US Allegations Against Russia: Hold the Thief! (In addition to the previous post)

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 18, 2016 in Politik
Schlagwörter:, , , , , , ,

If it wouldn´t be that serious one would have to laugh about the allegations against Russia to have hacked and thus rigged the US elections! There´s no country interfering more into other countries inner affairs and elections than the US as has been impressively shown by William_Blum.


The hype about „fake news“? US mainstream media are the masters of fake news and fake_narratives. In fact there have been some hacking attempts in connection with the US_election by the Homeland Security! And there are even some people in the „Inelligence Community“ still having some morals, since US_intel_vets_dispute_Russia_hacking_claims!

Andreas Schlüter

My articles on the USA:

  1. […] US Allegations Against Russia: Hold the Thief! (In addition to the previous post) […]

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