Staged „Prevented“ Terror Attacks – Staged Terror?

Veröffentlicht: Juli 27, 2016 in Politik
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Preface: open Words by the New York Times

On June 7th an article by Eric Lichtblau appeared in the New York Times ( talking about uncountable incidents where „Terror attacks“ were staged to be just prevented in time, numbering such activities as two thirds of all such incidents:

In recent investigations from Florida to California, agents have helped people suspected of being extremists acquire weapons, scope out bombing targets and find the best routes to Syria to join the Islamic State, records show.“

They go even as far as to implicate mentally ill people (which one should bear in mind):

In Rochester, a paid informant went undercover and drove a man suspected of being an Islamic extremist, Emanuel Lutchman, to a Wal-Mart in December to buy a machete, ski masks, zip ties and other supplies for a would-be terrorist attack on New Year’s Eve. Because Mr. Lutchman, a mentally ill panhandler, had no money, the informant covered the $40 cost.“

Well, I´m not astonished about the facts as such but about the openness of the NYT! And the fact that it comes from NYT makes me believe that the percentage might even be much higher! After all the „Deep State“ within the USA ( is famous for „False Flag attacks“, often perpetrated by Operation Gladio. A famous blueprint is Operation Northwoods, a project for terror attacks on US targets outside and inside the US to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for a full scale invasion of the hated country. It was stopped by Kennedy, which he didn´t survive long ( After all the most famous False Flag is the event which the Genius James Corbett presented in five Minutes:

A Summer of Terror in France and Germany!

On the 14th of July this year the Nice attack took place, leaving 84 dead, 303 injured. The supposed perpetrator seems to be quite a very dubious „strange case“ ( More so is the treatment of the evidence on this case, as Paul Craig Roberts states (

And then terror turned on Germany: on 18th of July the Wurzburg train attack took place. Inside a regional train a 17 year old Afghan unaccompanied child refugee attacked a family of four people from Hong Kong with a knife and a hatchet and injured them seriously. He jumped from the stopped train and injured another woman. When he tried to flee he was shot dead by Special Deployment Commandos mysteriously being nearby. One has to keep in mind that those forces are trained to stop people by shots without killing them.

Strange enough, witnesses describe the young man as friendly and relaxed ( Since a while he was living with a foster family. But it is said, an ISIS flag was “found” in his room, he should have “radicalized” himself unobserved within a short time. All very strange (!

Munich Attack

On Friday 22th of July the Munich shooting took place. The 18 years old Iranian-German with dual nationality Ali David Sonboli is said to have killed nine people (all not Germans by origin) and injured 35 people. He was living with his family, had serious psychic problems and is said to have been obsessed with Shooter games and Amok stories (like Breivik´s).

Strange enough it was first said that three shooters with long guns were on their way (afterwards it was reported that police in civil clothes with arms led to that observation). Another strange aspect is that first reports said, he was found dead, later on it was reported that he shot himself in front of police.


Two days later, on Sunday, the 24th of July, the Reutlingen machete attack took place. A 21 years old Syrian Asylum seeker, known as violent and alcoholic, killed a pregnant woman with whom he had a relationship and wounded two other people. He was purposely knocked down by a car to stop him (which might have saved him whom being shot dead by police) and later on arrested by the police (, Strange enough, on photos of the machete there´s no blood to be seen, as also Paul Craig Roberts states (


The very same day in the evening the suicidal Ansbach bombing happened. In this case an ISIS connection seems apparent, according to released information, as much trustworthy as the information might be:

It is released that he was in communication with an unknown person even short time before the bomb exploded.

Back to France: Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray church attack

Terror came back to France on the 26th July by the attack on a church in the Normandy during a mass. A priest and four hostages were taken, two of them nuns. The priest was killed, three hostages unharmed, one in a critical condition. The attackers were killed by police when leaving the church. Strange enough, one of the attackers was under police supervision (, even wearing a supervision bracelet.

After all most of the perpetrators of all these attacks were very untypical as supposed Islamic extremists, most of them rather being either small gangsters or mentally disturbed or both. But on that later on.

I´d made a sad Prediction

I had to think again of a prediction I made after the efforts of France and Germany to join with Russia in the efforts to calm down the Ukraine conflict, resulting in the Minsk II agreement. The leaders of Belarus, Russia, Germany, France, and Ukraine had met from 11th to 12th February 2015 – without the US being invited! After that was finalized the British Prime Minister Cameron was to be seen in front of a camera almost foaming from anger and indicating the Anglo-American fury about those efforts. In deed France and Germany had come to the conclusion that the Ukraine conflict wasn´t in Europe´s best interest (after having helped the US to start the mess). How important the Ukraine „game“ is, see the Neocon Think Tank man George Friedman on the Ukraine:

Don´t mind the German subtitles!

So seeing this I made the prediction: „nasty things will come to France and Germany!“


A Strong Punishment or Just Accidents, Terror and Scandals?!

Already during the prelude of that agreement (which surely had started being negotiated quite some time before) Charlie Hebdo massacre happened on 7th January 2015, leaving 11 dead, 11 wounded.

On the 14th of February 2015 the French Ambassador in Denmark foolishly took part in a controversial event with the author of the Mohammed cartoons in Copenhagen and almost got into the line of the shooting that killed one person (

On the 9th of March that year two helicopters crashed in Argentina leaving eight French nationals – among three Sport Stars – and the two Argentinean pilots dead ( Officially the incident is blamed on a „pilot error“ (, but watching the video one can hardly imagine a pilot to be that stupid, a remote control intervention appears to me not absurd.

On the 24th March of 2015 another plane crash shocked Europe. Germanwings Flight 9525 crashed in the French Alps ( The Co-Pilot was blamed for deliberately downing the plane in suicidal intent. One could have believed that if not very strange details would have been presented:

Criminal investigators said Lubitz’s web searches on his tablet computer in the days leading up to the crash included „ways to commit suicide“ and „cockpit doors and their security provisions“.

It might already appear strange that an averagely intelligent person would search on the Internet for methods of suicide, the more since he was said to have chosen the way which was before him almost every day. But ok, let´s accept that. Totally unbelievable is that he would have informed himself in the internet about cockpit doors and their security provisions since he´d find twenty times more on that in his handbooks! One must also know that in the US experiments on remote control takeover of passenger planes are going on since the sixties (

On 9th May 2015, an Airbus A400M Atlas cargo plane ( crashed in Spain, leaving four crew members dead and two seriously wounded. After „technical problems“ with the black boxes the incident was blamed on software mistakes. One should bear in mind that Airbus is extremely loved by the US and Boeing!

On 21st of August an attack took place on a French high speed Thalys train ( Mysteriously three US soldiers were present to stop the Moroccan perpetrator: you see, only „Big Brother“ can help?!

On the 18th of September the Volkswagen Emission Scandal propped up ( All those car manufacturers might be rascals neglecting ecologic demands and cheating, but VW is a state owned German producer, a very painful affair (which I don´t want to defend at all).

On the 16th of October the rumors about the „bought“ World Championship in Germany came up ( No doubt, Soccer has become a very dirty business and I have no intention to defend the „honorable“ organizers, but mind the time line!

The 13th of November 2015 saw the terrible Paris attacks (, in which 130 people died and 368 were injured, near to hundred seriously. All perpetrators who could clearly be identified were EU citizens. The attack was extremely professional and organized.

The year 2015 ended with the Cologne gang assault on women (, which in deed left many questions open, but created a lot of problems for the German government and it´s „Refugee Welcome“ policy.

But the New Year 2016 also saw grave events early: on the 7th of January there was a strange attack on a Paris police station ( The perpetrator wore a fake explosive vest and didn´t stop when so told. A very strange way to „commit suicide“!

And not to forget, before the July events this year in June ( there was the stabbing attack on a Paris police officer in front of his house and the murder of his wife.

Well, one could say, as much as the West, especially France, helping the US with Colonial wars (as by the way the British do without having a comparable number of attacks) the occurrence of such attacks are not miraculous. But most of the perpetrators – leaving alone the incidents not being associated with „Terror“ – do not fit into the picture of committed followers of Islam, rather, as already stated, mentally instable or small criminals or both.

But we shouldn´t forget the New York Times Article, and more important, there was (most probably better: is) not only Operation Gladio but also the notorious MKULTRA! And by the way, nobody is talking at present about the war danger by NATO expansionism, nobody is talking about TTIP and CETA either!

All this said respectively written, it should be natural to contemplate into ALL directions trying to analyze the terrible events!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:

  1. […] Central-Africa) and the Near East. The “war on terror“ (probably promoted by many “False_Flag_Operations“) played an important role. “Nine Eleven“ was another “useful turning point“ […]

  2. […] and the Near East. The „war on terror“ (probably promoted by many „False_Flag_Operations„) played an important role. „Nine Eleven“ was another „useful turning […]

  3. […] in order to keep the German government under constant pressure (like they did with orchestrated “Islamist_Terror” as well). Thus we can almost be sure that they also push movements which rebel against the sense […]

  4. […] But that might be too much for our still spineless German government. Surely “Terror_might_be_coming” (orchestrated by US „intelligence“). But do we want to become […]

  5. […] in better cooperation with Russia and China), but seem to be highly afraid of (US inspired) “Terrorism” and obviously for their own lives. They got reminded of their vulnerability by murder […]

  6. […] list of such attacks is very long and probably covers_most_cases oft alleged “Islamist Terrorism”. One can not deny that there are surely honest people within […]

  7. […] In fact all infos suggest that Mkultra – or as the follow ups might ever be called – is still going on, maybe even against_a_US_President? But what might be more terrifying, we should remember that most of the „islamic Terrorists“ of the recent years have shown hardly indications of being „devouted Muslims“ but were either psycic instable, drug dealers or otherwise small criminals, in all possibly targets of mental_Manipulation. […]

  8. […] playing_with_terror, they_kill_millions and dream of killing a great part of Humanity that they class useless for their […]

  9. […] After all the tragic events bear many of the symptoms of a false flag like many „terror_attacks“, like classically a „dead perpetrator“. But if so, to which end? Simply the […]

  10. […] allow the “Deep_State” of the US to make them all US vassals? The European polititians fear Terror_attacks (mostly initiated by that US Deep State) and they fear for their personal lives. But if Europeans […]

  11. […] at the chances from “Eurasian Cooperation”, but again and again they are scared to death by “Terror”. In fact the demons are […]

  12. […] of others anyway). I cannot but think of MKUltra! There was too much of contradictions in all those terror-attack […]

  13. denk sagt:

    Dont forget mh370, mh17 !

  14. […] It seems that all optimism concerning Wallonia´s resistance against CETA was too early. Obviously Wallonia gave_in to the CETA supporters. What a holy shi…! Did „certain circles“ apply the „Shock-Doctrine“? Did they do what they did with Germany in connection with the NSA_affair? In fact „our friends from across the Atlantic have their methods! […]

  15. Mary Carmel News sagt:

    Hat dies auf Mary Carmel News rebloggt.

  16. […] Staged „Prevented“ Terror Attacks – Staged Terror? […]

  17. moorbey sagt:

    Hat dies auf Moorbey'z Blog rebloggt.

  18. Angela Grant sagt:

    Andreas, this was an excellent piece!

    In other words, the US facilitates terrorist attacks by mentally ill ppl to manipulate the geopolitics of fear. How sinister and very evil!

    • Schlüter sagt:

      Thanks, dear Angela, for your encouraging words! In fact the US have become the „Empire of Evil“! But that doesn´t prevent me to have love and respect for many People living there!
      Cordial regards

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