Mit ‘Peace’ getaggte Beiträge


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Europe: There Will be no Peace and no Social Progress Without a Revolution Against US Dominace!

It must be clearly said again: there will be no social progress and no peace in Europe without a revolution against the US dominance!

Hear Paul_Craig_Roberts, former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration about the role of the USA in the world:

US politics is not based on Democracy, but dominated by the „Deep_State“, the real Power Elite of the US. That Power Elite is driven by the desire for World dominance and driven by their nightmares! Some of their Neocon Think Tank people like the cynic George_Friedman say very openly what they have in mind with Europe.

Hard time for Europe and particularly Germany to wake up and to see clearly:

No Peace and no Social Progress Without a Revolution Against US Dominace!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:


No to War! – Nein zum Krieg!

deutsche Version

Deutschland, Europa: es wird keinen Frieden und keinen sozialen Fortschritt ohne eine Revolution gegen die US-Dominanz geben!

Es soll noch einmal in aller Klarheit gesagt werden: ohne eine Revolution gegen die US-Dominanz wird es keinen sozialen Fortschritt und keinen Frieden in Europa geben! Leider wollen viele Politiker in diesem Lande das offenbar nicht begreifen. Zu den wenigen Klarsichtigen gehören Oskar_Lafontaine:

und Sahra Wagenknecht:

Einen seltenen Talkshow-Glücksfall gab es, als der General a. D. Kujat und der Orient-Spezialist Prof. Günther Meyer in der Phönix-Runde den „personifizierten Inkompetenzen“ zu Syrien „die Karten legten“:

Es braucht dringend mehr Aufrechte und Klarsichtige, die die Nebelwände der Mainstream-Medien zerreißen. Wenn man in Europa nicht aufwacht, wird der „Krieg_gegen_den_Terror“ (der tatsächlich ein Terrorkrieg gegen den Süden und die Bürgerrechte ist) auch von europäischem Boden weitergehen, der einen Feuerring um Europa legt und immer mehr Flüchtlingsströme in Bewegung setzen. Bei kleinster „Widersetzlichkeit“ kann gegen Europa die „Schock-Strategie“ angewandt und „hässliche Ereignisse inszeniert werden, wenn die Agenten des US-Imperiums nicht aus ihren Funktionen entfernt werden.

Wie die US-Machtelite auf Europa schaut, das kann man zum Beispiel von dem Neocon „Think-Tanker“ George Friedman erfahren:

Höchste Zeit, dass wir es lernen:

Kein Frieden und kein Fortschritt ohne Revolution gegen die US-Dominanz!

Andreas Schlüter


Der Einfluss der US-Machtelite auf die Internationale Politik”:

Meine Beiträge zu den USA:


I´m very sorry I lost his writings and analysis a bit out of sight, but last week I had the pleasure to hear and meet this great Analyst, Samir_Amin, in Berlin, on two occasions. One occasion was a meeting organized by the left party, DIE LINKE. The other occasion was an event by the International_Peace_Bureau on Friday, the 30th of September. For a long time I suffered from senseless talks celebrating the mere existence of the organization for more than hundred years. Talks without substance, not at all naming the real culprits, the US Power Elite. But then Samir Amin, being the last speaker, saved my evening, he put things right! He made it clear that the US and its Western allies including Japan stand for more than 75 percent of world´s armament and other countries are armed not to be crushed by the West. The US Power Elite is trying always to crush every country not dancing to the tune of “the Master”! And he told the assembly – though in a friendly way – that the presentations lacked substance!

His writings should be much more read!

Here are some:

His work, a “Must Read”!

Andreas Schlüter


Seasons Greetings, or for that, merry X-mas to my readers! But, please, don´t forget those many victims of Western wars and greed behind candle light and comfort!

Colonial wars are still going on in Congo, West Papua, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Central African Republik, Syria and many places more! When you buy new mobiles and other electronic devices, dont´t forget that the blood of millions of Congolese people  is smeared on their interior! Under the leadership of the US Power Elite the West is waging a War of Terror against the Southern Hemisphere. And many of you in the West are successively pushed into poverty and misery by those 1% who can never get enough. You are spied on and no one knows when it´s your term to be blown to pieces by the drones of the Peace Nobel Price winner if you´re not obedient – even in the West!

Thus: Merry X-mas, but don´t fall asleep!

Andreas Schlüter