the capitalist class was perceived in Marx´s times) surfaced already in the most impressive way with the assassination_of_JFK.

To everybody who has enough intellectual training, capacity and access to information as well as morality and uncompromised mind the nature of this economic, social and political formation in the US society is revealed: those members of the Power Elite look at all common people, as well as at their society as such in a way a farmer looks at his farm. Everybody is either useful cattle, or crop or useless weed. And they are busy to expand this view and attitude to the whole_Globe as such.

The Problem for the Power Elite

The problem for the Power Elite: most human beings have at least some brains and can understand a bit of their situation and could possibly rebel. But because the global plunder has furnished the Power Elite with enormous recourses they are not forced to use open terror but conspiracies to manufacture consent, just as Edward_Bernays_has_taught_them! And they go even far beyond “simple” manipulation via the media but became “Masters oft dark operations”, of “false flag attacks”, with the intent of killing_hope worldwide. A dramatic example is the US inspired_genocide_in_Central_Africa.

The list of such attacks is very long and probably covers_most_cases oft alleged “Islamist Terrorism”. One can not deny that there are surely honest people within the US administrative apparatus, but the Power Elite needs many times only to bribe or blackmail people in key positions to let the events happen (surely including people in the “intelligence” who´ve “sold their souls” and are functioning according to the “Need_to_know” principle) and afterwards cover them up.

In alternative media Rumsfeld´s revelation oft “2.3 trillion_Dollar_missing” went viral. Actually the chances for “black operations” in various fields grow enormously because many US budgets (federal and state wise) became classified in a “financial_Coup_d-etat”. That does not only allow the Power Elite to “privatize” funds but also to step up with bribing and blackmailing oft people in key positions. And long is also the list oft important people who have had nasty accidents or get “suicided”. Indeed bribing and blackmailing oft people in important positions is “standard operation procedure”, as also the “work” of Jeffrey_Epstein_has_shown! Be sure, such methods are applied to many people taking high positions in the econony, politics and even unions and social movements within the Western World.

War Policy, Climate and Ecology

The official narrative that „covers“ the Inside Job Nine Eleven is the clue for an even increased Western arming and war policy. In fact, war, as Oskar Lafontaine rightly says, is the „greatest environmental destroyer“. The perfidious military mania of the US Power Elite not only harbors the danger of the atomic holocaust for humanity, but together with the neoliberal profit addiction contributes to the threatening climate catastrophe and ecological destruction.

There is a ranking of countries in terms of CO2 emissions. In fact, the US military’s CO2 emissions from US CO2 emissions are not included, as read in the Swiss „Tagesanzeiger“ (probably because „the US military is protecting the entire world,“ just kidding!). If you include the output of the US military in this list, this ranked in front of 140 other countries! However, this is hardly a miracle with about 1,000 US military bases and installations, according to “Globalresearch”.

Already during „Cold War“, the US military was responsible for „ecocide“, not just environmental pollution in abandoned_US_bases_in_Greenland and elsewhere, but also the excessive use of „Agent_Orange“ in the genocidal US wars in Southeast Asia and the contamination of Polynesia by the nuclear_tests_in_the_Bikini_Atoll.

But even after the end of the Cold War, the ecological (or ecologically catastrophic) warfare of the United States continued. In the NATO_war_on_Yugoslavia as well as in the_first_Gulf_War, with gruesome consequences for the next generations.

The unrestrained military and military policy of the United States after Nine Eleven not only counts for huge greenhouse gas sins, but of course for the incredible sufferings and destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

And yes, even though the dangers have been known, the US military has done it also in 2003 and used_depleted_uranium_weapons_in_civilian_areas_in_Iraq, and in 2015 in Syria they_did_it_again! And we are surprised that people are fleeing ?!

And I’m really worried about the climate movement, when their „icon“, the inexperienced Greta Thunberg meets, and makes shake hands and “fist_bumping” with the former „Drone President“, assuring that they are „a team“! That’s what results when you leave the fight for the climate to the children.

The children (who are quite rightly worried) are not to be blamed, but the naivety to „green-wash“ the former President and the US-sponsored war policy can be used! Really effective movements need no naive icons, but leadership, in which intelligence, power of persuasion and extensive knowledge are combined with commitment and passion. Enthusiasm alone is not enough, naivety is always exploited and misguided in this world! Thus, time and again, it is possible to isolate the various – all important – humanistic concerns from each other and finally play off against each other.

The Left has to speak out clearly

All people who want to fight for a social, just and peaceful World with the Ecology being intact, so to speak, all people who can rightfully be called Leftists, have to come clear with this: name the US Power Elite as what it is, a bunch of people ready to rob, rape, blackmail, murder and mass murder, all full of despise for all “common people”! We have to get clear and say it loud: that bunch of greedy and totally amoral people (the hard core maybe about 100 individuals) is the main danger for mankind’s existence! This has to be revealed to the public, no matter how dangerous that step is for us speaking out! The system has to be robbed of its mask! We don´t have to be afraid of being called “Conspiracy Theorists”. The readiness to speak clearly about this is also the test for “progressive” political Candidates in the US, be they Democrats, Greens or whatever else. I hardly see that readiness.

Failing to do so would mean that the left in the US as well as outside (especially with the “allies”, better called Vassals) would loose it! If we do not have the brains and the heart and fury to make the majority of mankind aware oft which system dominates the World, people will not be able to fight it successfully and we all will be doomed!

Andreas Schlüter

Now, because of some greater projects, again there are a few months rest_needed for WiPoKuLi!

deutsche Version

Nine Eleven, Klima, Ökologie und linke Politik: die nötigen Konsequenzen

Alles, was wir zu Nine Eleven wissen

Alles, was_wir_zu_Nine_Eleven_wissen, unabhängig davon, welche Details möglicherweise für immer verborgen bleiben, eine Schlussfolgerung ist glasklar und kann nicht mehr geleugnet werden: Es war ein Inside Job der US-amerikanischen Neocon Machtelite! Diese soziale Formation hat ihre Kontinuität über die Jahrzehnte entwickelt. Das völlige Fehlen jeglicher Moral und allgemeiner Rechenschaftspflicht dieser Klasse (eine Klasse, die sich von der Wahrnehmung der Kapitalistenklasse zu Marx ‚Zeiten unterscheidet) trat bereits mit Kennedys_Ermordung auf „beeindruckende“ Weise an die Oberfläche.

Jedem, der über genügend intellektuelle Ausbildung, Kapazität und Zugang zu Informationen sowie Moral und kompromisslosen Verstand verfügt, wird die Natur dieser wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Formation in der US-Gesellschaft offenbart: Diese Mitglieder der Machtelite betrachten alle gewöhnlichen Menschen, ebenso wie ihre Gesellschaft als solche, so, wie ein Landwirt seinen Hof betrachtet. Jeder ist entweder Nutzvieh oder Nutzpflanze oder nutzloses Unkraut. Und sie sind damit beschäftigt, diese Sichtweise und Haltung auf die Welt als solche auszudehnen.

Das Problem für die Machtelite und seine „Lösung“

Das Problem der Machtelite: Die meisten Menschen haben zumindest ein wenig Verstand und können ein wenig von ihrer Situation verstehen und könnten möglicherweise rebellieren. Aber weil die globale Plünderung die Machtelite mit enormen Mitteln ausgestattet hat, sind sie nicht gezwungen, offenen Terror anzuwenden, sondern greifen zu Verschwörungen, um Zustimmung herzustellen, so, wie_Edward_Bernays_es_ihnen_beigebracht_hat! Und sie gehen sogar weit über die „einfache“ Manipulation durch die Medien hinaus, sondern werden „Meister_der_verdeckten_Operationen„, oft der „False Flag“ Operationen! Ein dramatisches Beispiel ist auch der durch die US-Politik „inspirierte“ Massenmord_in_Zentralafrika.

Die Liste solcher Angriffe ist sehr lang und deckt wahrscheinlich die meisten Fälle des angeblichen „islamistischen Terrorismus“ ab. Man kann nicht leugnen, dass es mit Sicherheit ehrliche Leute im US-Verwaltungsapparat gibt, aber es ist oft genug ausreichend, Leute in Schlüsselpositionen zu bestechen oder zu erpressen, um die Ereignisse zu organisieren (natürlich schließt dies auch Leute in der „Intelligence“ ein, die „ihre Seele verkauft“ haben und die nach dem „Need to Know“-Prinzip funktionieren) und ihre Beteiligung anschließend zu vertuschen.

In den alternativen Medien machte Rumsfelds Enthüllung einen Tag vor Nine Eleven, dass „2,3_Billionen_Dollar_an_Transaktionen_nicht_nachvollziehbar“ sind, die Runde. Tatsächlich steigen die Chancen für verdeckte Operationen in verschiedenen Bereichen auch noch enorm, da viele US-Budgets (bundes- und einzelstaatlich) als_geheim_klassifiziert werden. Das erlaubt der Machtelite nicht nur, Gelder zu „privatisieren“, sondern auch die Bestechung und Erpressung von Personen in Schlüsselpositionen zu forcieren. Und lang ist auch die Liste wichtiger Personen, die schlimme Unfälle hatten oder wohl „geselbstmorded“ wurden. Diese Methoden werden tatsächlich umfänglich auch gegenüber Gewerkschaften und Parteien angewandt. Die erkaufte „Zahmheit“ von Politikern trägt wesentlich zur Parteienverdrossenheit vieler Menschen bei, ohne dass die Ursache wirklich kennen würden.

Die Kriegspolitik, Klima und Ökologie

Das offizielle Narrativ, das den Inside Job Nine Eleven „umhüllt“, ist der Ausgangspunkt einer ins Unermessliche gestiegenen westlichen Aufrüstungs- und Kriegspolitik. Tatsächlich ist Krieg, wie Oskar Lafontaine zu recht sagt, der „größte Umweltzerstörer“. Der gefährliche Militärwahn der US-Machtelite birgt also nicht nur die Gefahr des atomaren Holocaust für die Menschheit, sondern trägt zusammen mit der neoliberalen Profitsucht zur drohenden Klimakatastrophe und zur ökologischen Zerstörung bei.

Es gibt eine Rangfolge der Länder an CO2-Ausstoß. Tatsächlich ist der CO2-Ausstoß des US-Militärs beim CO2-Ausstoß der USA nicht mitgerechnet, wie im schweizer „Tagesanzeiger“ zu lesen (wahrscheinlich, weil „das US-Militär ja die ganze Welt beschützt“, kleiner Scherz am Rande!). Wenn man nun den Ausstoß des US-Militärs in diese Liste einfügt, rangiert dieses vor 140 weiteren Ländern! Nun ist das bei annähernd 1000 US-Militärbasen im Ausland, wie die „AG-Friedensforschung“ schon 2004 schätzte, allerdings kaum ein Wunder.

Schon im „Kalten Krieg“ war das US-Militär für „Oekozid“ verantwortlich, nicht nur durch die Umwelt belastende Hinterlassenschaften in verlassenen_US-Basen auf Grönland und anderswo, sondern auch insbesondere durch den exzessiven Gebrauch von „Agent_Orange“ in den völkermörderischen US-Kriegen in Südostasien und durch die Verseuchung Polynesiens bei den Nuklear-Tests im Bikini-Atoll.

Aber auch nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges ging die ökologische (bzw. ökologisch katastrophale) Kriegsführung der USA weiter. Im_Balkankrieg_gegen_Serbien wie auch im_ersten_Irak_derUSA_wurde_Uranmunition_eingesetzt , mit grauenhaften Folgen für die Nachgeborenen.

Die ungehemmte Rüstungs- und Militärpolitik der USA ist aber noch vermehrt auch nach Nine Eleven nicht nur für gewaltige Treibhausgas-Sünden verantwortlich, sondern natürlich auch für die unglaublichen Zerstörungen in Afghanistan, dem Irak, Libyen und Syrien. Und ja, man mag es kaum glauben, obwohl die Gefahren längst bekannt sind, das_US-Militaer_hat_es_wieder_getan, nämlich uranummantelte Munition im Irak und 2015 in Syrien eingesetzt! Da konnte 2003 selbst „der_Spiegel“ nicht umhin, darüber zu berichten. Und wir wundern uns, dass Menschen fliehen?!

Und mir wird wirklich Angst um die Klima-Bewegung, wenn deren „Ikone“, die unbedarfte Greta_Thunberg_Barack_Obama_trifft, und mit dem ehemaligen „Drohnen-Präsidenten“ ordentlich Shake_Hands macht und man sich versichert, das man „ein Team“ sei! Das kommt dabei heraus, wenn man den Kampf ums Klima den Kindern überlässt.

Den Kindern (die völlig zu recht hochbesorgt sind) ist wohl nichts vorzuwerfen, aber flugs kann die Naivität zum „Reinwaschen“ der „Mogelpackung“ Obama und der von ihm mitgetragenen US-Kriegspolitik genutzt werden! Wirklich wirksame Bewegungen brauchen keine naiven Ikonen, sondern Führung, in denen sich Intelligenz, Überzeugungskraft und umfängliches Wissen mit Engagement und Herzblut vereinigt. Enthusiasmus allein genügt nicht, Naivität wird in dieser Welt immer ausgenutzt und fehlgeleitet! So gelingt es immer wieder, die verschiedenen – alle hochwichtigen – humanistischen Anliegen voneinander zu isolieren und schließlich gegeneinander auszuspielen.

Eine wirkliche Linke muss dies klar aussprechen

Alle Menschen, die für eine soziale, gerechte und friedliche Welt kämpfen wollen, ebenso für eine lebensfreundliche Umwelt, alle Menschen, die zu Recht als Linke bezeichnet werden wollen, müssen die US-Machtelite als das benennen, was sie ist: Eine Gruppe von Menschen, die bereit sind, zu rauben, zu vergewaltigen, zu erpressen und zu morden bis hin zum Massenmord. Wir müssen uns klar machen und es laut sagen: Dieser Haufen gieriger und total amoralischer Menschen (der harte Kern vielleicht ungefähr 100 Individuen) ist die Hauptgefahr für die Existenz der Menschheit! Dies muss der Öffentlichkeit offenbart werden, egal wie gefährlich dieser Schritt ist. Das System muss seiner Maske beraubt werden! Wir müssen uns nicht davor fürchten, „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ genannt zu werden. Die Bereitschaft, klar darüber zu sprechen, ist auch der Test für „fortschrittliche“ politische Kandidaten in den USA, seien es Demokraten, Grüne oder was auch immer. Diese Bereitschaft sehe ich kaum.

Andernfalls würden die Linken sowohl in den USA als auch außerhalb (besonders bei den „Verbündeten“, besser gesagt den Vasallen) verlieren! Dieses gilt in Deutschland nun auch ganz besonders für DIE LINKE! Wenn wir nicht den Verstand, das Herz und den Mut haben, um der Mehrheit der Menschen bewusst zu machen, welches System die Welt beherrscht, werden die Menschen nicht in der Lage sein, erfolgreich dagegen anzukämpfen, und wir alle werden zum Untergang verurteilt sein!

Andreas Schlüter

PS: nun hat wieder wegen größerer Projekte WiPoKuLi_einige_Monate_Ruhe_noetig


Deutsche Version unten

Uranium Coated Ammunition: US Military did it Again!

The disastrous effects of ammunition coated with Depleted_Uranium is well known though downplayed many times. US Forces used this dangerous type in the Gulf_War 1990 to 1991. They used it on the Balkans and in Afghanistan, and again in the Iraq War in 2003 on civilian_areas. A state doing such things would rightfully be called a Rogue State!

As the Washington_Post_reports US Forces did it again: they used this in Syria in November 2015, thousands of rounds! For a military being aware of the consequences this can only be seen as a war crime. And for a Government allowing this, one can only say: you represent a Rogue State! And for allies of such a State: to hell with all your talks about “Western Values” (in Dollar or in Euro?)! If you don´t kick the US military out of your country you´re complicit in those crimes!

If you want to know more about the deadly consequences of this ammunition, watch this video with English subtitles:

and this one:

and this video to show the history of how ruthless the powerful don´t even spare their own people:

Another Nuremberg Trial should be waiting for the perpetrators!

And the Power Elite of the US dares to call North Korea a danger to the World!

Andreas Schlüter


My articles on the USA:

deutsche Version

Uranummantelte Munition: US-Militär hat es wieder getan!

Seit langem sind die Gefahren_der_Benutzung von mit abgereichertem_Uran ummantelter Munition bekannt. Insbesondere die USA benutzten diese Munition im ersten Golfkrieg, in den Balkankriegen in Afghanistan und beim Überfall auf den Irak. Insbesondere die Benutzung_auf_dem_Balkan löste in Deutschland heftige Kontroversden aus. Im März 2015 behauptete ein Vertreter von CENTCOM, die USA würden keine derartige Munition im Irak und in Syrien einsetzen. Wie immer eine sehr “glaubwürdige” Äußerung.

Im Februar diese Jahres kam nun heraus, die USA_geben_den_Einsatz_von_Uranmunition_zu! Dieser Einsatz fand im November 2015 in Syrien statt. Ein Staat, dessen Führung so etwas tut, ist richtigerweise zu bezeichnen als Schurkenstaat! Wer sich über die Folgen solcher Einsätze informieren möchte, dem sei der Film “Tödlicher Staub” empfohlen:

Wann wachen wir endlich auf?!

Die USA zerstören nicht nur indirekt als Terror-Unterstützer und direkt durch Militäraktionen viele Länder und treiben Abertausende in Tod und Elend, sie zerstören die Umwelt in vielen Ländern gerade in der Umgebung Europas dauerhaft. Wie lange will Europa noch zuschauen und eine “helfende Hand reichen”, wenn die USA Zustände schaffen, die millionenfach Menschen in den “sicheren Hafen” Europa treiben müssen. In Deutschland steht die Bundestagswahl bevor, man sollte sich sehr genau anschauen, welche Parteien “in Nibelungentreue fest” zur US-Politik stehen! Würden die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gerade auch bei Gründung der UN verkündeten Prinzipien wirklich eine Rolle spielen, würden auf diese Staats-Schurken und ihre Unterstützer ein Nürnberger Prozess 2.0 warten!

Diese Polit-Monster sollen unsere “wichtigsten Verbündeten” sein, und der “Transatlantismus” soll “Staatsraison” sein? Dann gute Nacht, Deutschland und Europa. Wann begreifen wir: gilt noch das “nie wieder” der Nachkriegszeit, dann ist erbitterter Widerstand angezeigt!

Ach, und die Machtelite der USA nennt Nord-Korea eine Gefahr für die Welt.

Andreas Schlüter


Meine Beiträge zu den USA:

Especially for those ones who´re still naively taking US politics to be a struggle for freedom and democracy I remind you here of two revealing presentations.

An Insider and Critic


The retired US General Wesley_Clark on how he was informed about the Pentagon´s plans to „take down“ the governments of „Seven Countries in five years“ pretty short after „Nine Eleven“:

His last words about the US and Africa are in fact showing some ignorance about the imperial activities (for example US AFRICOM) on that continent. But he´s in fact a serious critic of that imperialist policy. Anyway, the US are „lacking behind“ as far as the „time table“ is concerned!

An Imperial „Thinker“


The founder of Stratfor, George_Friedman, on US politics towards Middle East, Europe and Russia is presenting US designs for Europe´s future wars as a „prediction“:

Mind these words!

Andreas Schlüter


My articles on the USA:

My articles on Africa:


One should look at a real hypocrite, the „gifted“ founder of Stratfor, the private Neocon company for „political analysis“, George_Friedman. This highly „learned“ man, son of Jewish survivers of East Europe´s Nazi occupation, is in fact betraying the victims of Germany´s monumental crimes. He has sold his soul to the anti-human designs of the Neocon US Power Elite, in fact to „Corporate Fascism“. He knows how to present extended historical knowledge and he knows how to present himself sympathetic to mankind´s fate, even to the large parts of the world invaded by Europe and the West. But to what end?

He displays the conflicts of Europe and its surroundings but carefully leaves out the fact how much his country´s Power Elite, how much the „Deep-State“ of his country contributes to those conflicts. He „predicts“ further – even violent – conflicts in Europe that that Deep State of the US is obviously pushing. He is „brilliantly“ mixing historical knowledge, a number of facts official US policy would never admit, with pure disinformation. The „ordinary“ intellectual will be fascinated and „drink“ his words. A well orchestrated show! But looking into the man´s face I must say, I´ve hardly ever seen more cynicysm in a face, it even beats George W. Bush!

Most revealing to understand the mentality of this man are his praisings of Reagan´s policy. He´s fascinated how Reagan made the people of Iraq and Iran kill each other. But hear the man himself (with care) at the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs, presenting his book „Flashpoints„:

Andreas Schlüter


Geo-Politics: The Core of Crisis and Chaos and the Nightmares of the US Power Elite“:

Elections: What´s going on in the US?“

My articles on the USA:

UK, USA, EU, Seen in Context: Collection of my Brexit Articles“

No doubt, ISIS poses a great threat to Syria, Iraq and the Middle East in general. No doubt, fanatic and militant Islamism is disgusting, perverting a religion with many social elements into a nightmare (which plays into the hands of US greed for world control). But when it comes to the competition between ISIS and the US Power Elite who poses the greater threat for the world as a whole, it´s easy to detect the „winner“! It´s the US Power Elite!


Half a million children dead? „Yes, it was worth it!“ said Albright

click to see:

CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II“

Ok, that US Power Elite doesn´t boast with videos showing beheadings, many times they kill silently or bomb loudly as the „World Police“, but many, many more! Being asked those day, whether the half million dead children as a consequence of sanctions on Iraq were worth it, she bluntly answered: „yes, it was worth it!“. But they are responsible for many more millions, for example in Rwanda and DR Congo, Rwanda one million, Congo eight to ten millions (! And, to be honest, I can not avoid the conclusion that a part of that US Power Elite is responsible for also many dead US Citizens (not to talk of the young men they send into death as soldiers) in something which shows all indications of an „inside job“: Nine Eleven (!

And not to forget: Islamism was pushed by the US, GB (and Israel, pushing HAMAS to neutralize the secular PLO) from the Muslim Brothers in Egypt many decades ago to the fanatics who should fight for “regime change” in Syria! And very disgusting, the people in the European vassal states (like my country, Germany) of the US are again and again jumping on the train and believe that the US Power will repair this world. It must be said loud: the US power pretends to be the cure for the sickness it is itself!

Andreas Schlüter



The end of the Cold War has lead people to expect “peace dividend”, especially for the Southern Hemisphere. Whoever believed in that should be thoroughly cured from the illusion by now. Anyway, this cure could only be possible if looking at the world as a whole. Those people in the Western world who are not at the lower part of the social strata in large numbers are enjoying their mind killing pampering by “Entertainment” and “Infotainment”. And many times they join in to cheer a war waged for the “safety” of the West (their “world”) and for “Human Rights” and “Democracy”, the later many times bombed into (Non)-existence by depleted uranium covered ammunition. But the media pampered public is many times not aware that their rulers are waging war (in their name) against the world. The public by and large is having the feeling that it´s a “police action” for a “better world” to come. Only when driven too far into the absurd like now in the case of “punishing Syria” in the US a considerable part of the people regains a “Vietnam feeling”. This general situation in deed started to manifest after Nine Eleven.

The core of Western or better US Politics – Official and Unofficial

After all the situation after Nine Eleven was intellectually “well prepared” by Samuel P. Huntington´s “Clash of Civilizations”, predicting a fierce fight between Western “Democracies” and the Islamic world. And the aim was described by Francis Fukuyama´s “The End of History and the Last Man”. Thus the world was prepared for hustling Toward a New World Order. But a fitting atmosphere could also be helpful:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor„.[15]

From Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled „Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force“

The US Neocons didn´t have “to wait” too long for that. On the 11th September 2001 they had their “catalyzing” event, their “Pearl Harbor”, costing  2996 lives . The terrible  day was the prelude for the “War on Terror”, better to be called the War of Terror, taking hundreds thousands of lives. The justifications went from saving “the Nations security” to “fighting for human rights and democracy”, at times as the pretended  measure to reach the first goal. The real aim is – according to the above named paper the full geo-strategic  dominance over the world by controlling world´s resources as well as well as the political actions of other countries.

The US have expanded their worldwide net of military bases in a real warlike manner, just following the concept. Nine Eleven is the justification to US´s world wide spying activities  and countries rejecting the protection by “Big Brother” must be prepared to soon be “visited” by Terrorism, reminding one of the way sinister events turn up if the owner of a Pizzeria rejects the “protection” of the Mafia! US Drones operate almost worldwide and kill people – declared “Terrorists” as well as people not even accused of anything – in thousands.

The US and their Western vassals claim the “right” to “take down governments” wherever they want, irrespective of the chaos and heaps of dead bodies they leave behind.  It appears justified to say their  “War of Terror” is a “Third World War”, especially waged against the Southern Hemisphere, as we see on the example of Syria even knocking at the gate to an involvement of Russia and China.

Should we Believe their Story or was it an Inside Job?

As long as one doesn´t believe that a coincident led four planes the same day out of the way Nine Eleven has to be classed a conspiracy. The only question highly controversial is the question which of the respective theories concerning the conspirators is most fitting. The official theory proposed by the US Authorities (the basis of this Wikipedia article: appears as lousy as the “Oswald Single Shooter Theory” in connection with Kennedy´s assassination in 1963 ( In the US a high percentage of people doesn´t believe its own governments as well as the mainstream media, so do many people in many parts of the world. Nevertheless those Main Stream Media dub the doubters “Conspiracy Theorists” in a very negative way. Without doubt the bundle of explanations among those people rejecting the official version is very diverse and some theories display absurd patterns – most loved by the believers in the official one in order to discredit the doubters in general. In the US the Truth Org ( is most prominent among the skeptics. Architects and Engineers (, Scholars (, Pilots ( and Fireman, of whom 343 lost their lives ( have formed their respective sub organizations to find the truth behind the incidents.

Miracles and Mysteries

Either certain people active at the stock exchange must have had highly qualified truth tellers on their payroll or must have had foreknowledge of the attacks: The first case would be rather astonishing, the second one extraordinarily frightening!

It sounds really fantastic that the most powerful state in this world with detailed regulations for the so called Air Policing – which means the tight control of the air and all planes – would not be able to detect those four planes ( More fantastic is the fact that that very morning an exercise “confused” the control of the air having exactly the very same situation of hijacked airplanes as their topic (,_2001) – wonderful! But, didn´t Condoleezza Rice say never ever would anybody have expected airplanes to be used as a weapon?

There was hardly ever a collapse of steel constructions ( because of a long lasting fire except the World Trade Center complex. If one accepts that because of very odd circumstances the Twin Towers collapsed (neglecting the signs of blasts as seen on the films: and is willing to totally ignore the more than strange phenomenon of molten metal and ongoing fire after the collapse ( nevertheless the falling of the famous Building No 7 is almost more difficult to explain within the frame of the official conspiracy theory. The building was not hit by a plane but by parts of one of the Twin Towers. There was a fire not coming from aviation fuel only affecting two or three stores but it collapsed! And it collapsed in a way that any demolition engineer would be proud of for his lifetime. No one having his senses intact can believe that collapse looks so controlled by incident provided he´s not entitled to supply disinformation:

It appears mysterious how it was possible to plant highly effective means of demolition into that building housing a number of important administrative institutions. But there should be facts to explain this “collapse from the book”. Mysterious or better miraculous appears also the fact that the plane hitting the Pentagon hit that part which was recently structurally strengthened and not yet having its full function back. There are many more miracles like unburned passports ( of alleged terrorists coming from the crashed airplanes and so on.


Could they do it?

Is it possible that parts of the US administration would do such a thing to their own people? Could they be unscrupulous enough? Well, don´t forget the Operation Northwoods planed as a false flag operation to be blamed on Cuba. In fact the case is so hot that the very serious and cautious Swiss historian Daniele Ganser ( has taken it up and delivered a highly interesting lecture on it:

Sharpening an Old Division

As small as the number of People is to be counted to the US Power Elite, this inside Job wasn´t the Job of all of them, as united they are in their desire to control the whole world. The split between those Neocons being represented by the Bush clan and those who like to work more indirect and less spectacular, being represented by the Orwellian Name „Soft Power“ (Orwellian in as far as those are also not shy to strangulate whole national economies) has been sharpened again ( As much as the Soft Power fraction is afraid of revealing the deeds of their Neocon Counter parts because of fear for final loss of all US reputaion they fear the Neocons´ hazardious actions. This surfaces also in the recent struggle over the US policy in the Eastern Mediterranian ( 

Andreas Schlüter

More Links:

See also: „USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

Some facts about Nine Eleven:


on the US Power Elite: