Mit ‘Turkey’ getaggte Beiträge


Deutsche Version unten

On the 24th of August 2015 Pat_Buchanan dropped the remarkable word in a talk show that the Syria intervention has „Tonkin_Gulf_written_all_over_it„. And very true so! The recent supposed chemical_attack_in_Syria bears all signs of a „false-flag_psyop„. One feels reminded of the hoax: „they took the babies out of incubators“!

It is absolutely absurd to believe that Assad – after the US administration indicating short time ago that they would „tolerate“ Assad to the distaste of Britain – would have perpetrated that chemical assault. But logic seems to be suspended with Western polititians. Now Trump has-launched_more_50_than_missiles against a Syrian air base.

„Trumpillary“ or Another Election Fraud

After all it is not new that presidential candidates announce different from what they do in office. Obama talked about getting away from nuclear armament, announced the closing down of Guantanamo etc.. Soon he was „put on track“ by the US Power Elite and its „Deep_State„, making people laugh about the Peace Nobel Price. Trump announced „Détente“ with Russia and getting away from „Regime Change Wars“ for which many people rightfully preferred him to Killary. His actions are now directed to the opposite including the danger to get nearer to WW III.

Is it his struggle_for_personal_survival? Could he really be so stupid not to see that this was a False Flag? Then he´s more naive than people had reasons to believe. But let´s be very clear, this all is against international law, war crimes! The only foreign state operating in Syria on basis of international law is Russia, since invited by the sovereign Syrian State to do so!

Anyway, Clinton hailed air strikes against Syria hours_before_-trump_ordered_missile_strikes, bragging that this hadn´t been done before. Interestingly she remarked: „People have to know that they will be held accountable as war criminals as committing crimes against humanity if they engage in these kinds of oppressive, violent acts.“ Well, she should be in prison anyway! So, no reason to regret that she isn´t in office instead of Trump!

What has to be learned from it: as long as the US system isn´t radically changed by a broad social and political true leftist upheaval it hardly makes any difference who´s pendling on the US Neocon Power Elite´s strings.

Not astaundingly the European vassals like Merkel support the US madness. Seems they don´t understand that this will strengthen ISIS & al. In Syria, it will make the situation more unstable and trigger the refugee stream. Shame on my government!

Andreas Schlüter


My articles on the USA:

Deutsche Version

Gegen jede Logik haben die US-Regierung, ihre europäischen Vasallen und die Medien bezüglich der jüngsten (behaupteten?) Giftgasangriffe auf die Assad-Regierung gezeigt. Man fühlt sich an den „Vorfall“ im Golf von Tonkin erinnert, der der US-Regierung den Vorwand für die Bombardierung Nordvietnams lieferte.

Absurd ist dies alles, da die US-Regierung signalisiert hatte, sie würde auch ein Im-Amt-Bleiben Assads tolerieren. Welchen Grund könnte Assad haben, diese Haltung durch einben derartigen Angriff zunichtezumachen? Nein, die US-Machtelite mit ihren Neocons sowie die islamistischen Rebellen von ISIS und Al-Nusra sowie offenbar auch Erdogan wollten diese Entspannung nicht. Wenn es nicht überhaupt eine Inszenierung war, dann war es eine typische „False Flag Operation“, wie wohl schon früher einen Fall gab, den Seymour_Hersh aufgearbeitet hat.

Und nun hat Trump einen US-Angriff auf einen syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt mit über 50 Tomahwk Marschflugkörpern durchführen lassen.

Trumpillary oder ein weiterer Wahlbetrug

Tatsächlich ist es nicht neu, dass ein US-Präsidentschaftskandidat im Wahlkampf „Change“ ankündigt und im Amt nichts davon übrigbleibt. So wie es bei Obama war, der u. a. die Nuklearrüstung loswerden und Guantanamo schließen wollte. Bald stellte sich heraus, dass es nichts_mit_Change_ist. Trump hatte im Wahlkampf getönt, er wolle Entspannung mit Russland und den Weg der „Regime Change“ Kriege verlassen, wofür ihn nicht wenige Menschen mit guten Gründen Clinton vorzogen. Nun gehen seine Aktionen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung und bewegen sich gefährlich in Richtung auf einen Dritten Weltkrieg. Ist es sein eigener_Kampf ums Überleben? Oder ist er so dumm, dass er die „False Flag Operation“ nicht sieht? Dann wäre er so naiv, wie auch viele Menschen mit Grund es vermutet haben. Er hat nun massiv das Völkerrecht gebrochen. Das einzige Land außer Syrien, dass gemäß dem Völkerrecht in Syrien agiert, ist Russland, denn Russland tut dies auf Einladung der souveränen syrischen Regierung!

Nun, wenige Stunden vor den Luftschlägen forderte Clinton den US-Angriff auf Luftbasen Syriens, klagte gar, dass das längst hätte geschehen müssen. Sie erklärte auch, dass Kriegsverbrecher zur Verantwortung gezogen werden müssten. Da ist man geneigt zu sagen: „Hillary, pack schon mal Deine Zahnbürste ein!“ Sie hat sich immerhin gerühmt, Obama zur Zerstörung Libyens getrieben zu haben. Also, jedenfalls haben wir keinen Grund zu bedauern, das Clinton nicht statt Trump im Oval Office sitzt. Es ist klar, solange sich keine wirkliche soziale und politische linke Revolution in den USA ereignet, ist es weitgehend egal, wer als Präsident an den Fäden der Neocon US-Machtelite zappelt!

Natürlich haben die europäischen Vasallen der US-Machtelite schon größtes Verständnis für die US-Operation bekundet und frech Assad die Schuld an dem Gasangriff gegeben, allen voran Hollande und Merkel!

Offenbar sind diese Politiker nicht in der Lage zu begreifen, dass dies den IS und Consorten weiter stärkt, die Lage in Syrien weiter destabilisiert und neue Flüchtlingsströme erzeugen könnte. Schande über meine Regierung!

Andreas Schlüter


Der Einfluss der US-Machtelite auf die Internationale Politik”:

USA & Deutschland:

Short Addition to the Post

Since the grip of the US Empire on the „Old World“  is dwindeling the Empire seems to be more determined than ever to get hold of the whole American Double Continent: „America to the Yankees!“ The „Roll Back“ of the leftist tendency in Latin America is on. Present main target: Venezuela!

Original Post

I´ve written a lot about the US Power Elite and their internal divisions (, though they might only count about 100 people today. It appears that finally the Neocon faction of the Power Elite has taken control, especially since they took over the Democratic Party (, clearly signaled by the spearhead of the Neocons in that party: Hillary Clinton!

Nightmare One:

The Southern Hemisphere – the „Non-White World“ – Getting Independent

The US Power Elite (predominantly WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) would be rightfully called the „Deep State“ of the USA ( And this Deep State has become more and more ruthless over the time. They have brought nightmares over the Southern Hemisphere by installing brutal dictatorships ( in their interest and waging bloody colonial wars, in the last one and a half decades especially with their „War on Terror“ ( One of their aims is to prevent countries of Africa, Latin America, Near and Middle East and Southern Asia from choosing their trade partners freely and from making use of their resources and industrialize, since that would mean a division of resources and allowing them their part of „consuming ecologic Earth capacity“. To fight this the US Power Elite is even ready to resort to Bio warfare:

US Power Elite Declared Bio War on the Southern Hemisphere, East Asia

and all Non-Western Countries in September 2000”:

There is quite a number of people – among myself – who suspect that the „Deep State“ of the US could be behind some outbreaks of epidemics Africa ( and Latin America ( Furthermore it becomes more and more obvious that US „Intelligence“ was (and is) deeply involved in pushing fanatic Islamism ( in order to counter the Socialist block (formerly) but more so to counter progressive Arab/Islamic nationalism that could develop their own regions full of resources ( Unfortunately the US strategy seems to be relatively „successful“ in the desire to keep the South under control.

In fact the US lead Western policy has established a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe ( and European governments have been so stupid for a long time to lend a helping hand to „Big Brother“ in doing so. In fact this ring of fire stretches from Libya throughout Africa ( over Near and Middle East, the Balkans up to the Ukraine. Actually one gets the impression that the fire burns into Europe with Terror ( adding also together with the refugee crisis to the financial problems threatening to blow even the EU up. Is the US having a hand also in this dramatic development? Absurd? Weakening their allies/vassals? We have to have a look at further geo-political challenges the US Power Elite is facing.

The Role of the European Union and the Changes in it

In the perception of many people at the core of the European Union´s history stands the French German relationship, and not without reason. Long Nazi-German occupation during WW II has humiliated France (and saw a lot of collaboration on the French side). The more it might astonish how relatively fast France and the Western part of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) developed some sort of neighborly closeness and somehow friendship in post war times under De Gaulle and Adenauer.

Not only the war tired youth gave additional impulses but a strong part did the hysteria about the (not real) danger of a Soviet invasion and the cold war. France was soon stripped off his official colonial empire (as happened to the Germans with theirs after WW I) though keeping (a disastrous) dominance in many of its former colonies. The war torn countries saw a close cooperation (also with other smaller countries) in basic industrial fields as favorable (German: „Montan Union“). The members of this European Coal and Steel Community ‚ECSC‘ (“ the six“: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany) joined the EEC, the competing body  in Europe became the “European Free Trade Association” ( EFTA). As much as European powers (and the US) wanted the BRD to be enshrined in supranational structures France was resisting to be too much absorbed by such developments. Likewise France was member of NATO (French: OTAN) but did not integrate into the military structures and built its own “Force de frappe”.

The other side of the story is that the EU and its predecessors were also a means to keep the (West)-European allies/vassals under extended US control ( And especially by the close French-German relationship the French with their desire for „independence“ as well as Germany could be better controlled being „bound together“ (not to forget that the German „Intelligence“ agencies were via old Nazis under full US control)

The EU has also become a means of US-lead Western expansion into East Europe and the former domain of the Soviet Union and later Russia, culminating in the Ukraine Crisis.

But there are changes in the US-European relationship. After World War II the roles were clear: the United States of America being the „Workbench of the World“ (, creating more than half of World´s GDP, were the master, the war stricken West European countries the „clients“. With the vast de-industrialization of the US (and the UK) in the last decades and the turning to mostly finance-capitalist activities the European Union has become an enormous industrial power, quite ahead of the US. As problematic as the construction of the Euro is, it has become a dangerous competing currency for the Dollar.

And now we should look at the second nightmare of the US Power Elite, probably for them even much more frightening than the first one.

Nightmare Two, Most Troublesome:

The Iron Silk Road, the AIIB and the Eurasian Cooperation

China is actually supposed to bypass the US economically by 2018 (, if one takes into consideration that many of the processes within the USA contributing to the GDP are somehow of „virtual“ nature, China´s real economic power might already be greater. Russia has to a certain extend recovered from the catastrophes linked to the collapse of the USSR. Both countries are in the BRICS „club“ (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). China and Russia are eager to strengthen the Eurasian economic cooperation. This is also manifested in the Iron Silk Road, the railway connection from China to West Europe, now only used for goods ( In connection to this and moreover important is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is also threatening to compete with the World bank. This is probably the greatest nightmare for the US Power Elite.






A look at the map showing the countries participating in it makes the US anger and fear understandable. In fact European industrial capital could benefit a lot from such an intensified cooperation developing the center of the Eurasian double continent. It opens a very peaceful mutual cooperation. Now one must know that the US Power Elite has taken over – with some regional modification – the ideas of Sir Halford John Mackinder, a British Geographer and political analyst having formulated the „Heartland Theory”. Quote:

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World.

How far this goes shows a view on the way the US Military High Commands for the various regions of this World are organized:


In fact the US High Command for the region in the center of the old tri-continent Asia, Europe, Africa, is called US CENTCOM, Central US Military High Command, ( Under normal circumstances one would expect a big power – if so arrogant anyway to divide the World into sections for “colonial” military organization – to name the region of their own country as “CENTCOM”.

The concept of the Eurasian cooperation and the Iron Silk Road with the AIIB stands directly in opposition of the US Power Elite´s will to control the World by controlling the “Heartland”. Even the United Kingdom like many European countries is participating ( in the AIIB. Also the old US ally Turkey has dared to join the Silk Road project and the AIIB. Could that have been a reason for a “US hand” in the coup attempt against Erdogan ( And most of Europe, practically all of the EU involved in the Eurasian project, reason enough for US politics to take action?!

As one of the last attempts to get the EU “in line” is to be seen in the US efforts to get the EU into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). As the US Ambassador with the EU has bluntly stated: “We need this deal to help solidify further the transatlantic alliance, to provide an economic equivalent to NATO “ (

But resistance against TTIP and CETA (the Canadian-European equivalent) in Europe is growing rapidly, especially also in France. It looks as if it might (hopefully) not happen.

So, what if the US Power Elite has come to the conclusion: it´s time to blow up what we´ve built to control Europe better, since it has developed a dynamics which is now an obstacle to our world dominating strategy? A Europe pushed into complicated conflicts among the various states as well as within the respective societies might also be easier prevented from slipping into a Eurasian cooperation and they might always call „Big Brother“ to mediate in their quarrels. And also to this perspective fits the US strategy (in which stupid European governments have helped again and again) to create a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe from Libya through Africa and Near & Middle East to the Ukraine, moving millions of people (miserable poor victims of the warmongers) into Europe and creating enormous problems and conflicts between European states as well as within the European societies. As far as this aspect is concerned, this is my suspicion since quite some time.

So it might be that the “Deep State” of the US has come to the conclusion: what we can not control, we have to destroy! Thus the “European Project” might have died for the US.

And we have a „Neocon“ “crown witness” to this strategic concept, George Friedman, founder of Stratfor (retired from it 2015), presenting a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:

After all the „Deep State“ within the USA ( is famous for „False Flag attacks“, often perpetrated by Operation Gladio. A famous blueprint is Operation Northwoods, a project from the early 60ties for terror attacks on US targets outside and inside the US to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for a full scale invasion of the hated country. It was stopped by Kennedy, which he didn´t survive long ( After all the most famous False Flag is the event which the Genius James Corbett presented in five Minutes:

Maybe US politics takes a last measure to frighten especially France and Germany by Terror „to order“. That´s why one should think into „all directions“ when it comes to the tragic terror attacks and otherwise tragic or painful events hitting the two countries:

Staged „prevented“ Terror Attacks – Staged Terror?!“

Truly Europe has to be on alert!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA: