Mit ‘GOP’ getaggte Beiträge


The US Elections are over and the medial public seems puzzled. A political outsider has won, Trump is President elect. No doubt, the former candidate has given an „odd sight“ at many occasions and has made some infuriating remarks. Mainstream media in the US and much more so in Europe have dwelled especially on those incidents.

Critical analysts on the other side have stressed his much more moderate positions on the relations between the US and Russia in particular. Those moderate positions if applied in reality might save us from WW III! Moreover some of his economic designs are much more in favour of US re-industrialization after a decades long policy of stripping the US off its industrial potential in favour of finance capitalism. This left many people jobless and hopeless. His victory may have been much more based on those designs instead of his rude remarks against minorities. And to be clear, there was quite a number of Trump voters and even supporters among those minorities.

What was rarely mentioned in the mainstream: Clinton is in deed the Neocons spearhead in the Democratic Party and had the full Neocon support (which she „earned“ for example by her blood thirsty help to destroy Libya). In deed Clinton brought Victoria Nuland into the Obama Administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. He was co-founder of the „Project for the New American Century“, which issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ in September 2000. If one wants to know what is in the Neocon „pipe“, one should read that paper. On page 60 you find the announcement of Fascist atrocities! It reads:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.“

Surely it should not target white Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs)! In fact those positions are the declaration of readiness for „Biological Race War“, leaving Trump´s chauvinism far behind.

US Power Elite still divided over strategic issues

Let´s face the facts: The association Neocons=Republicans and „Soft Power“=Democrats is invalid. The Neocons have taken over large parts of the Democratic Party and still hold parts of the Republican Party, whereas the party apparatus of the GOP is furious to have been left by the strong Neocon faction of the Power Elite in favour of the Democrats. Fact is also: the real Power Elite consists of maybe 100 people, the Super Rich linked to the „Military Industrial Complex“ and to Finance Capitalism together with those industries controling the „Cyber World“. They have at their disposal the „Deep_State“ with the „Intelligence“ apparatus. But there are still strong splits within that tiny Power Elite over strategy and tactics. The Neocons are ready to take any risk in the confrontation with Russia and China, whereas the other parts of the Power Elite are more cautious about their own survival. Those other parts are made up by the „Soft Power“ faction (they want to strangulate opponents by economic means), the older parts tending to „Isolationism“ and some other splinters. Those parts are favouring Trumps more moderate stand towards especially Russia.

The various factions were at_war_among_themselves especially over the Iran question and it seems the internal war is going on. It appears that Trump could only have won because of the section within the Elite opposing the overall risky games of the Neocons. Thus Paul Craig Roberts might be wrong assuming that the whole Oligarchy is behind the obviously coordinated Anti-Trump protests. Anyway, the impression is there that the Neocons try to launch_an_America_Purple_Revolution against Trump. But both sides are familiar with „dirty tricks“ and the „Anti-Neocon faction“ of the Power Elite might know „how_to_steal_elections“ in favour of their cause as well. If they would have done so that could also backfire if becoming public. It is a sad sight anyway to see now how the poor sections of the population, namely of minorities and poor whites are directed against each other (what the rich ones always like). It could finally lead to a situation favouring the Neocon designs as we might see.

Things to possibly come

The future is far from being clear. As stated here on this blog several times, the „lone weird shooter“ might still be waiting for Trump around the corner. The „Deep State“ of the Neocons might produce fake „proofs“ of a Russian intervention into the elections to declare them null and void. A „less rude“ way of the Neocons could be a strong influence on the Electoral_College to bypass the vote for Trump and still elect Clinton to be President. Together with the stirring of violent pro and counter protests an escalating situation especially in the three named cases could lead to declaration of the „State of Emergency“ and „Martial Law“ in favour of a respective Neocon directed regime. I can hardly believe the Neocons will easily give up, if not the whole affair is already running according to a well planned design by the Neocons. „Conspiracy Theory“? Well, US Politics is so full of conspiracies that theories are not the worst things. I take it to be possible that before Trumps inauguration things could happen which will lead to an „astonishment“ of the media (especially in Europe) exceeding the astonishment about Trumps election by far. Things could still become very, very nasty, much more nasty than some of Trump´s „qualities“ definitely are. Well, it can also not be totally ruled out that he will just be „tamed“ by some internal hints from the Neocon side. Rudy_Giuliani having close connections with the Neocons is near his ear.

Andreas Schlüter


My articles on the USA:

Two days before the US Elections, and many people have the feeling that there is something in the air. Both candidates of the dominant parties are highly detested by large sections of the population. The procedure of the Democratic Party for the nomination of the candidate obviously rigged, Trump not much liked by his own party, but legal clouds – mildly formulated – hanging over Clinton plus possible severe health problems, these are elections so controversial as hardly ever before in the US History. One thing is clear: the Neocon faction of the US Power Elite seems fiercely determined to make Clinton President. With the rigging of the Democratic Nomination Trump´s suspicion that the Elections will possibly be rigged doesn´t seem to be absurd, while the Clinton addicted mainstream media suspect Russia and the Trump team to electronically rigg the elections. And, no doubt, the other candidates pushed aside by the media, consolidating the „Two Party System“.


One must say: anything can happen, no one can really know, which „cards are under the Table“. As spectacular as the development is, even a „Business Plot 2.0“ could not totally be ruled out. There could be a staged attempt (possibly successful) on Clinton, blamed on Russia and Trump, with the result of „Martial Law“. If the Neocons are very confident of really controlling the situation, Trump could be „taken out“ by a „weird single shooter“. If a – possibly rigged – vote would present Clinton as President, there could be unrest by Trump supporters, result maybe: „Martial Law“. But the fight is obviously also again between factions of the Power Elite. I´m almost sure, something „nasty“ is going to happen either before, during or shortly after the elections!

Andreas Schlüter


US Elections: Now a Warrant on the Email-Affair, is the Struggle Within the US Power Elite Still Going on?“:

We Might See a Great Hype: The First Woman as President of the US!“:

The US Elections Ahead: What´s to be Expected From the US? A Recommendation“:

Elections and the US Power Elite: are there More Cards Under the Table?“:

Elections: What´s going on in the US?“

Is it a Real Surprise? Maybe not, but a Deep Disappointment: Sanders endorses Clinton!“:

My articles on the USA: