Open Letter to “Information Clearing House” on Publication of “Bin Laden´s Letter to America”

Veröffentlicht: April 27, 2017 in Politik, Wissenschaft
Schlagwörter:, , , , , , , , ,


I highly value “Information Clearing House”, but this contribution (taken from “Observer Worldview in 2002) puzzled me a lot:

A letter from bin Laden? Conviniently suggesting to the US to ask about him and/or the Muslim World: „Why did they attack us in New York and Washington?“

Anybody who has seriously dealt with Nine Eleven knows it was an Inside Job! I tried to comment on that post – all my comments otherwise go without problem – but the one on this post didn´t get anywhere:


Thus I decided to post my planned comment as an OPEN LETTER to ICH:

„Don´t you see that this is a fabrication to back the cover up of Nine Eleven as an Inside Job?

Inside this „letter“ bin Laden supposedly urges the US to ask themselves: „Why did they attack us in New York and Washington?“ The letter is mixed with a lot of rightfully Anti-Imperialist positions, to which many critical People would agree. This “letter” shouldn´t befuddle us.

Nine Eleven was an Inside Job, there can be no doubt anymore. It gave massive blackmail power to Israel´s Power Elite as far a Middle East policy is concerned, since they had everything done by the Neocons „on the Screen“. Stop dwelling on „Bin Laden´s letter“ or the „28 pages“. All meant to make the „official narrative“ more plausible!“


Or is it possible that ICH´s page has been hacked and this was inserted? I see that „letter“ as another „line of defense“ to cover up the Inside Job!

Andreas Schlüter

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

US Neocon Power Elite: Lines of Defense around the Inside Job Nine Eleven“:

My articles on the USA:

  1. Schlüter sagt:

    I´d bet my beard, it is a forgery! This forgery is made mostly to support the official narrative, but also to smear anti-Imperialist positions, the way: „you´re saying all what that weird bearded mass murderer is saying!“ No matter which time bin Laden really died. I agree it´s quite possible that he died already in 2001.
    Weekend regards

  2. I agree with David Ray Griffin (Osama Dead or Alive?) that bin Laden died of renal failure in December 2001. This particular document found „circulating“ on the Internet sure looks like a classic US intelligence forgery to me.

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