Mit ‘WW II’ getaggte Beiträge

Deutsche Version unten

1st September, Anti War Day – Time to Wake up!

On this day the beginning of WW II and the giant German crimes are commemorated. These days it seems that the twenty years lasting US war against Afghanistan on the ground might not really be ended but might be changed into an air war against that country (mostly because the US Empire wants to concentrate its forces on the encirclement_of_China – and Russia).

The attack by the Nazi regime on Poland was started by a “False Flag Attack” on the German Gleiwitz_radio_station organized by the Nazis. The pretext for the US led war against Afghanistan being part of the “War on Terror” devastating Near and Middle East as well, was “Nine_Eleven” now almost 20 years ago.

Everyone really delving into that topic and its details cannot but come to the conclusion that this event was an “Inside_Job”, a giant False Flag operation by the “Deep_State” of the US dwarfing the Gleiwitz event.

We have to learn our lesson: the US Power Elite in its desire for total World control poses the greatest threat for mankind! We have to stop our governments from supporting those power games which put the lives of us all at risk! Break away from the US and end transatlantic serfdom!

Andreas Schlüter

Deutsche Version

1. September, Antikriegstag – Zeit aufzuwachen!

An diesem Tag wird an den Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs mit dem Überfall Deutschlands auf Polen und an die ungeheuerlichen Verbrechen der Nazis erinnert. Es scheint dieser Tage auch so, dass der fast zwanzig Jahre dauernde US-geführte Bodenkrieg gegen Afghanistan nicht wirklich beendet, sondern in einen Luftkrieg gegen das Land gewandelt wird (vor Allem wohl, weil die USA ihre Kräfte auf die Einkreisung_Chinas – und Russlands – konzentrieren wollen).

Der Überfall auf Polen wurde mit der durch die Nazis organisierten „False Flag Operation“ des Überfalls auf den deutschen Radiosender_Gleiwitz eingeleitet. Der Ausgangspunkt des US-geführten Angriffskrieges gegen Afghanistan war Nine_Eleven, womit auch der sogenannte „Krieg gegen den Terror“ begann, der auch den Nahen und Mittleren Osten in ein Trümmerfeld und Chaos verwandelte.

Jeder, der sich tatsächlich ehrlich und intensiv mit den Ereignissen um Nine Eleven beschäftigt kann zu keinem anderen Schluss kommen, als dass es sich um eine gigantische „False Flag Operation“ durch den „Tiefen Staat“ der USA gehandelt haben muss, die die Operation Gleiwitz regelrecht als „Zwergen-Werk“ erscheinen lassen muss!

Wir müssen unsere Lektion lernen: die US-Machtelite stellt mit ihrer Gier nach totaler Weltbeherrschung die größte Gefahr für die Welt und die Menschheit dar. Wir müssen unsere Regierungen daran hindern, diese Machtspiele zu unterstützen, die unser aller Leben in Gefahr bringen! Brechen_wir_mit_der_US-Politik und der transatlantischen Servilität!

Andreas Schlüter


Deutsche Version unten

End of WW II in Europe 75 Years ago – And a Grim Future?!

For the liberation of Europe from Nazi Barbarism our thanks have to go to the millions of Soviet Soldiers who carried the heaviest burden and gave their lives to end the nightmare in Europe – and also to those Soldiers from the other allies.

Most probably especially the Soviet Soldiers with their enormous contribution saved Germany from becoming the first test field for the Nuclear Bomb which was then instead tested in Hiroshima and Nagasaki against already practically defeated Japan! Thank you, Red Army, for saving Germany also from the nuclear disaster!

Has World Peace been the Consequence of the Nightmare?

Mostly unknown in the Western World is to which extend part of US_capital_helped_the_Nazis to power. Also vastly unknown is that the US military was dreaming of pulverizing_their_former_ally, the Soviet Union to ashes short time after WW II. A fierce struggle of those forces was also aimed at the total dominance about the world which hit especially the Southern Hemisphere hard and has claimed millions of lives up to now, like for_example_in_Central_Africa.

The US Empire was successful in destroying the East Bloc and thus „ending the Cold War“. But no „peace dividend“ in sight. They want the „whole_cake“.

Being driven by their nightmare_of_a_Eurasian_Cooperation from China to the Atlantic the US Power Elite have a rapidly developing China and a refreshed Russia on top of their „Eating List“. The CIA works on „Mind Control“ (MKultra). In its Think Tanks the US Power Elite dreams fascist dreams even of „Bio_War_as_a_politically_useful_tool“. And faced with the growing ecological and resource crisis they might have come to devilish conclusions culminating in anti-human_strategies which can be regarded as their „Final Solution“.

And What About Germany?

Instead of being thankful to the Russian people for their sacrifices and looking for a peaceful neighborhood with them, German governments are allowed by the reunited Germans to support the Western policy oft sanctions and encirclement against Russia.


What is left of the post war slogan „never again“? German arms industry is flourishing and German arms are sold well even into regions of war and crisis! The German Governments allow the US to use their ground for imperial operations and even they let Ramstein_be_used as a relay station for ruthless US drone murders! The reunited Germany is far from really being the opposite of what they have been freed of 75 years ago. Looking at my country I see no real „Peace Force“ but a lousy vassal of Western Imperialism decorated with fake „Western Values“!

Germans, make no mistakes: your country will possibly be used as a battleground against Russia, the stationing of NATO nuclear arms will not make you safe, but will make you a target in case of Western aggression against Russia being stepped up. If my suspicion is true, you´re as well suffering from a US bio attack on the world. A numerically tiny but all too powerful class, the US Power Elite – which seems to wage_an_abscure_Revolution in front of our “closed eyes” – drives the World nearer and nearer to the abyss!

What makes me look into a grim future is the absence of real strong political resistance against all these developments, I fear for the worst, if people don´t wake up! Not too much reason to really enjoy the well respected „Day of Liberation“.

Andreas Schlüter

Now going back to my projects!

Deutsche Version

75 Jahre seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa – und eine finstere Zukunft?!

Für die Befreiung Europas von der Nazibarbarei muss unser Dank an die Millionen sowjetischer Soldaten gehen, die die schwerste Last trugen und ihr Leben gaben, um den Alptraum in Europa zu beenden – und auch an die Soldaten der anderen Verbündeten.

Wahrscheinlich haben gerade die sowjetischen Soldaten mit ihrem enormen Beitrag Deutschland_davor_bewahrt, das erste Testfeld für die Atombombe zu werden, die dann stattdessen in Hiroshima und Nagasaki gegen das bereits praktisch besiegte Japan getestet wurde! Danke, Rote Armee, dass Du Deutschland wohl auch vor der Atomkatastrophe gerettet hast!

War der Weltfrieden die Folge des Albtraums?

Weitgehend unbekannt in der westlichen Welt ist, in welchem Umfang ein Teil des US-Kapitals den_Nazis_zur_Macht_verhalf. Weitgehend unbekannt ist auch, dass das US-Militär davon träumte, seinen ehemaligen Verbündeten, die Sowjetunion, kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg atomar_zu_pulverisieren, ebenso, wie_auch_Churchill_dies_tat. Ein erbitterter Kampf dieser finsteren Kräfte zielte und zielt auch auf die totale Vorherrschaft über die Welt ab, die vor allem die südliche Hemisphäre hart traf und trifft, und bis heute Millionen von Menschenleben gefordert hat, wie_zum_Beispiel_Zentralafrika.

Dem US-Imperium gelang es, den Ostblock durch „Totrüsten“ zu zerstören und damit „den Kalten Krieg zu beenden“. Doch eine „Friedensdividende“ ist nicht in Sicht. Sie wollen den „ganzen_Kuchen„.

Von ihrem Alptraum einer eurasischen Kooperation von China bis zum Atlantik getrieben, hat die US-Machtelite ein sich rasch entwickelndes China und ein erholtes Russland an die Spitze ihrer „Essensliste“ gesetzt und scheut sich auch nicht, Europa_unter_Druck_zu_setzen. Die CIA arbeitet an „Mind Control“ (MKULTRA). In ihren Think Tanks träumt die US-Machtelite faschistische Träume sogar vom „Biokrieg_als_nuetzlichem_politischen_Werkzeug„. Und angesichts der wachsenden Umwelt- und Ressourcenkrise könnten sie zu teuflischen Schlussfolgerungen kommen, die in menschenfeindlichen Strategien gipfeln, die als ihre „Endlösung“ betrachtet werden können.

Und was ist mit Deutschland?

Anstatt dem russischen Volk für seine Opfer dankbar zu sein und eine friedliche Nachbarschaft mit ihm zu suchen, wird den deutschen Regierungen von den Deutschen erlaubt, die westliche Politik der Sanktionen und Einkreisung gegen Russland zu unterstützen. Nichts ist von Genschers Zusicherung geblieben, nach der Wiedervereinigung die NATO_nicht_nach_Osten_auszudehnen.

Was bleibt von dem Nachkriegsmotto „Nie wieder“ übrig? Die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie floriert und deutsche Waffen werden auch in Kriegs- und Krisenregionen gut verkauft! Die deutschen Regierungen erlauben den USA, ihren Boden für imperiale Operationen zu nutzen, und sie lassen sogar zu, dass Ramstein_als_Relais-Station für rücksichtslose US-Drohnenmorde benutzt wird! Das wiedervereinigte Deutschland ist weit davon entfernt, wirklich das Gegenteil von dem zu sein, wovon es vor 75 Jahren befreit wurde. Wenn ich mein Land betrachte, sehe ich keine „Friedensmacht“, sondern einen lausigen Vasallen des westlichen Imperialismus, der mit falschen „westlichen Werten“ dekoriert ist!

Deutsche, macht keine Fehler: Euer Land wird möglicherweise als Schlachtfeld gegen Russland benutzt werden, die Stationierung von NATO-Nuklearwaffen wird Euch nicht sicher machen, aber Ihr werdet zur Zielscheibe für den Fall, dass die westliche Aggression gegen Russland verstärkt wird. Wenn mein Verdacht zutrifft, leiden auch wir unter einem Bioangriff der USA auf die Welt. Als zahlenmäßig winzige, aber allzu mächtige Klasse treibt die US-Machtelite die Welt immer näher an den Abgrund! Sie hat wohl auf die existenziellen Fragen von Ökologie- und Rohstoffkrise eine höchst unmenschliche_Antwort parat.

Was mich in eine düstere Zukunft blicken lässt, ist das Fehlen eines wirklich starken politischen Widerstands gegen all diese Entwicklungen, ich fürchte das Schlimmste, wenn die Menschen nicht aufwachen! Kein allzu großer Grund, den viel beachteten „Tag der Befreiung“ wirklich zu genießen.

Andreas Schlüter

Nun geht es zurück an meine Projekte!

Western media play an absurd double game. On one side they use the crimes and atrocities of the Islamic State to smear almost the whole Islamic World and push fear for Terrorism. On the other side they accuse the Syrian government and Russia (being the only foreign power to legitimately intervene in Syria since asked by the Syrian government to do so) permanently to commit war crimes. Obviously they have no (or don´t want to have) historical memory.

Let me put it straight: if the Islamic State is practically to be equated – which is truely the case – to Fascism, then the Western media should remember the war against fascist occupation of France and how it was waged by the Western allies. Were their war activities in WW II France war crimes against the French people? See the photos of the liberated French towns in Normandy:






Does it really look very different from Aleppo?

Andreas Schlüter


Wesley Clarke:

& Wesly Clarke on Destabilisation plans (though he doesn´t understand Nine Eleven):

My articles on the USA:



The fact that France and Germany share the same fate of being Terror stricken could be a reason to look at the relation between the two countries, which should be done here.


Coming (in case of Germany partly) from one mediaeval state, Charlemagne´s Empire, which was split after his son´s death, the relationship of the two countries saw many conflicts, which turned to be more complicated with the rise of Prussia which didn´t come from that common heritage.

The French Revolution was very ambivalent for the relation in as far as it raised democratic hopes in some German circles which were widely liquidated during French occupation of great parts of Germany by Napoleon. This again strengthened tendencies for German unity, which was finally the result of the Prussian led victory of German states against France in 1871, a triumph which left deep scares in France´s collective memory.

Both World Wars left France against Germany victorious but only because of strong Anglo-Saxon support. Long Nazi-German occupation during WW II has humiliated France (and saw a lot of collaboration on the French side). The more it might astonish how relatively fast France and the Western part of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) developed some sort of neighborly closeness and somehow friendship in post war times under De Gaulle and Adenauer. Not only the war tired youth gave additional impulses but a strong part did the hysteria about the (not real) danger of a Soviet invasion and the cold war. France was stripped off his official colonial empire (as happened to the Germans with theirs after WW I) though keeping (a disastrous) dominance in its former colonies. The war torn countries saw a close cooperation (also with other smaller countries) in basic industrial fields as favorable (German: „Montan Union“). The members of this European Coal and Steel Community ‚ECSC‘ (“ the six“: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany) joined the EEC, the competing body within Europe became the “European Free Trade Association” ( EFTA). As much as European powers wanted the BRD to be enshrined in supranational structures France was resisting to be too much absorbed by such developments. Likewise France was member of NATO (French: OTAN) but did not integrate into the military structures and built its own “Force de frappe”. .

France tried to keep close control especially of its former African colonies, to part of them (especially Togo) and their colonial henchmen German conservatives like Franz Josef had close links, at times combined with economic interests of Strauß´s entourage.

Germany and France had close military cooperation which was even directed at nuclear efforts (Strauß being Minister of Defense – 1956 to 1962 – was also very eager to get a nuclear option not purely based on the US, but were so in the end). By and large the German French relationship was complicated because of France being very skeptical about the US whereas Germany was depending on the US to a high degree.

The end of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet bloc confronted France with the reunion of the two German states which was only tolerated (with pains as well by Thatcher´s GB but supported by the US) with the perspective of Germany being enshrined in a new European currency: the Euro (which GB didn´t join).

1990 to 1994 saw a very different approach of France and Germany to an African topic. France (surely out of own interest and a strategy still independent from the US) helped 1990 to rebuke the terrorist attack of Kagame/Museveni´s US backed invasion attempt into Rwanda, German polititians were on the opposite helpful in preparing and covering the second invasion of the terrorist RPF into Rwanda and the horror which followed for the DR Congo by Uganda´s and Kagame-Rwanda´s invasions (

In the US invasion of 2003 into Iraq based on lies France and Germany acted together trying to keep them out of that act against international law.

Things turned almost fundamentally with Sarkozy coming to office. Whereas Germany´s capital interests (still mostly based on production and the US turning more and more to finance capitalism) differed so much from the US that some reservation towards the US are to be detected France being obviously sceptical of Germany´s growing economic power turned more towards the US. France turned back to the integrated NATO Command.

When Libya was attacked by the US and NATO, Germany didn´t support the „No Fly Zone“ in the UN whereas France together with GB were in total support. After Hollande came to office the integration into the US imperial designs continued which is very obvious in case of Syria and Mali. Possibly Germany has been scared into a more supportive position by obvious „False Flag“ manifested in the Bag with the not exploding bomb found at Bonn Main Station (2012). This was the reminder to the German government by the US: „Boys and Girl, think of how nicely German Governments were behaving when they were still sitting in Bonn!“ (

It is obvious: the French German relationship can only be understood to the full extend in context of the triangle France-US-Germany and from the question whether French and German national interests contrasting to US interests had to manifest themselves. This played an important role also in the Ukrainian crisis coming from the aggressive expansion of NATO to the East.

The determination of France and Germany to join with Russia in the efforts to calm down the Ukraine conflict, resulted in the Minsk II agreement. The leaders of Belarus, Russia, Germany, France, and Ukraine had met from 11th to 12th February 2015 – without the US being invited! After that was finalized the British Prime Minister Cameron was to be seen in front of a camera almost foaming from anger and indicating the Anglo-American fury about those efforts. In deed France and Germany had come to the conclusion that the Ukraine conflict wasn´t in Europe´s best interest (after having helped the US to start the mess). How important the Ukraine „game“ is, see the Neocon Think Tank man George Friedman on the Ukraine:

Don´t mind the German subtitles!

So seeing the reactions of Cameron I made the prediction: „nasty things will come to France and Germany!“

Andreas Schlüter

Deutsche Version unten

I´ve to admit, that the result of the vote on Brexit took me by surprise! In deed I had no doubts that a relatively small majority was against staying inside EU, but since the „51st State“ was always the „long arm“ of the US Empire to influence the policy of the EU I expected „Big Brother“ to do anything possible either to influence the vote or if „necessary“ to organize the rigging of the vote to make GB remain inside. Well, the US Empire isn´t „allmighty“, but they have many means of intervention. So with this official result I had to think again about the whole case! I think I found an explanation why the US Power Elite „allowed“ this to happen.

The close Anglo-Saxon alliance might have some hidden cracks, the dominance in finance capitalism might be a bit more in the City of London than in Wallstreet to the anger of the later:

And the Brits had done something quite ugly (in the eyes of the US Power Elite) they joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is also connected to the monumental project of the „Iron Silk Road“:




In the Thirties Wallstreet used the Nazis to put the Brits „to their place“ and kick them out of competition via enabeling Hitler to do his „Blitz“ (, and to destroy the Soviet Union), this time they could have counted on the realistic feeling of many people in GB (and other countries of the EU) that democracy is disappearing and on their feeling, that the EU is also a means of taking democracy and souverainity away (actually Wallstreet likes the disappearance of democracy a lot). The City of London might now understand who´s master and who´s the assistant! But the punishment might have very hard consequences: the Scotts might finally leave the UK, Northern Ireland might become a complicated place again.

And maybe Uncle Sam has come to the conclusion that it´s time to finally blow up the EU, which actually could benefit from the leaving of a member that never was really in. We might see more nasty development in Europe inspired by „Big Brother“! And if the other members of the EU don´t understand, that both together, widening and deepening of the organization, isn´t possible, those forces might succeed.


This must be „revenged“! – Das erfordert „Rache“!

FT Rachmann UK s risky obsession with US decline –


Maybe tomorrow – vielleicht morgen

Deutsche Fassung

Ich muss zugeben, dass mich das veröffentlichte Ergebnis der Abstimmung zum „Brexit“ erstaunt hat! Ich hatte keine Zweifel daran, dass eine knappe Mehrheit der Einwohner Großbritanniens gegen den Verbleib in der EU war, aber, da das Land im Wesentlichen als der verlängerte Arm der USA in der EU operiert, hatte ich erwartet, dass die US-Machtelite alles unternehmen würde, die Abstimmung zum Verbleib hin zu beeinflussen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, für eine Fälschung des Ergebnisses zu sorgen. Ich habe mich geirrt und musste erneut über den „Fall“ nachdenken! Ich glaube, mir ist klar geworden, warum die US-Machtelite den Brexit „erlaubt“ hat.

Es gibt wohl verborgene Risse in der Angelsächsischen Allianz. In der weitgehenden Hinwendung der beiden Partner zum Finanzkapitalismus gibt es zwischen der Wallstreet und der City of London eine Dominanz der City of London, zum Misvergnügen der Wallstreet:

Das ist eigentlich schon schlimm genug, aber dann haben die Briten in den Augen des „Großen Bruders“ etwas „Abscheuliches“ gemacht: Sie sind mit anderen europäischen Ländern der von China organisierten „Asiatischen Infrastrukturinvestmentbank beigetreten, die auch von Bedeutung ist für den Trans-Eurasia-Express, auch unter dem Namen Eiserne Seidenstraße bekannt. Dieses Projekt, das die Zusammenarbeit zwischen China, Russland und Europa stärken soll, ist für die US-Machtelite der pure Horror:


In den Dreißiger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts haben die US-Wirtschaftsmagnaten die Nazis gefördert und mit an die Macht gebracht, um Großbritannien aus der imperialen Konkurrenz zu kicken (und um die Sowjetunion zu zerstören):

Dieses Mal konnte man auf das Gefühl vieler Menschen im Vereinigten Köigreich setzen (was Menschen in vielen Ländern der EU teilen), dass die EU, so, wie sie ist, tatsächlich in hohem Maße von mächtigen Wirtschaftsinteressen bestimmt ist, und in hohem Maße zum Demokratie-Abbau misbraucht wird. Diesen Demokratie-Abbau liebt natürlich die US-Machtelite auch und möchte ihn tatsächlich eigentlich durch TTIP befördern. Hier nun haben die Mächtigen der USA neben raren Lippenbekenntnissen der Fraktion des Königreichs, die in der EU bleiben wollte, wohl in vollem Bewustsein die Unterstützung und die Einmischung versagt, die sie sonst jederzeit gegen Verträge und Völkerrecht anzuwenden bereit sind. Nun werden die Briten verstehen, wer Herr und wer Assistent ist!

Auf das Vereinigte Königreich könnten schwere Zeiten zukommen. Es mag zu einem weiterem Referendum in Schottland kommen, das die Unabhängigkeitsfraktion gewinnen könnte, um dann der EU und dem Euro beizutreten. Auch Nordirland mag wieder ein komlizierter Ort werden. Da könnte insgesamt aus Großbritannien Kleinbritannien werden. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass die US-Machtelite dies für einen „gerechte Strafe“ halten könnte.

Aber der indirekte Einfluss der USA durch GB in der EU ist nun auch vorbei. Vielleicht halten die wirklich Mächtigen der USA aber auch den Zeitpunkt für gekommen, die EU, die lange nur ihr Vasallenverein war, aber auch wirtschaftlich und währungstechnisch immer mehr Konkurrenz ist, endgültig zu sprengen:

Andreas Schlüter

People who explore reality not only by watching news on mainstream TV might have felt a historical shiver running down the spine when hearing about the efforts to unite Monsanto and Bayer AG. And right so! And the public should still be alarmed though the effort by Bayer to buy Monsanto was rejected at first hand (, since the talks might go on.


Who are the „flirting Giants“?

In fact Monsanto is well-known for its history of unscrupulous and murderous activities, such as producing the deadly Agent Orange, having caused gene defects with children of Vietnam veterans but still doing so with uncountable children in today´s Vietnam. It is rightfully feared for its genetically modified crops and other plants as well as Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide. And many people have reason to suspect the company to have the strategic aim of getting world food supply under US control, partly by biopiracy and extended misuse of patent right. What has slipped the minds of even most of those people being aware of the dangerous deeds of the company is the fact that personnel of Monsanto was even involved in the Manhattan project and the building of the first nuclear weapons (

By and large progressive people tend rightfully to see Monsanto as an ethically criminal organization being at the same time an important strategic asset of the US Power Elite.

Bayer in fact was an important part of the Nazi Empire´s economy. It was part of the notorious IG Farben and its support for the Nazi takeover of power and the usage of extended slave labor during the „Third Reich“. IG Farben had held large investments in Degesch producing Zyclon B used during the Holocaust. Without exaggeration to be called a “History of Horror”. 1951 IG Farben was split into its original constituent companies, still some of the world’s largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies, AGFA, BASF, Bayer and Sanofi. Bayer’s most important fields of business are human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, healthcare products, agricultural chemicals and biotechnology products as well as polymers. The splitting of IG Farben did not liquidate its history anyway, of which Bayer is part!


Allen Dulles

The „Missing Link“

As much as these facts are known to better informed contemporaries what is not so well-known is the close connection between part of US capitalists – the economic US Power Elite – of the thirties and the German Nazis. In fact the Wall Street was favoring Hitler´s grip to power, as among others Anthony Sutton has convincingly researched ( And even less known, there was a fascist coup attempt by US capitalists against Roosevelt´s New Deal, the so called Business Plot, which failed, because the retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, whom the plotters approached for leading the coup went public. He testified before the „McCormackDickstein Committee“ but the plotters were not tried maybe because of Roosevelt´s fear to stirr another attempt. Those forces actually cooperated with the Nazis almost throughout the whole Second World War (

One of the outstanding „Managers“ of that connection were the Dulles Brothers, John Foster Dulles and his younger brother Allen Welsh Dulles, the elder one being later on foreign Minister under Eisenhower, the younger one later on head of the CIA. Both worked for Sullivan & Cromwell, who had strong ties with German holdings like IG Farben. Especially Allen Dulles was outstanding in his Nazi cooperation. Now it would be very naive to believe that those forces wanted the Nazis to rule the World, but the Nazi Empire helped to push the British imperial competitor out of the game and almost bombed the Soviet Union into Stone Age. Especially Allen Dulles wanted strong Nazi Forces even after WW II to be junior partners in controlling Germany, all very well described in Robert Talbot’s well researched book “The Devil´s Chessboard” (

An Other Link to Dubious Forces

In her campaign for candidacy in 2007 Clinton held a meeting in the rooms of Monsanto´s law firm in Washington:

While some might think the Clinton campaign was just trying to be cute, in Iowa, chemical agriculture is no laughing matter. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Iowa has the highest rates of cancer of any state in the Midwest and it should come has no surprise that 97% of soybeans and 93% of corn grown in Iowa are genetically engineered to be sprayed with Monsanto’s Roundup, which the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently linked to causing cancer in humans just last year.”



In fact Clinton was praised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for supporting GMO techniques. This earned her a nice cartoon:


Pandora´s Box already opened?

What is ahead? Clinton is in deed the Neocons spearhead in the Democratic Party and will most probably get the full Neocon support. She brought Victoria Nuland (quote: “fuck the EU”) into the Obama administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. Kagan – declared supporter of Clinton – is co-founder of the neoconservativeProject for the New American Century by the Brookings Institution and member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

If one wants to know what is in the Neocon „pipe“, one should read their think tank papers. In September 2000 the above mentioned US Think Tank „Project for the New American Century“ issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“. On page 60 you find the announcement of Fascist atrocities! It reads:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.“

Surely it should not target white Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs)! This is the direct continuation of the „Project Coast“, the dying Apartheid Regime of South Africa had working, dreaming of the „Black Bomb“, the biological Race War against Black South Africans. About the possible consequences see: „Ebola: Pandora´s Box Opened Since Long?“:

& the hidden agenda:

In deed these diabolic concepts are also a continuation of Kissinger´s paper NSSM200 from 1973, which deals with US interest in population reduction in resource regions oft he Southern Hemisphere:

So it is not really surprising to hear the renowned Biochemist Charles Arntzen, being involved into the Ebola business, at a congress answering a young colleague who´s asking whether in face of overpopulation world food aid wouldn´t be counterproductive joking: „then go and build a better virus:


It appears that the slogan after Fascism´s break down “Never Again” is blown in the wind!

Andreas Schlüter

More Links:

My articles on the USA:

Bayer´s grip to Monsanto

Clinton and Monsanto:


Bayer& History:

Monsanto and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:

US & the Nazis:


Smetley Butler:

War is a Racket:


Deutsche Übersetzung unten!

Thanks, Red Army, thanks for allowing me to grow up in Hamburg without Nazi-Regime! I´ll never forget that the people of the Soviet Union suffered the most terrible losses by the crimes that Nazi-Germany perpetrated! I´ll also not forget that millions of Soviet soldiers carried the bulk to end the Nazi barbary! Thanks also to the soldiers of all the armed forces in the Anti-Fascist coalition! But I´ll also not forget that parts of the US Power Elite did a lot to push the Nazis into power (

This had two geo-strategic aims: on one side to kick the geo-strategic competitor Great Britain „out of the game“ (GB lateron became the „51st State“) and on the other side to get the Soviet Union bombed „into Stone Age“. The second aim wasn´t „fully reached“, but sinister forces are still „working“ on today Russia (, hear George Friedman).

Let´s stand with all people who celebrate the 71st anniversary of Nazism´s defeat as well as the victory of the Red Army and the Anti-fascist Coalition, and let´s join in the demand:

End to Fascism, Racism and Imperialism,

no more wars for world domination and imperial plunders!

Danke, Rote Armee!

Danke, Rote Armee, danke dafür, dass ich in Hamburg ohne Nazi-Regime aufwachsen konnte! Ich werde niemals vergessen, dass die Sowjetunion furchtbare Verluste durch die Verbrechen Nazi-Deutschlands erlitt, ich werde auch nicht vergessen, dass die Sowjetsoldaten die Hauptlast trugen, die Nazi-Barbarei zu beenden. Danke auch allen Soldaten der anti-faschistischen Koalition! Ich werde aber auch nicht vergessen, dass wichtige Teile der US-Wirtschaftsmacht viel taten, um die Nazis an die Macht zu bringen (

Dies hatte zwei Ziele: zum Einen den geostrategischen Hauptkonkurrenten Großbritannien „aus dem Spiel“ zu katapultieren (man spricht heute nicht umsonst von Großbritannien als dem 51. Bundesstaat der USA), zum Anderen, die Sowjetunion „in die Steinzeit zu bomben“. Das zweite Ziel wurde nicht wirklich erreicht, aber „man arbeitet“ weiter am heutigen Russland (, man höre bzw. lese hier George Friedman)

Lasst uns mit allen zusammenstehen, die die 71-jährige Wiederkehr des Sieges über das Nazi-Regime durch die Rote Armee und die anti-faschistische Koalition feiern! Lasst uns mit Allen zusammenstehen, die fordern:

Schluss mit Faschismus, Rassismus und Imperialismus!

Schluss mit den Kriegen zur Weltbeherrschung und imperialen Ausplünderung!

Andreas Schlüter

Red Army Choir: