Mit ‘Isolationism’ getaggte Beiträge

The Presidents of the two militarily most powerful – and antagonistic- countries, together holding about ninety percent of world´s nuclear armament, meet and US politicians as well as European politicians are going wild instead of jubilating that the dangers of a “nuclear Armageddon” are getting reduced. In the US the President is blamed for not being loyal to its secret services, which try to smear him with absurd “Russia-Gate” accusations including accusations_of_treason (it should not be forgotten into how many elections_abroad_the_US_have_interfered) One might presume that loyalty has to go the other way round. A German “political analyst”, Elmar Thevesen, is even calling_for_coup against Trump. Permanent fire against a US President from domestic political circles as well as from close allies of this intensity the world has hardly ever seen. Is this only “Bowling for Madness”, or is there more behind?

Digging a bit deeper

The demand that the President should be loyal to his secret services which provided US Presidents many a times with false information expose the fact that a US President is far from being “the most powerful man on Earth”, but is supposed to be a puppet of the “Deep_State”. Strange enough (or not really) is that Trump is not accused of “Israel Gate”, though real “Israel_Firsters” like Sheldon_Adelson led Trump to collusions that allowed Netanyahu to boast that he_made_Trump_dump_the_Iran_Deal (leaving aside that Trump´s son in law is close to Netanyahu)!

Actually Trump (leaving also aside his pimp like character and hypertrophic ego) started his campaign with three important points, which even attracted left leaning people (who were aware of Clinton´s snake like character). Point one was his declared desire for détente with Russia, point two was his announced desire to get away from Regime-Change wars. Point three was the aim of reconstructing the industrial basis of the US.

All this wasn´t really based on any altruistic trait, but he was with all his ignorance clever enough to see that it is not desirable to survive a nuclear war (risked by the Neocons´ war games) in a bunker to find a destroyed world afterwards. He saw also how expensive the permanent wars are getting for the US society and those ones who might vote for him. Well, as for point three, it included putting the “Free Trade Religion” into question. The last aspect would have been more important for the Southern Hemisphere, since the ruling class of the US profits a lot from Free Trade (and wanted to force TTIP on the EU).

But he realized soon that he´d face a deadly danger from the side of the Neocons and the Deep State. So he became fully determined to slip under Israel´s and MOSSAD´s protection by making Israel´s regional agenda his own. That might also have strengthened his plan for détente with Russia since Israel´s power elite harbors some dreams of getting Russia on its side concerning the limitation of Iran´s influence in Syria (which_might_be_really_unrealistic).

Strange that many European_politicians_got_wild first over his plan to include Russia again into the G7 to become again G8. But, maybe they are very well aware that the real power is still held by the Neocons! But, maybe the whole affair is more complicated, maybe Trump could in the end become the US Power Elite´s “Plan_B”? Or are there more fractions within the US Power Elite and he might have some higher ranking support additional to the “Israel connection”? We might have to even dig deeper.

Digging to the Ground

The late German Professor Krysmanski_drew_a_fitting_picture of the Power Elite having gone from the general “Capitalist Class” to a super concentrated tiny number of the “Super Rich” (in money and power) forming almost feudalist circles. Since the days of Eisenhower already warning of the “Military_Industrial_Complex” this process has even gone further. That “Super Class” (not in number but in power) is united in the desire for world control. But they still have different revenues and prefer different strategies and tactics to that end.

Also the Super Rich need “intellectual servants” which might even be more important than the “functional Elite”. There are the “Think Tanks” being of great importance. They formed two different schools, the openly brutal “Neoconservatives” (members of them ironically originally coming from more left leaning circles), for example the “Project_For_The_New_American_Century”, and the more manipulative school of “Soft Power”. They liked to have “things done by others”, counting more on economic force and political infiltration.

Under Obama´s Presidency there was almost a hidden war_about_the_option_of_an_Iran_war. During the last years the Neocons gained more and more power, partly taking over the Democratic Party (formerly more associated with the “Soft Power”) especially through their “spear_head” Hillary Clinton.

Now, there might still be a third though smaller faction within the US Power Elite coming more from the classical industrial sector and from “Real Estate”. In part of that section more “realistic” conceptions about the need for an industrial basis for the US and some old tendencies from US “Isolationism” might have survived. No doubt that that section is also connected to older (dangerous) concepts of the US society and might have links to “near fascist” and racist anti-left mobsters. But there might well be some support from that side for Trump (despite strong tendencies among them for “Anti-Judaism”). Anyway, that section might find it easier to have an own view of a presently more multi-polar world (which doesn´t mean they would reject the chance for total world domination – in the end!).

Different Factions of the US Power Elite Concerning Strategy and Tactics – One Night Mare

The “real_nightmare” of almost all of the US Power Elite – which is following the concepts of the British geographer Halford_Mackinder and his “Heartland_Theory” – is the chance of the “Eurasian Cooperation” pushed by China and Russia, manifested in the “Iron Silk Road”, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the efforts especially on the side of the BRICS states to break away from the oil-dollar connection. This project of the Eurasian Cooperation is of no little attraction also to parts of European Capital. That is why the US is also somehow “waging war against the EU”. The “Ring of Fire” around Europe from Libya through Africa and Middle East into the Ukraine is also meant as a barrier against European participation in the Eurasian Cooperation.

The biggest part of the US Power Elite is dreaming of a repetition. That is the repetition of the way the US forced the Soviet Union to its knees by arms race. They want to do this with Russia and China – including all risks of WW III and a nuclear Armageddon.

Maybe Trump´s Backers Want to Revive Another old Concept

Maybe Trump really first and foremost sees the deadly dangers from a military confrontation with Russia (endangering his and his family´s life as well). But maybe his backers might include people having a real geo-strategic thinking who really have a strategy directed towards that nightmare of a Eurasian Cooperation. No doubt, generally unprincipled Trump could be directed by advisers without himself even seeing the full picture. That section of his backers could try to really make him “Plan_B” and then “sell” it also to more of the US Power Elite.

For the first part of the Cold War the US were confronted with an alliance between the Soviet Union and China. This alliance was surely burdened by the contradictions over who should lead the “Socialist Bloc” to victory. Should it be Russia (which had colonized great parts of East Asia) or China with its thousands of years old culture, having again come to its feet by massive support from the Soviet Union (also damaging Chinese pride). Ideological splits came with Khrushchew´s policy of “De-Stalinization” and SU´s policy of “peaceful coexistence”, thus by different treatment on the side of the US other than the US-treatment of China those days. All lead to the dramatic “Sino-Soviet_split”. There were a number of crisis and even military confrontations in 1969. But the US might have had a covert hand also in firing contradictions.

Anyway, Nixon then saw the chance to make the split final by approaching China and leaving the SU aside. And Milton_Friedman did a lot to “infect” China with Capitalism in a way making it more “revisionist” than China had accused the SU of being previously. Possibly part of Trump´s backers dream of that repetition, but instead of turning now to China (now the economically stronger part of the Russia-China alliance and world´s second biggest economy) turning to Russia in a more “constructive way” (as the split between China and Russia started those days) trying to alienate Russia from China. They could likewise be dreaming to put Europe (where the governments were too much of vassals to take the chance of more closeness with Russia in time) under more “psychological” pressure and busy Europe even more with itself than “Brexit” did already.

Now Trump´s backers might see the chance to make him the real “Plan B” of greater parts of the US Power Elite. But Trump will have to compromise especially with the Neocons in many other ways, possibly including a war against Iran which might as well lead to a much more “extended war theatre” that could lead to an even greater conflict.


Strategy: “Fragmentation” of the “Old World”

European Politics in Disarray

It appears that the dominant factions of the US Power Elite have such a strong grip on the European Elites that those ones are not even able to follow national (Capitalist) interest, much less the interest of the “normal people” in peace and a more just society. The “Deep State” of the US extends into the deep state of European countries, particular Germany. The history of the “Gladio Network” should be well known by now. And there might be efforts to create more conflicts not only between European states, but also government crisis and social conflicts within the various European countries. It should be noticed that former Trump advisor Steve Bannon (surely belonging to the more strategically oriented Trump backer circles) will try to create more far_right_wing_movements in Europe. We might see more clashes between Soros inspired pseudo-Green circles (calling for “open borders for all”) and rightist (or fascist) movements, together being a cover up for the fundamental problems.

What “common” People have to know

We´re living in the age of “psychological_fragmentation”. Wild gone globalized US lead neoliberal “Super-Capitalism” is about to drive humanity at least to part extinction. Anyone who wants a better world for the majority of mankind has to know: we have to wage a three front struggle against this.

One front is the peace-question, the second front is the front for socio-economic justice and the third front is the ecological question (including climate). All these problems are closely interconnected. As long as the various forces in this struggle are fragmented (and been played one against the other) there is zero chance. The highly industrialized countries have a key role in the global development. Uprising against the capitalist forces in this world region is most important.

As long as people struggling for humanity just count on “Western Democracy”, their struggle is designed to fail. We´re no more living in a Democracy, but rather in a “Demoncracy”. Extended social upheaval is necessary and organizing independently from the existing political parties. At present the peace struggle is central but has to include the two other fronts.

For Europe it is important to have as a first step a “Revolution_against_US-dominace” and come to sound terms with Russia and China. The US has to be prevented from creating more fire in Europe´s surrounding. Likewise France and Britain have to be confronted for their strong participation in that “Ring of Fire” (especially_France_being_deeply_involved_into_the_plunder_of_Africa). If this “game” goes on the masses suffering from that onslaught in Europe´s surrounding will not be prevented from coming to the “eye of the hurricane” (Europe), dreaming of being more safe there, but possibly unwillingly creating open Fascism there.

Irrespective whether Trump survives the plans of his backers or whether he´ll be substituted by Vice President Pence or any other puppet of this or that faction of the US Power Elite, Capitalism has reached a stage, where humanity´s survival is massively at stake.

Andreas Schlüter

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