Mit ‘Great Britain’ getaggte Beiträge


To be precise: I can not really imagine that the US Power Elite – the Deep_State – or Israel´s Power Elite are purposely trying to bring about a full scale World War including nuclear Armaggedon. But the continental European governments of 1914 did surely also not want what then really happened. It was their self overestimation that made them bring it about.

Does the US Empire use Israel to provoke Russia with impunity?

Already on the 9th of April a missile_strike_at_Syria_t4_airbase took place, leaving seven members of Iran`s Revolutionary Guards dead. Remark in between: Iranians like Rusians are in Syria with the consent the Syrian government! 0bviously the attack on the base was carried out by Israel. Astonishingly this violation of International Law (like the US/GB/French attack following the “Douma_False_Flag”) was left without a strong answer by Russia, being Syria´s protector, puzzling also Paul_Craig_Roberts as well. Now they did it again! On the 29th of April they hit even harder, according to Haaretz the pro-Syrian alliance reported 11 Iranians dead and 200 missiles destroyed. No doubt that this is a war of aggression. And no strong answer by Russia to be heard yet!

At whom is this provocation aiming?

Probably it was a multifunctional provocation. Is it only a provocation by Israel or are the Neocons and possibly Trump involved too? Israel seems to try getting_Iran_to_retaliate as to finally achieve war against Iran which it longs for so long. Russia has been put to a dilemma as well. Does it leave that ruthless action unanswered Russia looses face as Syria´s protecting power. Would it retaliate against Israel, the US will unite their European vassals in an uproar: „Israel in danger of being destroyed!“ and all such nonsense.

Playing with Fire

Anyway, the only way Russia can stop this effort to „turn the tide“ in Syria on the side of Israel and the West, is to threaten (and in case fulfill it) for the next time to hit Israel´s facilities from where the attack may be launched again. If Russia let go the destruction of Syria will continue. Stupid European governments should know that if the destruction goes on they´ll be confronted with numbers of refugees they´ve never dreamt of in their nightmares.

As for the Iran case it seems that the European governments see the danger and want to stick to the treaty made with Iran. But the question is whether they are clear enough to signal Israel that it can not count on Europe in case of escalation with Iran and Russia.

No absurdity is too weird!

On the side the the US and Israel the smearing of Iran is in full swing. No absurdity is too weird not to be thrown into the game. Now a US judge demands Iran_to_pay_6_billion for victim families of the Nine Eleven attacks! One must bear in mind that the official narrative blames Al Qaeda for the attacks (which were definitely_an_Inside_Job). Al Qaeda is a (US created) Sunni organization, totally hostile to Iran´s Shia regime.

Netanyahu presents an absurd show that is supposed to “proof” Iran is still working on a nuclear bomb just like Powell gave “proof” Sadam Hussein working on “weapons of mass destruction”:

But hear the Iranian Foreign Minister on the case:

Obviously Trump who wanted to fight the Power Elite is now fully encircled by exactly those people (the Neocons) whom he wanted to control and by the Zionists (with the help of his son in law). There is nothing anymore about detente with Russia and abandoning regime change wars. Where Obama was cautious not to get driven by those people into_an_Iran_war, Trump is (self) trapped. And Macron was almost made Trump´s poodle.

The US Power Elite together with their British allies have organized a media war against Russia based not only on the absurd allegation “Russia hacked the US elections” but also on the “Skripal_Setup”.

The Obscene Dreams of Israel´s Power Elite

After all it seems Israel´s Power Elite is dreaming of the big war in the region in order to expand (blueprint: Golan Heights), since they “have to protect their existence”. And also it seems they know Saudi Arabia on their side, also indicated by strange_remarks_of_Saudi_Crown_Prince_Bin_Salman. So they might speculate to occupy all territory held by Shiite forces in course of such a war. What a deadly dangerous speculation on their side! And there are efforts to get Israel a seat in the UN Security Council, making it more of an Insecurity Council than it already is.

The Geo-political Implications

Since 2001 the US (Neocon) Power Elite wants to “take care” of “seven_countries”, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran, as revealed by former General Wesley Clarke (only his remarks about Africa are born of ignorance). They are far behind the time table, but still on it. In the final analysis it´s the nightmare_of_the_US_Power_Elite, the efforts on the side oft China and Russia for a Eurasian Cooperation which is driving US politics. Since the US are economically too weak they can only apply the strategy to turn Near and Middle East into a region of chaos to serve as a barrier against this cooperation. The turmoil they´ve created in Ukraine is serving the same purpose.

Israel as been said is dreaming of a big war in the region as an alibi for further territorial expansion. What makes the development more dangerous is the blackmail_power_Israel_has_over_the_USA especially gained by Israel´s insight into the Inside Job Nine Eleven.

What is a half official reason for Israel´s interventions is the Iranian presence in Syria. But the Iranians were drawn in because of the efforts by the US and their vassals including Saudi Arabia to destroy Syria.

Now Israel´s delusional so called “Defence Minister” has even dared_to_threaten_Russia_not_to_protect_Syria against Israel´s attacks. With Paul Craig Roberts I ask myself whether Russia_knows_what_the_US_are!

Europeans should get aware that their vassal behavior towards the US is not the only deadly danger but the same attitude towards Israel is likewise a terrible danger too. I think Paul Craig Roberts is really right with his article “What_can_be_done” saying: “If Europe breaks away from Washington’s control, there is hope for life. If not, we are as good as dead.

Andreas Schlüter

Europe: There Will be no Peace and no Social Progress Without a Revolution Against US Dominance!”:

My articles on the USA:


Faces of Madness?

Or Masks of Infamy?

In deed the mainstream media news and more so the statements of Western politicians about the alleged poisoning of the former Russian/British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia by Russia leave me breathless! Not because I would believe that the Russian government respectively secret services would be the perpetrators, but because the case shows that the Western powers (that shouldn´t be) are so sure of how much they were successful at turning the public into a bunch of dump fools! It seems William_Casey_is_triumphing.

Always the basic question: to whose benefit?

If a crime has been committed the basic question is always: who is benefitting? It is obvious since long that important parts of the US Power Elite are doing a lot to encircle Russia and bring it to its knees or at least weaken the country. At the same time Russia and China are trying to create the Eurasian Cooperation (based on the “New Silk Road”) with Europe, which would be beneficial for European industry as well. This is in fact the “nightmare_of_the_US_Power_Elite”, because they would be “out of the game”. Moreover there is the Nord_Stream pipeline project. And the US Power Elite tries by all possible means to prevent those projects. Everything is done to force European countries into their sanction system against Russia. Should we believe that Putin would initiate or allow such attack on British soil – even short time also before the Russian elections? Do we think the man is stupid?

Actually that US Power Elite tries to build a barrier against the Eurasian cooperation efforts out of chaos and war from Libya trough Africa and Middle East into Ukraine, a real ring of fire (many times with the help of stupid European governments) around Europe. In Syria Russia has spoilt that game to a great extend to the anger of that Power Elite. It is obvious that a well orchestrated campaign is going on to demonize Russia and Putin to the Western public

Following a Well Established Concept?

Everyone can check what “thinkers” in the US are ready to apply against opponents by having a look at the planned “Operation_Northwoods”, which was stopped by Kennedy (that might have contributed to his “death sentence”). Well known is the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident”. Notorious are the (Neocon) Think Tanks with their ideas and concepts even ready to to_wage_bio_warfare against parts of the world. People without dubious affiliations to the existing powers who have studied Nine Eleven in detail have no doubts about it being an “inside job”. The “Deep_State” of the US has no morals. They have no problems with sacrificing their own assets, either because those ones are in danger to run out of order, or their death could be blamed on opponents. The actual case is almost a one to one copy of_what_they_did_to_Litvinenko.

Perfect Crime” or Purposeful Contradictions?

With many of those incidents which could be classed as ”setups” it´s obvious that the Western perpetrators do not even aim at the “perfect crime”. It would have been possible that they could have faked “real hard evidence”, but they didn´t. Instead they present lousy assumptions or – like in the case of Nine Eleven – unburned passports from an exploding airplane. Are they just careless or does this also display a concept? Is it also possibly aiming at a “social selection”? There could be the aim to “sort out”: there are the masses of people cut off from detailed – also alternative sources – of information considered to be neglected, there are those ones who could ask questions, but quickly get afraid to look into the abyss, since it is preferable to live in the “good Empire”, there are those ones who want to get ahead with their carrier but know quickly that they have to “sell their soul to the devil” and will parrot the lies. And there are those ones who´re not ready to turn “blue into orange”. Those are the ones on whom the Empire and its henchmen have to keep an eye!

For this concept Nine Eleven can also be taken as a blueprint. All this might follow the concept of “cognitive_dissonance”. And the conspirators are always calling the skeptics “Conspiracy_Theorists”, which has become a synonym for “mad person”.

Is it also a Warning to their European Vassals?

Again and again the US Empire is playing with the “Strategy of Tension” to put the governments of the “allied” states in Europe (or, more precise: vassal states) under pressure. But politicians might also face personal threats as is indicated for example by the murder of Olof_Palme. Killing is even propagated by the former_acting_CIA_director_Morell. Could this also be a warning to European politicians? “We can get you as well!” “Intelligence” operations can be multifunctional.

Europe, See the Signs at the Wall!

The People of Europe have to learn an important lesson before it might be too late: The US Empire wants to make Europe their battle ground against Russia, it may be economic, it may probably be more. Some of the intellectual servants of the US Power Elite are very open on that like George Friedman:

The strategy_of_tension_towards_Russia applied by the US Empire is based on chaos and destruction. It should be clear to us:

a political Revolution against the Transatlantic Dominance

is necessary for Europe´s survival.

Surely they will not let go Europe without more terror and assassinations, but if we don´t stand up, the waking up will be even much more terrible one day!

Andreas Schlüter

Luckily there are alternative Media taking a critical approach:

former British ambassador Craig_Murray on the case:

John Pilger on the “carefully constructed Drama”:

Another example of official lies:

whole story collapsing?

Also a wider view:

British “mad man” Boris Johnson and the Skripal case:

Another “collateral advantage” for May:

And: Link list of my articles about the USA (which concerns most parts of the World as well, since the US Power Elite meddles in affairs everywhere):


Deutsche Version unten

Grenfell Tower: Where are the Walls?

The terrible tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire raises many questions. A striking one is: where are the walls? A video of the burnt inside show almost no walls. But fire resistant walls should be the first protection aginst an excessive tragedy! That means that the walls could not have resisted the fire as can be seen in the video:

An interesting question is: how was the building insured? Looking at the fire in video it gives the impression as if materials were purposely used to burn the building down (a bad suspicion, but the building stood in a “noble neighbourhood”):

Moreover serious fire_safety_concerns_were_raised_by_Grenfell_Tower_residents already in 2012, but obviously wiped away. After all, the way the building was refurbished short time ago is to be called a monumental crime against predominantly poor people!

Andreas Schlüter


Deutsche Version

Grenfell Tower: wo sind die Wände?

Die entsetzliche Tragödie im Grenfell Tower lässt viele Fragen aufkommen. Eine bedeutende Frage ist: wo sind die Wände? Wände sind der erste Schutz gegen ein ausuferndes Feuer! Auf den Aufnahmen aus dem ausgbrannten Turm sind so gut wie keine Wände zu erkennen. Sie haben offenbar dem Feuer nicht standgehalten. Eine unglaubliche Materialauswahl für die Trennwände! Hier kann man deutlich sehen, dass kaum noch Wände vorhanden sind:

Eine weitere Frage: wie war das Gebäude versichert? Die Video-Aufnahmen vom Brand lassen fast den wahrlich bösen Verdacht aufkommen, als wäre die kürzliche Renovierung regelrecht darauf angelegt worden, das Gebäude bald abbrennen zu lassen:

Die ansonsten “noble Wohngegend” lässt einem so einen – zugegebenermaßen widerlichen – Verdacht in den Kopf schießen. Wohnraum- und Bodenspekulation feiern in London fröhliche Urständ.

Jedenfalls ist die Art und Weise wie das Gebäude vor relativ kurzer Zeit “saniert” wurde, als gigantisches Verbrechen gegen (vorwiegend arme) Menschen zu werten!

Andreas Schlüter



deutsche Version unten

London: Grenfell Tower in Flames

A very tragic fire has set the Grenfell_Tower in London ablaze. A dozen people dead, many more injured and a whole number of people still missing is a terrible record. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. But there is more on my mind as well.

The cause of the fire not yet explored, but the question arises whether the tragedy might not be the continuation of the terror_attacks in Great Britain, perpetrated by whomever they might have been perpetrated. Surely a defect fridge could not have caused that giant fire! But that´s not the only question. Since quite some time many residents have complained about lack of fire protection. Looking at the blaze it appears that the fassade of the building was anything else but fire protected, the usage of such materials appears as a criminal action:

Ey, the Grenfell Tower didn´t collapse!

Oh, and with this terrible fire, raging through the whole buidling, it didn´t collapse! One might remember WTC7 of the World Trade Center complex with limited fires (compared to Grenfell Tower) falling into its own footprint:

Well, there was a “comparable” building, the Plasco_Building in Teheran, falling, but showing strange explosion puffs before collapse:

Anyway, there should at least be fast consequenses as far as the usage of materials for fasades in GB are concerned! And, by the way, there weren´t rich people living in that Tower.

Andreas Schlüter

deutsche Version

London: Grenfell Tower in Flammen

Heute hat ein furchtbares Feuer_im_Grenfell_Tower in London stattgefunden. Mindestens 12 Tote und sehr viele Verletzte sind zu beklagen. Weitere Menschen werden noch vermisst. Zu den Gedanken um die Opfer und ihre Angehörigen gesellen sich aber weitere Gedanken. Wie kann Scotland Yard vor Klärung der Brandursache einen Terroranschlag (von wem auch immer verübt) “ausschließen”, nachdem eine Terrorwelle durch Europa gezogen ist?

Aber, sehr viele weitere Fragen drängen sich einem auf jeden Fall auf. Schon lange haben sich Mieter (sogar in einer Initiative) über mangelnden Brandschutz beklagt. Als kriminell kann man wohl bezeichnen, welche Fassadenmaterialien man bei dem Hochhaus zur Dämmung benutzt hat, diese haben offenbar das Haus im Nu in eine Fackel verwandelt:

Hey, das Gebäude ist nicht eingestürzt!

Und, erstaunlich, mit diesem ungeheuren Feuer, das durch das gesamte Gebäude gerast ist, es wollte nicht einstürzen! Wenn man an das Gebäude World_Trade_Center_7 und seine im Vergleich weniger umfangreichen Feuer denkt, die angeblich zum Einsturz auf dem Grundriss geführt haben sollen, dann wundert man sich:

Ach ja, da gab es ein vergleichbares Gebäude, das wegen so eines Brandes eingestürtzt sein soll, das Plasco_Building in Teheran, aber das zeigte vor seinem Einsturz erstaunliche Sprengwolken:

Nun, jedenfalls ist zu wünschen, dass man in Großbritannien schleunigst Konsequenzen hinsichtlich der Fassadendämmung und des Brandschutzes zieht! Und, übrigens haben keine reichen Leute in dem Turm gewohnt.

Andreas Schlüter


The European public is alarmed by a series of Terror attacks throughout the last year into June this year. There were three events in Great Britain, 22nd of March the „Westminster Attack“, 22nd of May the „Manchester Bombing“, and on the 2nd of June the attack on London Bridge and Borough Market. According to the media like the Express over 30 deaths and an even higher number of severely injured people have to be mourned. The Telegraph states anyway that by far less people fell victim to Terror in Great Britain than in previous times (like during IRA bombings) and in comparison to other countries.

Origin not undisputed

But the origin of the attacks is not undisputed. The reputable economist and political analyst Paul Craig Roberts states that the alleged terror attacks resemble Operation-Gladio bombing attacks. Quite a number of Analysts note with astonishment that passports and ids are mysteriously discovered in the wake of terror attacks.


But there are also very concrete questions on the concrete incidents. Ímportant questions arose for example, why on the Westminster attack many injured people were oviously taken_to_a_hotel_instead_of_a_hospital just opposite. In this very detailed video_about_the_alleged_Manchester_bomber irrespective of the other details you see at 8:21 of it an amazing point about a photo-shopped image of the young man.

Well, leaving the details of the events and the question of how much of it was fake at all and staged or not, also if the horror and sufferings of the affected people were real – which could also quite well have been – the basic question is whether the people behind were the people we´re told.

Did the Chicken come home to roost?

On the recent terror attacks in Iran, claimed by IS, the White House released a statement going: “We grieve and pray for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Iran, and for the Iranian people, who are going through such challenging times. We underscore that states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote.” (underlined by the author).

Thes ridiculous allegations might fit to another country. One feels tempted to ask whether the statement was indeed meant for Great Britain (sarcastic remark), since it is among the countries which have sponsored the Islamic State. As unfit the sentence was with respect to Iran, the triple strategy of the Western Elites is to let their military go into the Islamic world wherever they please, sponsor Islamist Terrorism there at the same time and discriminate Muslims in the West socially. This could surely drive young frustrated people into madness, seeing only the first and the third part of these acts. So it can not be ruled out that from time to time someone might be driven into amok activities.

Devout Muslims?

Obvious is at the same time that many of those ones implicated into terrorist activities are far from being devout Muslims but either small criminals, drug or alcohol addicts. Even the New York Times admitted that a high percentage of the “just prevented terror attacks” in the US were inspired by the FBI. Indeed according to what is said up, it could be easy to recruit frustrated younger (or older) people into “mad activities”, the more if some false promises are made, since usually they might not be aware of the suicidal nature of their actions. So the question is: are only the prevented attacks staged or also many of those ones really happening?

The Century of “False Flag” and the question `cui bono?´

As much terror as Gladio has created in “allied” countries, it always has been ascribed to the times of “Cold War”, which has been over beginning of the 90ies, as far as the “official reading” is concerned. But it was never over for the US Power Elite and its associates.

From the Neocon paper “Rebuilding America´s Defenses”, page 51, from September 2000:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.

On Nine_Eleven 2001, just one year later, they had it! Astonishingly it even didn´t need an airplane to bring WTC7 down, housing many government agencies. And almost with certainty it can be said that the planes hitting the Twin Towers were no civil airliners but radio controlled military jets. Now, let´s be clear, if ever, it will take long before there would be the chance to reconstruct all details of the event. But there are dozens of details that proof without doubt that the official narrative is false and a cover up. The operation and its cover up were very extended ones which could only have been orchestrated by the “Deep State” of the USA, irrespective who else profited because of the dirty secrets behind the event and resulting blackmail power.

Are there any Restrictions to the Powerful?

Since this Nine Eleven it should be clear that there are no restrictions to the activities of the US Deep State and its associates in allied (better say vassal) countries especially like Great Britain (which must not necessarily include governments).

Since this is clear to those ones who want to see, the overall important question with “abnormal events” is always: “cui bono?”, who benefits or who might have calculated to benefit (since even the powerful could miscalculate)?

Was it the Upcoming Election in GB Frightening the US Power Elite?

There were quite indications that many people in GB realized that the Brexit alone wouldn´t mean GB´s society would now become just and fair. The more Theresa May tried to present herself as the “Iron Lady´s” clone they might have smelled what is coming to them. Leftist Jeremy_Corbyn and his Labour Party gained more and more popularity.

By the way, very opposite to “the line” he even had previously announced British_Labour_government would_immediately_recognize_a_state_of_Palestine. Surely that doesn´t make Israel´s government and MOSSAD his friend! And surely he´s neither a “Darling” of the US Power Elite. That makes me ponder.

In case as being Power Elite you want to keep a government that pleases you in power, many times terror and the “Strategy of Tension” works, since a “tough” government (even being tough on the people) is many times thought to be a “better protection”.

After all, nobody knows, what might have come out of the elections if those attacks would not have taken place, though Corby rightfully blamed May to be responsible for shortages in police spending during her time as a minister.

All this not “beyond any doubt”, but worth thinking about it!

I´d not claim absolute certainty of my assessments, all said about the attacks in Great Britain might not beyond any doubt, but I claim the right to speculate. And so should do all journalists. A genuine mistrust towards the powerful is the driving force to find the truth by further researches and to secure the public against misuse of power.

Andreas Schlüter


Smear campaign on Corbyn:


London Bridge:

Ghost car:

States that sponsor Terrorism:

My articles on the USA:

Deutsche Version unten

Israel and IS: Anymore Questions?

Many times allegations came up that ISIS_would_be_supported_by_Israel and that Israel would be coordinating_ISIS_militants inside Syria, since Israel´s government wants the Assad Government to crumle. If a proof is wanted, here it is: former Defence Minister Moshe_Yaalon revealed to the press that IS_apologized_to_Israel_for_November-clash! To make it clear: enemies don´t apologize, allies do for “friendly fire“! Anymore questions?

By the way, Labour candidate Jeremy_Corbyn had announced British_Labour_government-would_immediately_recognize_a_state_of_Palestine. Surely that doesn´t make Israel´s government and MOSSAD his friends! And surely he´s neither a “Darling” of the US Power Elite. That makes me ponder.

Andreas Schlüter


Moshe Ya´alon

Deutsche Version

Israel und der IS: noch Fragen?

Immer wieder wurde gemeldet, dass Israel_in_Syrien_Djihadisten_hilft. Eine böswillige Lüge? Wohl kaum, die Bestätigung kann wohl darin gesehen werden, dass der ehemalige isrealische Verteidigungsminster Moshe Ya´alon der Presse gegenüber berichtet hat, der IS habe sich bei Israel für einen versehentlichen Angriff entschuldigt. So auch in der “Times of Israel“ zu lesen:

Also, für “friendly fire” (dem versehentlichen Beschuss eigener oder verbündeter Truppen) entschuldigt man sich nicht bei Feinden, sondern bei Verbündeten! Noch Fragen?

Übrigens: mit der Ankündigung, eine Labour-Regierung würde Palästina anerkennen, hat der Labour-Kandidat Jeremy_Corbyn sich Israels Regierung und den MOSSAD sicher nicht zu Freunden gemacht:

Natürlich ist dieser deutlich linke Labour-Kandidat fraglos auch kein “Liebling” der US-Machtelite.

Irgendwie lässt mich das grübeln!

Andreas Schlüter


8th/9th May: End of World War II 72 years ago!

8./9. Mai: Ende des 2. Weltkriegs vor 72 Jahren!

It is shameful to see that Germany is joining in the NATO military build up against Russia!

Es ist eine Schande mitansehen zu müssen, wie Deutschland sich an der militärischen Einkreisung Russlands durch die NATO beteiligt!

See – Siehe

Andreas Schlüter

As I have written a few days ago I was highly astonished that the US Empire, truly spoken the US Power Elite, „allowed“ the outcome of the Brexit-Vote ( I had to reassess the case. I had simply thought that the grip of the US Power Elite on the UK is almost total, as one could think seeing the UK often acting as the prolonged arm of the US in the European Union. And moreover the US has done a lot to make the EU a vassal union for their interest. This lead to my analytical mistake about a strong US interest to prevent the Brexit.


Paul Craig Roberts

Obviously Paul Craig Roberts is still on that line.

He is convinced that this previous US strategy of the EU for better control by „Big Brother“ is continuing till today and believes that would mean that Washington opposes the Brexit,

Opposition to Brexit is based on two powerful interests of Washington.

One is the interests of the New York banks and Wall Street to eliminate the UK as a financial center competitor. This blatant fact has escaped the notice of the City and the Bank of England.“

And this was also the fact that escaped me. But Roberts is convinced that the US Power Elite and Wallstreet trust on the pressure by the EU on the UK to adopt the Euro:

In order to trick the UK into joining the EU, the British were given special privileges. However, these privileges cannot last forever. The EU process is one of political integration. As I reported years ago, Jean-Claude Trichet, at that time the president of the European Central Bank, said that to complete the political integration of Europe, the fiscal policies of member states would be centralized. It is impossible to centralize fiscal policies if the UK is an independent financial center with its own central bank and currency.“

It might quite well have been that Cameron thought there would be a narrow victory for the „stay inside“ option which would make sure to be saved from such pressure.

Where I think Roberts goes totally wrong is the belief that the US Power Elite wants to keep the EU „safe“:

The other powerful interest is the interest of Washington to prevent one country’s exit from leading to the exit of other countries. As CIA documents found in the US National Archives make clear, the EU was a CIA initiative, the purpose of which is to make it easy for Washington to exercise political control over Europe. It is much easier for Washington to control the EU than 28 separate countries. Moreover, if the EU unravels, so likely would NATO, which is the necessary cover for Washington’s aggression.“

As true as the fact is, that those days the CIA had a strong hand in the European unification, combined with this is Roberts´ belief that the erosion of the EU would lead to the failing of NATO and thus reduce the danger of a big US lead war. In deed the crumbling of NATO would be an advantage for mankind and a step to peace. But it is questionable whether those things are really linked. We shouldn´t forget that Turkey and Greece were both NATO members even at a time when there were enormous tensions between them (on which the US capitalized).

With this expectation he is surely right,

Here is what the British can likely expect: The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and George Soros will conspire to attack the British pound, driving it down and terrorizing the British economy.“

It must have slipped him that this is made easy by the Brexit-Vote´s outcome, weakening the City of London. Moreover the breaking away of Scotland from the UK is getting more likely which would convert Great Britain into „Small Britain“.

And also seemingly Roberts is not fully aware of this: with the large scale deindustrialization of the US as well as the UK continental Europe is still a strong center of Industry, having a natural tendency to follow its own interest in a Eurasian cooperation on the long run. And the Brits had done something quite ugly (in the eyes of the US Power Elite) they joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is also connected to the monumental project of the „Iron Silk Road“, meant to deepen cooperation between China, Russia and Europe:

And likewise important, the Euro – true, if the UK would be forced into would possibly weaken the City of London, but only if – has developed into a great „burden“ to the US being a really competing currency.

So, what if the US Power Elite has come to the conclusion: it´s time to blow up what we´ve built to control Europe better, since it has developed a dynamics which is now an obstacle to our world dominating strategy? A Europe pushed into complicated conflicts among the various states might also be easier prevented from slipping into a Eurasian cooperation and they might always call „Big Brother“ to mediate in their quarrels. And to this perspective fits the US strategy (in which stupid European governments have helped again and again) to create a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe from Libya through Africa and Near & Middle East to the Ukraine, moving millions of people (miserable poor victims of the warmongers) into Europe and creating enormous problems and conflicts between European states as well as within the European societies. As far as this aspect is concerned, this is my suspicion since quite some time.

And we have a „Neocon Crown Witness“ to this strategic concept, George Friedman, founder of Stratfor (retired from it 2015), presenting a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:


George Friedman

That man is presenting the essence of his book „Flashpoints Europe“ ( In the book as well as in his speech at the Chicago Council he outlines „future developments“ in Europe in a way as if this would come out of Europe itself, but in deed he´s presenting what the US Power Elite has „in the pipe“ for Europe. Besides he dwells on the fact that his Jewish family survived the terrible Nazi occupation of East Europe to attribute more moral authority to his presentation but deflates that totally by showing a cynic that exposes the complete absence of moral consequences from that sad history. This is demonstrated especially by praising Reagan´s concept of making countries (like Iran and Iraq) fighting and people kill each other (hear him at the Chicago Council).

So, if you hear this staunch Neocon Friedman, you know at which point the US Power Elite (now clearly dominated by the Neocons, even in the Democratic Party – demonstrated by their spearhead Hillary Clinton, has reached: Blow the EU up!

So, I fear this great Analyst Paul Craig Roberts might still go very wrong in his assessment of US politics towards Brexit and towards US strategy for Europe!

Andreas Schlüter

See also: Addition to my Brexit Articles: Mission Accomplished?

& „USA, UK, EU, Further Addition to my Brexit Articles: CIA and IRA“

Further links:

Paul Craig Roberts on Brexit:

Wallstreet and City of London:


George Friedman:

Deutsche Version unten

I´ve to admit, that the result of the vote on Brexit took me by surprise! In deed I had no doubts that a relatively small majority was against staying inside EU, but since the „51st State“ was always the „long arm“ of the US Empire to influence the policy of the EU I expected „Big Brother“ to do anything possible either to influence the vote or if „necessary“ to organize the rigging of the vote to make GB remain inside. Well, the US Empire isn´t „allmighty“, but they have many means of intervention. So with this official result I had to think again about the whole case! I think I found an explanation why the US Power Elite „allowed“ this to happen.

The close Anglo-Saxon alliance might have some hidden cracks, the dominance in finance capitalism might be a bit more in the City of London than in Wallstreet to the anger of the later:

And the Brits had done something quite ugly (in the eyes of the US Power Elite) they joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is also connected to the monumental project of the „Iron Silk Road“:




In the Thirties Wallstreet used the Nazis to put the Brits „to their place“ and kick them out of competition via enabeling Hitler to do his „Blitz“ (, and to destroy the Soviet Union), this time they could have counted on the realistic feeling of many people in GB (and other countries of the EU) that democracy is disappearing and on their feeling, that the EU is also a means of taking democracy and souverainity away (actually Wallstreet likes the disappearance of democracy a lot). The City of London might now understand who´s master and who´s the assistant! But the punishment might have very hard consequences: the Scotts might finally leave the UK, Northern Ireland might become a complicated place again.

And maybe Uncle Sam has come to the conclusion that it´s time to finally blow up the EU, which actually could benefit from the leaving of a member that never was really in. We might see more nasty development in Europe inspired by „Big Brother“! And if the other members of the EU don´t understand, that both together, widening and deepening of the organization, isn´t possible, those forces might succeed.


This must be „revenged“! – Das erfordert „Rache“!

FT Rachmann UK s risky obsession with US decline –


Maybe tomorrow – vielleicht morgen

Deutsche Fassung

Ich muss zugeben, dass mich das veröffentlichte Ergebnis der Abstimmung zum „Brexit“ erstaunt hat! Ich hatte keine Zweifel daran, dass eine knappe Mehrheit der Einwohner Großbritanniens gegen den Verbleib in der EU war, aber, da das Land im Wesentlichen als der verlängerte Arm der USA in der EU operiert, hatte ich erwartet, dass die US-Machtelite alles unternehmen würde, die Abstimmung zum Verbleib hin zu beeinflussen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, für eine Fälschung des Ergebnisses zu sorgen. Ich habe mich geirrt und musste erneut über den „Fall“ nachdenken! Ich glaube, mir ist klar geworden, warum die US-Machtelite den Brexit „erlaubt“ hat.

Es gibt wohl verborgene Risse in der Angelsächsischen Allianz. In der weitgehenden Hinwendung der beiden Partner zum Finanzkapitalismus gibt es zwischen der Wallstreet und der City of London eine Dominanz der City of London, zum Misvergnügen der Wallstreet:

Das ist eigentlich schon schlimm genug, aber dann haben die Briten in den Augen des „Großen Bruders“ etwas „Abscheuliches“ gemacht: Sie sind mit anderen europäischen Ländern der von China organisierten „Asiatischen Infrastrukturinvestmentbank beigetreten, die auch von Bedeutung ist für den Trans-Eurasia-Express, auch unter dem Namen Eiserne Seidenstraße bekannt. Dieses Projekt, das die Zusammenarbeit zwischen China, Russland und Europa stärken soll, ist für die US-Machtelite der pure Horror:


In den Dreißiger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts haben die US-Wirtschaftsmagnaten die Nazis gefördert und mit an die Macht gebracht, um Großbritannien aus der imperialen Konkurrenz zu kicken (und um die Sowjetunion zu zerstören):

Dieses Mal konnte man auf das Gefühl vieler Menschen im Vereinigten Köigreich setzen (was Menschen in vielen Ländern der EU teilen), dass die EU, so, wie sie ist, tatsächlich in hohem Maße von mächtigen Wirtschaftsinteressen bestimmt ist, und in hohem Maße zum Demokratie-Abbau misbraucht wird. Diesen Demokratie-Abbau liebt natürlich die US-Machtelite auch und möchte ihn tatsächlich eigentlich durch TTIP befördern. Hier nun haben die Mächtigen der USA neben raren Lippenbekenntnissen der Fraktion des Königreichs, die in der EU bleiben wollte, wohl in vollem Bewustsein die Unterstützung und die Einmischung versagt, die sie sonst jederzeit gegen Verträge und Völkerrecht anzuwenden bereit sind. Nun werden die Briten verstehen, wer Herr und wer Assistent ist!

Auf das Vereinigte Königreich könnten schwere Zeiten zukommen. Es mag zu einem weiterem Referendum in Schottland kommen, das die Unabhängigkeitsfraktion gewinnen könnte, um dann der EU und dem Euro beizutreten. Auch Nordirland mag wieder ein komlizierter Ort werden. Da könnte insgesamt aus Großbritannien Kleinbritannien werden. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass die US-Machtelite dies für einen „gerechte Strafe“ halten könnte.

Aber der indirekte Einfluss der USA durch GB in der EU ist nun auch vorbei. Vielleicht halten die wirklich Mächtigen der USA aber auch den Zeitpunkt für gekommen, die EU, die lange nur ihr Vasallenverein war, aber auch wirtschaftlich und währungstechnisch immer mehr Konkurrenz ist, endgültig zu sprengen:

Andreas Schlüter


 the pyromanic Fire Fighters


Check the countries with wars and crisis one by one, all full of Minerals and Oil!

See also:

US AFRICOM, Fuck off:

But, it´s not only Africa, but also Middle East, South East Asia – and East Europe, where these „Fire Fighters“ are active!

And in Germany socalled „Social Democrats“ with Frank Walter Steinmeier (Frankensteinmeier) ahead are on the Train!

Andreas Schlüter