Mit ‘City of London’ getaggte Beiträge

Addition to:

Paul Craig Roberts and the Brexit Vote: Something Might Have Slipped the Real Great Analyst!“


Breaking News; Brexit, Great Britain (the United Kingdom) out!“

Only a Subjektive Impression?

In face of the Brexit Vote´s result I had to reassess the whole case and came to the conclusion that the US Power Elite might have a strong interest in getting the UK out of the EU and creating trouble for both (see the two mentioned articles above), especially with the aim of Wallstreet getting rid off the City of London´s dominance.


Boris Johnson

Observing the two leading figures of the successful Brexit campaign, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, leaving the front of the political arena after their „victory“ with the mentioned political implications some sinister speculations come to my mind: Mission accomplished? Such a behavior one might expect from people who are acting on orders.

Is it purely an incident that Johnson – who appears like the „British Trump“ – had dual citizenship, UK and US (being born to English parents in the City of New York), notwithstanding the fact that in February 2015 he announced the will to give the US citizenship up? Is it only coincidental that his father Stanley Johnson is a former employee of World Bank on which the US has a strong grip? Is it only an incident that his stepfather was the US Historian Nicholas Wahl?


Nigel Farage

Well, also details of Nigel Farages´s life make me ponder too. It´s not so much the fact that he was 2014 to be seen in an advertisement the bookmaker Paddy Power, but rather the fact that his book “The Purple Revolution: The Year That Changed Everything“ (the US are by the way “Master of Colored Revolutions) was published by Biteback Publishing, who´s co owner is Michael Ashcroft. Lord Ashcroft is a former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party and the 74th richest person in the UK, which isn´t that much important in this context, but what could make one ponder again is the fact that he is closely linked to ADT Security Services which is the largest security company in the US and Canada!

Now Farage, stepping back as head of UKIP, has announced, that he “wants his life back”! He´s claiming that he´s got death threats:

But that doesn´t prevent him from enjoying a comfortable existence on the funds of the European Parliament! Job not yet fully done?

Anyway, let me make it clear, those are only speculations, but on basis of irrefutable connections. When it comes to Russia, in the Western media all kind of unproven speculations are “allowed”, I allow myself these speculations declaring them to be: speculations!

And to put this straight again: there are very good and honorable reasons to be against the EU and its antidemocratic elements, there is a great need for another way of having European countries cooperate for peace and progress. But this seems also clear: as bad as the condition of the EU is, the US Power Elite has obviously its own reasons to blow it up!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:

As I have written a few days ago I was highly astonished that the US Empire, truly spoken the US Power Elite, „allowed“ the outcome of the Brexit-Vote ( I had to reassess the case. I had simply thought that the grip of the US Power Elite on the UK is almost total, as one could think seeing the UK often acting as the prolonged arm of the US in the European Union. And moreover the US has done a lot to make the EU a vassal union for their interest. This lead to my analytical mistake about a strong US interest to prevent the Brexit.


Paul Craig Roberts

Obviously Paul Craig Roberts is still on that line.

He is convinced that this previous US strategy of the EU for better control by „Big Brother“ is continuing till today and believes that would mean that Washington opposes the Brexit,

Opposition to Brexit is based on two powerful interests of Washington.

One is the interests of the New York banks and Wall Street to eliminate the UK as a financial center competitor. This blatant fact has escaped the notice of the City and the Bank of England.“

And this was also the fact that escaped me. But Roberts is convinced that the US Power Elite and Wallstreet trust on the pressure by the EU on the UK to adopt the Euro:

In order to trick the UK into joining the EU, the British were given special privileges. However, these privileges cannot last forever. The EU process is one of political integration. As I reported years ago, Jean-Claude Trichet, at that time the president of the European Central Bank, said that to complete the political integration of Europe, the fiscal policies of member states would be centralized. It is impossible to centralize fiscal policies if the UK is an independent financial center with its own central bank and currency.“

It might quite well have been that Cameron thought there would be a narrow victory for the „stay inside“ option which would make sure to be saved from such pressure.

Where I think Roberts goes totally wrong is the belief that the US Power Elite wants to keep the EU „safe“:

The other powerful interest is the interest of Washington to prevent one country’s exit from leading to the exit of other countries. As CIA documents found in the US National Archives make clear, the EU was a CIA initiative, the purpose of which is to make it easy for Washington to exercise political control over Europe. It is much easier for Washington to control the EU than 28 separate countries. Moreover, if the EU unravels, so likely would NATO, which is the necessary cover for Washington’s aggression.“

As true as the fact is, that those days the CIA had a strong hand in the European unification, combined with this is Roberts´ belief that the erosion of the EU would lead to the failing of NATO and thus reduce the danger of a big US lead war. In deed the crumbling of NATO would be an advantage for mankind and a step to peace. But it is questionable whether those things are really linked. We shouldn´t forget that Turkey and Greece were both NATO members even at a time when there were enormous tensions between them (on which the US capitalized).

With this expectation he is surely right,

Here is what the British can likely expect: The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and George Soros will conspire to attack the British pound, driving it down and terrorizing the British economy.“

It must have slipped him that this is made easy by the Brexit-Vote´s outcome, weakening the City of London. Moreover the breaking away of Scotland from the UK is getting more likely which would convert Great Britain into „Small Britain“.

And also seemingly Roberts is not fully aware of this: with the large scale deindustrialization of the US as well as the UK continental Europe is still a strong center of Industry, having a natural tendency to follow its own interest in a Eurasian cooperation on the long run. And the Brits had done something quite ugly (in the eyes of the US Power Elite) they joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is also connected to the monumental project of the „Iron Silk Road“, meant to deepen cooperation between China, Russia and Europe:

And likewise important, the Euro – true, if the UK would be forced into would possibly weaken the City of London, but only if – has developed into a great „burden“ to the US being a really competing currency.

So, what if the US Power Elite has come to the conclusion: it´s time to blow up what we´ve built to control Europe better, since it has developed a dynamics which is now an obstacle to our world dominating strategy? A Europe pushed into complicated conflicts among the various states might also be easier prevented from slipping into a Eurasian cooperation and they might always call „Big Brother“ to mediate in their quarrels. And to this perspective fits the US strategy (in which stupid European governments have helped again and again) to create a „Ring of Fire“ around Europe from Libya through Africa and Near & Middle East to the Ukraine, moving millions of people (miserable poor victims of the warmongers) into Europe and creating enormous problems and conflicts between European states as well as within the European societies. As far as this aspect is concerned, this is my suspicion since quite some time.

And we have a „Neocon Crown Witness“ to this strategic concept, George Friedman, founder of Stratfor (retired from it 2015), presenting a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:


George Friedman

That man is presenting the essence of his book „Flashpoints Europe“ ( In the book as well as in his speech at the Chicago Council he outlines „future developments“ in Europe in a way as if this would come out of Europe itself, but in deed he´s presenting what the US Power Elite has „in the pipe“ for Europe. Besides he dwells on the fact that his Jewish family survived the terrible Nazi occupation of East Europe to attribute more moral authority to his presentation but deflates that totally by showing a cynic that exposes the complete absence of moral consequences from that sad history. This is demonstrated especially by praising Reagan´s concept of making countries (like Iran and Iraq) fighting and people kill each other (hear him at the Chicago Council).

So, if you hear this staunch Neocon Friedman, you know at which point the US Power Elite (now clearly dominated by the Neocons, even in the Democratic Party – demonstrated by their spearhead Hillary Clinton, has reached: Blow the EU up!

So, I fear this great Analyst Paul Craig Roberts might still go very wrong in his assessment of US politics towards Brexit and towards US strategy for Europe!

Andreas Schlüter

See also: Addition to my Brexit Articles: Mission Accomplished?

& „USA, UK, EU, Further Addition to my Brexit Articles: CIA and IRA“

Further links:

Paul Craig Roberts on Brexit:

Wallstreet and City of London:


George Friedman:

Deutsche Version unten

I´ve to admit, that the result of the vote on Brexit took me by surprise! In deed I had no doubts that a relatively small majority was against staying inside EU, but since the „51st State“ was always the „long arm“ of the US Empire to influence the policy of the EU I expected „Big Brother“ to do anything possible either to influence the vote or if „necessary“ to organize the rigging of the vote to make GB remain inside. Well, the US Empire isn´t „allmighty“, but they have many means of intervention. So with this official result I had to think again about the whole case! I think I found an explanation why the US Power Elite „allowed“ this to happen.

The close Anglo-Saxon alliance might have some hidden cracks, the dominance in finance capitalism might be a bit more in the City of London than in Wallstreet to the anger of the later:

And the Brits had done something quite ugly (in the eyes of the US Power Elite) they joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is also connected to the monumental project of the „Iron Silk Road“:




In the Thirties Wallstreet used the Nazis to put the Brits „to their place“ and kick them out of competition via enabeling Hitler to do his „Blitz“ (, and to destroy the Soviet Union), this time they could have counted on the realistic feeling of many people in GB (and other countries of the EU) that democracy is disappearing and on their feeling, that the EU is also a means of taking democracy and souverainity away (actually Wallstreet likes the disappearance of democracy a lot). The City of London might now understand who´s master and who´s the assistant! But the punishment might have very hard consequences: the Scotts might finally leave the UK, Northern Ireland might become a complicated place again.

And maybe Uncle Sam has come to the conclusion that it´s time to finally blow up the EU, which actually could benefit from the leaving of a member that never was really in. We might see more nasty development in Europe inspired by „Big Brother“! And if the other members of the EU don´t understand, that both together, widening and deepening of the organization, isn´t possible, those forces might succeed.


This must be „revenged“! – Das erfordert „Rache“!

FT Rachmann UK s risky obsession with US decline –


Maybe tomorrow – vielleicht morgen

Deutsche Fassung

Ich muss zugeben, dass mich das veröffentlichte Ergebnis der Abstimmung zum „Brexit“ erstaunt hat! Ich hatte keine Zweifel daran, dass eine knappe Mehrheit der Einwohner Großbritanniens gegen den Verbleib in der EU war, aber, da das Land im Wesentlichen als der verlängerte Arm der USA in der EU operiert, hatte ich erwartet, dass die US-Machtelite alles unternehmen würde, die Abstimmung zum Verbleib hin zu beeinflussen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, für eine Fälschung des Ergebnisses zu sorgen. Ich habe mich geirrt und musste erneut über den „Fall“ nachdenken! Ich glaube, mir ist klar geworden, warum die US-Machtelite den Brexit „erlaubt“ hat.

Es gibt wohl verborgene Risse in der Angelsächsischen Allianz. In der weitgehenden Hinwendung der beiden Partner zum Finanzkapitalismus gibt es zwischen der Wallstreet und der City of London eine Dominanz der City of London, zum Misvergnügen der Wallstreet:

Das ist eigentlich schon schlimm genug, aber dann haben die Briten in den Augen des „Großen Bruders“ etwas „Abscheuliches“ gemacht: Sie sind mit anderen europäischen Ländern der von China organisierten „Asiatischen Infrastrukturinvestmentbank beigetreten, die auch von Bedeutung ist für den Trans-Eurasia-Express, auch unter dem Namen Eiserne Seidenstraße bekannt. Dieses Projekt, das die Zusammenarbeit zwischen China, Russland und Europa stärken soll, ist für die US-Machtelite der pure Horror:


In den Dreißiger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts haben die US-Wirtschaftsmagnaten die Nazis gefördert und mit an die Macht gebracht, um Großbritannien aus der imperialen Konkurrenz zu kicken (und um die Sowjetunion zu zerstören):

Dieses Mal konnte man auf das Gefühl vieler Menschen im Vereinigten Köigreich setzen (was Menschen in vielen Ländern der EU teilen), dass die EU, so, wie sie ist, tatsächlich in hohem Maße von mächtigen Wirtschaftsinteressen bestimmt ist, und in hohem Maße zum Demokratie-Abbau misbraucht wird. Diesen Demokratie-Abbau liebt natürlich die US-Machtelite auch und möchte ihn tatsächlich eigentlich durch TTIP befördern. Hier nun haben die Mächtigen der USA neben raren Lippenbekenntnissen der Fraktion des Königreichs, die in der EU bleiben wollte, wohl in vollem Bewustsein die Unterstützung und die Einmischung versagt, die sie sonst jederzeit gegen Verträge und Völkerrecht anzuwenden bereit sind. Nun werden die Briten verstehen, wer Herr und wer Assistent ist!

Auf das Vereinigte Königreich könnten schwere Zeiten zukommen. Es mag zu einem weiterem Referendum in Schottland kommen, das die Unabhängigkeitsfraktion gewinnen könnte, um dann der EU und dem Euro beizutreten. Auch Nordirland mag wieder ein komlizierter Ort werden. Da könnte insgesamt aus Großbritannien Kleinbritannien werden. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass die US-Machtelite dies für einen „gerechte Strafe“ halten könnte.

Aber der indirekte Einfluss der USA durch GB in der EU ist nun auch vorbei. Vielleicht halten die wirklich Mächtigen der USA aber auch den Zeitpunkt für gekommen, die EU, die lange nur ihr Vasallenverein war, aber auch wirtschaftlich und währungstechnisch immer mehr Konkurrenz ist, endgültig zu sprengen:

Andreas Schlüter