Mit ‘Latin America’ getaggte Beiträge


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Again and Again: Killing Hope!

Now one of the great hopes of Latin America is deposed_by_a_US-inspired_coup: Evo Morales! All complications_of_the_electoral_process should not befuddle us. Uncle Sam wanted since long to kill_hope in Bolivia!

And again the point is not “Democracy” but resources, in this case the World´s largest deposits of Lithium!

Andreas Schlüter



Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 1”:

Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 2”:

Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 3: Proxy Colonialism in West Papua”:

Immer wieder: die Hoffnung töten!

Nun ist eine der großen Hoffnungen Latein-Amerikas durch_einen_US-inspirierten_Coup_gestürzt worden: Evo Morales! Alle „Komplikationen“ der Wahl sollten uns nicht verwirren. Uncle Sam wollte seit Langem auch in Bolivien „die_Hoffnung_toeten“!

Und wieder ist es nicht „Demokratie“, um die es geht, sondern die Bodenschätze, in diesem Falle die größten Vorräte der Welt an Lithium!

Andreas Schlüter


Der Kolonialismus lebt und feiert fröhliche Urständ! Teil 1”:

Der Kolonialismus lebt und feiert fröhliche Urständ! Teil 2”:


Smedley_Butler was a highly decorated US Marine Corps General whom US Capitalists tried to misuse for the attempted „Business_Plot“ which Butler revealed to the public:

This might have added to his will to confess what he had been used for throughout his military career and give a sound warning to mankind in his speeches which were transformed into the famous book „War_Is_a_Racket“ in 1934.

It´s important to read these great and enlightening lines, but for people with eye problems Butler´s words are performed by Graham Frye:

And here are the written words of Butler:

Unfortunately the writing in this link isn´t so well readable, therefore I transfered the text into this PDF file, since the text is obviously too long for WordPress, which is just crippling the text. But at present WordPress is always misplacing the pdf file. I hope it will work properly soon!

We should take the words of this man very serious! And especially US-Americans should! Not only on this day!


It might not be absurd to speculate that this book representing Butler´s mutation from a „Man of War“ to a „Man of Peace“ might have inspired Charlie_Chaplin for his great speech as the Barber and double of Fascist Dictator Hynkel in his film „The_Great_Dictator“:

Anyway, the clearness of Butlers words should make it clear to us that wars are a CONSPIRACY in favor of the rich and powerful, the Power Elite!

Andreas Schlüter

More on Smedley Butler:
On the „Business Plot“:
My articles on the USA:


Deutsche Version unten

See also:

Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 1 – Der Kolonialismus lebt und feiert fröhliche Urständ! Teil 1”:

Colonialism Alive and Well, Better Say as Bad as Ever! Part 2

Soon the Monroe_Doctrine was interpreted by the US Power Elite the way: “all of the Americas belongs to the US (Power Elite)! Almost all countries of the Double-Continent experienced that interpretation, leaving even aside that one third of the US territory was stolen from Mexico. Especially the countries with a high majority of Indigenous Americans or Black people like in Haiti or Grenada got the least formal respect for their sovereignity. Haiti has been ruined not only by the US including the US directed UN but also by the Clinton_Foundation.


Killing_Hope” was and still is the principle of the US Power Elite in general towards the global South but in particular to Latin America. The “Shock_Doctrine” is reigning. Cuba gained independence from US Neocolonialism and preserved it since Castro. Let´s hope they´ll not find a deadly embracement now. The US have waged a “Roll Back” in the recent years, including some sort of Coup d´Etat in Brazil.


Venezuela: „Syria 2.0” Ahead?

Of very special interest to the US Power Elite is Venezuela. The first CIA inspired coup attempt against Chavez was turned down by a mass_uprising in 2002. Even the New York Times admitted the “CIA_knew_of_a_coup_plot”. In 2014 Counterpunch stated that Venezuela was under US attack again. And can you believe, in 2015 the “US_declared_Venezuela_a_national_security_threat”! And in deed obviously the_attack_is_stepped_up! Actually the question doesn´t appear absurd: Could Venezuela become a “Syria 2.0”? But this question put by “International_Policy_Digest” appears a bit fishy, like a “Prophecy” expressed saying neither who really brought the mess to Syria nor saying who´s behind the turmoil in Venezuela!

And, what do you think is to be found in Venezuela? The Worlds_biggest_oil_reserves!

At the core of all this: globalized Capitalism! The forces representing it also fear Venezuela to become an example for other parts of the world, especially in Africa.

Andreas Schlüter

One Thing Must be Clear to the World: The US Power Elite Regards the Whole Globe as Their Colony!“:

Deutsche Version

Der Kolonialismus lebt und feiert fröhliche Urständ! Teil 2

Sehr bald wurde die Monroe-Doktrin so verstanden: ganz Amerika der US-Macht (Elite)! Fast alle Länder des Doppelkontinents mussten diese Erfahrung machen, Lateinamerika wurde_zum dauernden_US-Terroropfer! Besonders die Länder mit einem großen indigenen Bevölkerungsanteil oder mit mehrheitlich schwarzer Bevölkerung wie Haiti oder Grenada haben nicht einmal formalen Respekt vor ihrer Souveränität zu erwarten. Übrigens spielen die Clintons auch in Haiti eine unselige, besser gesagt, verbrecherische Rolle.


Killing_Hope” (die Hoffnung zerstören) ist die Maxime der US-Macht, auch hervorragend in “Die_Schock-Strategie” von Naomi Klein beschrieben. Kuba hat sich durch Castro und seine Revolution aus diesem Zustand befreit, abzuwarten ist, ob das Land nun nicht in eine “tödliche Umarmung” durch die USA gerät. Vielleicht bewahrt Trumps “Getrumpel” davor. Tatsächlich ist das große “Roll Back” der linken Entwicklung durch die USA in gange, wie auch der “Putsch” in Brasilien gezeigt hat.


Venezuela: „Syrien 2.0” in Sicht?

Seit der “Bolivarischen Revolution” unter der Führung von Hugo_Chavez befindet sich Venezuela im Fadenkreuz der US-Machtelite. Schon 2002 unternahmen die USA einen gescheiterten Putschversuch_gegen_Chavez. Der_Krieg_gegen_Venezuela geht unvermindert weiter. Dies ist auch ein Handels- und Finanzkrieg gegen das Land, um die Bevölkerung “mürbe” zu machen, die Unzufriedenheit zu schüren und die Regierung zu vermehrter Repression gegen die Konterrevolution zu zwingen. Die westlichen Medien sind dabei “verlässliche” Helfer. Dies erinnert fatal daran, wie die US-Machtelite mit ihren europäischen Vasallen zusammen den Krieg in Syrien vorbereitet hat.

Und, was mag wohl in Venezuela zu finden sein? Wahrscheinlich die weltweit größten Reserven an Erdöl in einem einzelnen Land!

Und niemals vergessen, im Kern dieser furchtbaren Entwicklungen: der globalisierte Kapitalismus!

Andreas Schlüter


Short Addition to the Post

Since the grip of the US Empire on the „Old World“  is dwindeling the Empire seems to be more determined than ever to get hold of the whole American Double Continent: „America to the Yankees!“ The „Roll Back“ of the leftist tendency in Latin America is on. Present main target: Venezuela!

Original Post

I´ve written a lot about the US Power Elite and their internal divisions (, though they might only count about 100 people today. It appears that finally the Neocon faction of the Power Elite has taken control, especially since they took over the Democratic Party (, clearly signaled by the spearhead of the Neocons in that party: Hillary Clinton!

Nightmare One:

The Southern Hemisphere – the „Non-White World“ – Getting Independent

The US Power Elite (predominantly WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) would be rightfully called the „Deep State“ of the USA ( And this Deep State has become more and more ruthless over the time. They have brought nightmares over the Southern Hemisphere by installing brutal dictatorships ( in their interest and waging bloody colonial wars, in the last one and a half decades especially with their „War on Terror“ ( One of their aims is to prevent countries of Africa, Latin America, Near and Middle East and Southern Asia from choosing their trade partners freely and from making use of their resources and industrialize, since that would mean a division of resources and allowing them their part of „consuming ecologic Earth capacity“. To fight this the US Power Elite is even ready to resort to Bio warfare:

US Power Elite Declared Bio War on the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia

and all Non-Western Countries in September 2000”:

There is quite a number of people – among myself – who suspect that the „Deep State“ of the US could be behind some outbreaks of epidemics Africa ( and Latin America ( Furthermore it becomes more and more obvious that US „Intelligence“ was (and is) deeply involved in pushing fanatic Islamism ( in order to counter the Socialist block (formerly) but more so to counter progressive Arab/Islamic nationalism that could develop their own regions full of resources ( Unfortunately the US strategy seems to be relatively „successful“ in the desire to keep the South under control.

In fact the US lead Western policy has established a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe ( and European governments have been so stupid for a long time to lend a helping hand to „Big Brother“ in doing so. In fact this ring of fire stretches from Libya throughout Africa ( over Near and Middle East, the Balkans up to the Ukraine. Actually one gets the impression that the fire burns into Europe with Terror ( adding also together with the refugee crisis to the financial problems threatening to blow even the EU up. Is the US having a hand also in this dramatic development? Absurd? Weakening their allies/vassals? We have to have a look at further geo-political challenges the US Power Elite is facing.

The Role of the European Union and the Changes in it

In the perception of many people at the core of the European Union´s history stands the French German relationship, and not without reason. Long Nazi-German occupation during WW II has humiliated France (and saw a lot of collaboration on the French side). The more it might astonish how relatively fast France and the Western part of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) developed some sort of neighborly closeness and somehow friendship in post war times under De Gaulle and Adenauer.

Not only the war tired youth gave additional impulses but a strong part did the hysteria about the (not real) danger of a Soviet invasion and the cold war. France was soon stripped off his official colonial empire (as happened to the Germans with theirs after WW I) though keeping (a disastrous) dominance in many of its former colonies. The war torn countries saw a close cooperation (also with other smaller countries) in basic industrial fields as favorable (German: „Montan Union“). The members of this European Coal and Steel Community ‚ECSC‘ (“ the six“: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany) joined the EEC, the competing body  in Europe became the “European Free Trade Association” ( EFTA). As much as European powers (and the US) wanted the BRD to be enshrined in supranational structures France was resisting to be too much absorbed by such developments. Likewise France was member of NATO (French: OTAN) but did not integrate into the military structures and built its own “Force de frappe”.

The other side of the story is that the EU and its predecessors were also a means to keep the (West)-European allies/vassals under extended US control ( And especially by the close French-German relationship the French with their desire for „independence“ as well as Germany could be better controlled being „bound together“ (not to forget that the German „Intelligence“ agencies were via old Nazis under full US control)

The EU has also become a means of US-lead Western expansion into East Europe and the former domain of the Soviet Union and later Russia, culminating in the Ukraine Crisis.

But there are changes in the US-European relationship. After World War II the roles were clear: the United States of America being the „Workbench of the World“ (, creating more than half of World´s GDP, were the master, the war stricken West European countries the „clients“. With the vast de-industrialization of the US (and the UK) in the last decades and the turning to mostly finance-capitalist activities the European Union has become an enormous industrial power, quite ahead of the US. As problematic as the construction of the Euro is, it has become a dangerous competing currency for the Dollar.

And now we should look at the second nightmare of the US Power Elite, probably for them even much more frightening than the first one.

Nightmare Two, Most Troublesome:

The Iron Silk Road, the AIIB and the Eurasian Cooperation

China is actually supposed to bypass the US economically by 2018 (, if one takes into consideration that many of the processes within the USA contributing to the GDP are somehow of „virtual“ nature, China´s real economic power might already be greater. Russia has to a certain extend recovered from the catastrophes linked to the collapse of the USSR. Both countries are in the BRICS „club“ (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). China and Russia are eager to strengthen the Eurasian economic cooperation. This is also manifested in the Iron Silk Road, the railway connection from China to West Europe, now only used for goods ( In connection to this and moreover important is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is also threatening to compete with the World bank. This is probably the greatest nightmare for the US Power Elite.






A look at the map showing the countries participating in it makes the US anger and fear understandable. In fact European industrial capital could benefit a lot from such an intensified cooperation developing the center of the Eurasian double continent. It opens a very peaceful mutual cooperation. Now one must know that the US Power Elite has taken over – with some regional modification – the ideas of Sir Halford John Mackinder, a British Geographer and political analyst having formulated the „Heartland Theory”. Quote:

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World.

How far this goes shows a view on the way the US Military High Commands for the various regions of this World are organized:


In fact the US High Command for the region in the center of the old tri-continent Asia, Europe, Africa, is called US CENTCOM, Central US Military High Command, ( Under normal circumstances one would expect a big power – if so arrogant anyway to divide the World into sections for “colonial” military organization – to name the region of their own country as “CENTCOM”.

The concept of the Eurasian cooperation and the Iron Silk Road with the AIIB stands directly in opposition of the US Power Elite´s will to control the World by controlling the “Heartland”. Even the United Kingdom like many European countries is participating ( in the AIIB. Also the old US ally Turkey has dared to join the Silk Road project and the AIIB. Could that have been a reason for a “US hand” in the coup attempt against Erdogan ( And most of Europe, practically all of the EU involved in the Eurasian project, reason enough for US politics to take action?!

As one of the last attempts to get the EU “in line” is to be seen in the US efforts to get the EU into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). As the US Ambassador with the EU has bluntly stated: “We need this deal to help solidify further the transatlantic alliance, to provide an economic equivalent to NATO “ (

But resistance against TTIP and CETA (the Canadian-European equivalent) in Europe is growing rapidly, especially also in France. It looks as if it might (hopefully) not happen.

So, what if the US Power Elite has come to the conclusion: it´s time to blow up what we´ve built to control Europe better, since it has developed a dynamics which is now an obstacle to our world dominating strategy? A Europe pushed into complicated conflicts among the various states as well as within the respective societies might also be easier prevented from slipping into a Eurasian cooperation and they might always call „Big Brother“ to mediate in their quarrels. And also to this perspective fits the US strategy (in which stupid European governments have helped again and again) to create a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe from Libya through Africa and Near & Middle East to the Ukraine, moving millions of people (miserable poor victims of the warmongers) into Europe and creating enormous problems and conflicts between European states as well as within the European societies. As far as this aspect is concerned, this is my suspicion since quite some time.

So it might be that the “Deep State” of the US has come to the conclusion: what we can not control, we have to destroy! Thus the “European Project” might have died for the US.

And we have a „Neocon“ “crown witness” to this strategic concept, George Friedman, founder of Stratfor (retired from it 2015), presenting a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:

After all the „Deep State“ within the USA ( is famous for „False Flag attacks“, often perpetrated by Operation Gladio. A famous blueprint is Operation Northwoods, a project from the early 60ties for terror attacks on US targets outside and inside the US to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for a full scale invasion of the hated country. It was stopped by Kennedy, which he didn´t survive long ( After all the most famous False Flag is the event which the Genius James Corbett presented in five Minutes:

Maybe US politics takes a last measure to frighten especially France and Germany by Terror „to order“. That´s why one should think into „all directions“ when it comes to the tragic terror attacks and otherwise tragic or painful events hitting the two countries:

Staged „prevented“ Terror Attacks – Staged Terror?!“

Truly Europe has to be on alert!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:


A new Pope has been „elected“, a “Latin American”! The Western Press is in euphoric mood, do Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere have reason to be euphoric too? Has the so called election only to do with clerical needs and demands?

One should remember a number of things! There are many links between the Catholic Church and the mighty and powerful Elites in the West. Pope John Paul II played an important role not only in the crumbling of the East Block especially in his country of birth, Poland, but also in the efforts of US Power Elite not have the Soviet inspired system of Poland to be transformed into an economic democracy but to apply “The Shock Doctrineon the people of Poland in order to implant neoliberal Capitalism and take the property of the Polish people into capitalist hands.

Don´t believe that the Cardinals are electing the Pope only according to religious points of view. The power machinery, the secret services, know quite well about the “private” life of them and has enough insights to direct what´s going on! So, if knowing about the unscrupulous methods and influences on the church and through that institution on society (manifested for example in the Propaganda Due, P2), one has to ask oneself: why a Pope from Latin America now?! And don´t fall into the trap of the mainstream media: “well, the majority of Catholics are living there”! No one in power cares for the majority but is calculating with them.

The answer could be quite simple: Latin America is making great efforts to wind itself out of the grip of “Big Brother”, out of the grip of the US Power Elite! Leftist governments are on the march. Outstanding figures are almost gaining cult status. One great personality in that struggle has just passed away and questions are in the air ( The idea of using the countries´ recourses to feed their people is spreading. On the other side the Catholic believe is running high in that region of the world. With a new Pope who is known for his obedience to power as it has been proven during the time of the military junta in Argentina ( Big Brother might harbor the hope to divert Latin Americans from “dangerous ideas”!

Andreas Schlüter