North Korea: War Games, Cyber War, De-Escalation and Provocation, Some Speculations

Veröffentlicht: April 18, 2017 in Politik, Wissenschaft
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The West displays a lot of medial and political alarm about possible North Korean nuclear armament and missile tests. To be frank – without any praise of the country presenting rather a caricature of Socialism or Communism – it is quite absurd to perceive North Korea as a threat to the world. It is not even a threat to South Korea being under the umbrella of the United States´ powerful military. North Korea has just learned that for a country not totally submitting itself under US control a minimum respect by the US can only be earned by acquiring nuclear armament (I say so as someone hating nuclear bombs from the bottom of my heart). Anyway, the US (Neocon) Power Elite_regards_the_whole_globe_as_their_colony.

Failed North Korean Missile Test

When I learned the recent North Korean missile test failed my first thought was: China stepped in by (most probably Cyber) sabotage in order to cool the situation in far East down!

Instead US politics tries to funnel to the public that the failure was due to US cyber intervention. Many people might believe that since it´s in accordance with the Western mainstream media narrative: the US just wants to save the World from dangerous North Korea! And the North Korean leadership might believe this story as well. Thus they´ve now announced weekly_missile_tests, pushing the perceived escalation further.

It´s Geo-Strategy, Stupid!

Chinese politicians are well aware who is the main target of the massive US military build up in the West Pacific having its alibi in the “North Korean Threat”, target is China! All tensions supposedly around North Korea are in US interest, whereas China wants de-escalation, possibly by “any_means_necessary”. The missile test failure was thus not in US interest since it portrayed North Korea as less a danger because of “technological incompetence”.

What is the basis for these assumptions? Well, the geo-strategic concepts of the US Power Elite seeking to maintain respectively to get World control! The US Power Elite is living its nightmare, which is the Eurasian cooperation including China, Russia and Europe! And they act according to that. The disputed question within the US Power Elite is: whom to “eat first?” Should it be Iran, Russia or China?

Who has Easier Cyber Access to North Korean Systems?

Surely the US capacity for cyber attacks is enormous, as the Stuxnet attacks on Iranian Uranium centrifuges have proven. It appears that even Russia might have had to learn that in a painful event as some legitimate_speculations around a Russian missile crash suggests. The hypothesis of US interference is also strengthened by an ex_British_foreign_minister.

All this said nevertheless the obvious interest of US geo-politics in keeping the situation hot as a pretext for further military build up in the West Pacific can not be neglected. And there is another important aspect: the mentioned speculation about US interference into Russian space activities are supported by the close space cooperation between the US and Russia, allowing a lot of “Gates” for US interference. The North Korean military technology is electronically insulated as far as the cyber aspect is concerned and the only connections could be with China, allowing China probably cyber interference.

Andreas Schlüter


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  1. […] North Korea: War Games, Cyber War, De-Escalation and Provocation, Some Speculations […]

  2. rogerglewis sagt:

    Hat dies auf MUSO MUSINGS ON FATHERHOOD THEORY AND STUFF rebloggt und kommentierte:
    An expanded narrative from an all possible worlds perspective.

  3. moorbey sagt:

    Hat dies auf Moorbey'z Blog rebloggt.

  4. People of South Korea reject the THAAD missile system and want it out of the country. Chances are good a more progressive candidate will become victorious in elections following the impeachment of South Korea’s woman president on corruption charges, and U.S. oligarchs are fearful of S. Korea following the example of Duterte and the Philippines. Hopefully geopolitical agendas/ambitions won’t „trump“ peace on the Korean peninsula.

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